The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 749 The territory’s wheat fields grow!

As for Turing? .

At this time, the opponent's mind was focused on the divine body, and he didn't even look at them from the corner of his eyes.

After leaving the alchemy workshop, Zhao Hao asked Freya and Feida to return to the Government Affairs Office.


After explaining to the two of them, Zhao Hao unfolded his dragon wings and flew towards the Storm Fortress.

Only in the sky can you have a panoramic view of Storm Harbor.

Countless citizens shuttled through it like ants, and you could feel a vitality filling the port.

Especially the half-elves, their faces were full of joy.

Coming from Irollan to the Storm Territory, these half-elves felt like they were in a place they never dared to dream of.

There are no elves who see themselves here, just like seeing dirty things, and there are no dangers everywhere, let alone being able to eat every meal.

Eat enough!

For half-elves, it is definitely a luxury.

But in the Storm Territory, it is the most basic thing, not to mention the wooden houses, clothing, etc. assigned to them.

Generally speaking, all half-elves are extremely satisfied with life in the Storm Territory.

Although it requires hard work, it is completely natural, but they are a little dissatisfied with the working hours.

It's not that it feels long, but that it feels too short.

In addition to sleeping, you should spend all your time working! .

Faced with such a cruel proposal, Zhao Hao, who was already a little guilty because of 007, directly rejected it.

But even so, the work enthusiasm of the half-elves is completely visible to the naked eye, and there is no such thing as laziness, fishing, slacking off...

It was also because of the other party's full enthusiasm for work that the salt drying field was quickly opened, and the wheat fields were also expanded crazily.

There were originally more than 50,000 acres of wheat fields, but they expanded crazily after the half-elves joined.

In the past, it was not that there was not enough land on the island, but simply that there was not enough labor force.

After all, before the arrival of the half-elves, the population of the territory had just exceeded 100,000, and it still had to be allocated to workshops, ports, construction, etc., so there were not many people available for planting.

But with nearly 800,000 half-elves joining in, the territory's manpower exploded instantly.

Today, the number of wheat fields has increased to 300,000 acres in a few months, a six-fold increase, and it is still expanding crazily.

No one expected the half-elves' fanaticism for food.

From time to time, someone even quietly got up to work during a break, and only rushed back to rest when the manager discovered it.

Although there are quite a few of these wheat fields.

But compared to the population of the Storm Territory, it is not even an average of two people per acre.

There is no way, the population of the Storm Territory is growing exponentially, and it is not surprising that the area of ​​wheat fields cannot keep up.

Under normal circumstances, with this amount of wheat fields, the territory would rely on food imports.

But in fact, the Storm Territory not only did not purchase food, but even sold it in large quantities, making food the mainstay of goods.

Strong food production and extremely short maturation time are the greatest natural advantages of the Storm Territory.

With the endless supply of devil-brand ‘fertilizer’ from the Scorched Rock Volcano, at least in terms of food production, the Broken Star Islands can completely crush any fertile food-producing area.

A yield of three hundred kilograms per mu and a maturity period of ten days!

It is simply a perfect food-exploding machine.

It takes more than ten days to mature, because it takes several days to harvest, plant, water, etc.

An average output of half a month is not a problem at all.

Three hundred thousand acres of wheat fields, one harvest is 90,000 tons, and the yield is only a lot more.

With such a terrifying food output, the Storm Territory never has to worry about food shortages.

And the number of wheat fields will continue to expand until it reaches one million acres.

The previous plan was to limit the area to 500,000 acres, but that was because the half-elves' enthusiasm for work was underestimated.

As long as they are full, half-elves are better than ordinary people in all aspects, so their labor efficiency is higher. The previous plan of 500,000 acres of wheat fields seems a bit too conservative and cannot fully utilize the labor force.

One million acres!

This is only the target at this stage. If there are subsequent changes, this number will be increased at any time.

Even if it is one million acres, it is still nothing compared to the Broken Star Islands. At this stage, the Broken Star Islands can easily cultivate at least tens of millions of acres of wheat fields, and this area will increase with the expansion of the island. .

The potential is endless!

This is not said for nothing.

And between the wheat fields, there are guard towers at regular intervals with alarm bells and scouts on them.

This is a precautionary measure only after sufficient manpower is available.

Before it was replaced, there were far from enough manpower for planting, so why bother doing this?


Zhao Hao flew to the Storm Fortress and landed.

Only military units are stationed in the fortress, and no citizens can enter.

As long as there is no problem here, even if something happens elsewhere, we can handle it calmly.

Enter the fortress.

Zhao Hao came to inspect this time and also recruited Jinlong by the way.

Longya refreshes its recruitment quota every seven weeks, but the number of golden dragons has not increased since it was used to resurrect dead golden dragons several times before.

Don't look at it on the battlefield. They kill champion-level units at every turn, but you think the champion-level units are weak.

That's because we have units such as phantom shooters and shadow swordsmen, as well as special methods such as Hydra's Wrath.

Under normal circumstances, the impact of champion-level troops on the battlefield is extremely terrifying.

Unless there are special circumstances.

For example, the former Bucks Principality Maritime Fleet.

If it hadn't been for the action of those three thousand units of Archangels, the Storm could have taken away the entire fleet in one wave.

But it was the existence of those champions that dragged the battle to such a level. Although it was a crushing victory, the time dragged on for a long time, which was a bit shocking.

Come to Longya and pay the recruitment fee.


A huge golden dragon spread its wings, glided down from the dragon cliff, and landed in front of Zhao Hao.

"Jin Lin has seen the lord!"

The golden dragon lowered its head.

The Dragon Lord's expertise is so domineering.

For those unfamiliar dragons, it may have to take effect slowly, but for the dragons that are originally your own, it can be said to be full of effects as soon as it appears.

"Well, let's go to the altar first!"

Zhao Hao looked at the golden dragon in front of him with satisfaction, although he wanted to complain about its name.

The 30% attribute increase after the altar is strengthened, coupled with the camp transformation, is indeed worth strengthening, even if it is expensive.

Except for recruiting the Golden Dragon, Zhao Hao did not recruit any other arms.

The reason is also very simple.

The Storm Legion is at full strength.

Even if troops are recruited, they will only be stationed in lairs or barracks, wasting maintenance costs.

Now Zhao Hao also somewhat understands why there are so many recruitment quotas accumulated in the lairs of major forces, and there is no intention to recruit anymore.

Maintenance costs, food consumption!

When the number of troops is small, you don't feel it. But when the number of troops increases, the consumption of gold coins and food will be astronomical, and they will continue to be consumed, regardless of whether the troops go into battle or not.

Let the strengthened Golden Scales be stationed in the fortress, and Zhao Hao himself went to the Endless Fortress and Jiaoyan Volcano to inspect.

Finally returned to Stormport, because the Storm was back.

Under the premise of pressure, Turing's efficiency was completely unspeakable, and the work was completed before Zhao Hao arrived.

"This is what you want, please don't disturb me during this time!"

A tube of potion was thrown over by the extremely haggard Turing.

Next, he will focus on studying the divine body and does not want anyone to disturb him at all.

After getting the potion, Zhao Hao flew towards the port.

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