The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 751 Strategic Weapon: White Dragon (Thanks to book friend 15XXX356 for the reward)

Because the slower the breakthrough, the safer it is!

Bombs are so powerful precisely because they explode instantly.

If the explosion process is prolonged, the power will not be so terrifying.

The same goes for breakthroughs.

Of course, it doesn't mean that just lengthening the breakthrough time will suffice. This will also reduce the effect of the medicine. To lengthen the breakthrough time without reducing the effect is the biggest difficulty, and it is also the power of Turing.

Otherwise, to extend the effect time, even an ordinary alchemist can do it, let alone a master alchemist.

Bailong's fat and huge body became smaller again.

A series of blue lines flickered on its body, letting people know at a glance that the other party had become a 'magical creature', which of course still belonged to the category of Yalong.

After the fat body that almost occupies a large area shrinks, it does not give people the feeling of becoming weaker, but it feels more and more dangerous.

It's like changing from a fat man to an assassin.

Even if its size is greatly reduced, its threat will increase instead of decreasing.

One hour!

It took a full hour for Bailong to completely complete the breakthrough.

The appearance is still like a silkworm baby.

But now her body has a hint of crystal luster, fully worthy of the evaluation of 'white and tender as jade'.

Looking at the minibus-sized Bailong in front of him, Zhao Hao stepped forward to check.


The weak but joyful cry fully explained Bailong's emotions at this time.

"Eve, throw in the sea monster meat!"

Zhao Hao gave the order directly.

Evolution consumes a lot of energy, and weakness is normal.

That is to say, the white dragon's vitality is strong, so it can withstand the consumption of evolution.

After all, this evolution is not just an upgrade from the fourth level to the fifth level, that is, upgrading the backbone from the main force level, but an even more exaggerated improvement.

Do you really think that the effect of a divine body, an item coveted by all major forces, would be so simple? .

That is to say, the potential of White Dragon is too strong, otherwise it would not be surprising even if it enters the epic directly.

Now, it's time to review the harvest.

Bang, bang!

Pieces of sea monster meat were thrown into the core cabin from the dedicated upper passage by Eve.

Although there are puppets provided by Turing in the ship, there is no need to use them now.


For such a magical battleship with an empty load of 200,000 tons and a full load of 600,000 tons, the number of people to control it is zero. This is the advantage of the ship spirit.

It would take at least several thousand people to drive such a behemoth manually, and it would only be basic driving, and the efficiency could be imagined.

But the emergence of the ship spirit makes it completely unnecessary to have a driver, which is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Chi, chi!

The white dragon happily devoured the sea monster meat.

Sea monster meat contains extremely powerful vitality, which is much stronger than ordinary meat.

Eating a ton of ordinary meat is not as good as eating dozens of kilograms of sea monster meat.

Such a huge gap is the reason why the Storm uses sea monster meat as food to feed the white dragon.

Devour, devour crazily!

At this time, the white dragon was starved to the point of weakness, showing how crazy it was. Pieces of sea monster meat disappeared into its mouthparts.

Fortunately, the Storm's reserve of sea monster meat is extremely large, so it is not afraid of this kind of consumption. If it were an ordinary player, this kind of consumption alone would be enough to bankrupt it.

Just as Bailong was eating frantically, Zhao Hao clicked on attributes.


The properties interface pops up.

【White Dragon】(adult stage, can grow rapidly through feeding)

Level: 100

Race: Dragon Blood Mother

Racial talents: Insect King (production speed * 30, group limit * 30, can quickly absorb magic power and flesh and blood), Dragon Blood (health * 30, constitution * 10), Blessing of the Wind (descendants can gain speed increase, wind magic , and can also produce the Wind King Pterosaur)

HP: 2000000

Magic value: 100000

Attack power: 1-5

Defense: 100

Strength: 50

Physique: 300 (main attribute, automatically increases by 1 point every 5 levels, and gains 1 free attribute point at the same time)

Intelligence: 4

Knowledge: 4

Skills: Egg laying, Mother Queen induction, rapid hatching.

Lay eggs: It consumes 10 magic points or 10 kilograms of flesh and blood, and produces ten eggs in 1 second (after the talent effect is enhanced), which can be stored, with a maximum limit of 300,000 eggs.

Mother Queen Sensation: Can command descendants within 500 kilometers.

Rapid growth: By consuming 300 kilograms of flesh and blood or 30 points of magic power per egg, the descendants can enter adulthood in batches within ten minutes.

All-round improvement.

First of all, the level has been directly upgraded from level 49 to level 100.

This is not only a level change, but also represents a jump from the core level to the extraordinary level.

As for why he consumed so much divine body but could not reach the championship level.

Naturally, it's because the potential of the white dragon is too terrifying.

If it were an ordinary female insect, the promotion would at least start at the Champion level. The Epic level was not a dream.

The two talents of Insect King and Dragon Blood have undergone qualitative changes, and their data has increased several times.

For example, the most important talent of the Insect King, the previous effect was production speed * 10, group limit * 10, but now it directly changes to 30, which is completely a quantitative change leading to a qualitative change.

The effect of dragon blood is not too important. After all, the white dragon does not need to fight directly. No matter how high the health value is or how strong the physique is, it is of little use. If the enemy can be killed in front of him, it will only be able to take more beatings.

Instead, there is an additional talent of Blessing of Wind, which allows the descendants to gain speed increase, wind spells, and a new species, the Wind King Pterosaur.

This new talent is the biggest change.

As for changes in health, constitution, magic value, etc., there isn't much to say.

Of course, several skills have also been greatly improved.

The egg-laying speed is completely different from before. It used to be one egg every 10 seconds, but now it is 1 second and 10 seconds. The egg-laying speed has been increased by a hundred times.

And the upper limit of egg storage has also increased from 49,000 to 300,000, which is an increase of nearly six times.

The increase in the upper limit of the number has increased the threat of white dragons geometrically.

The Queen Mother's sensing range has been increased from 300 kilometers to 500 kilometers. Although it is doubled, it is already very good. After all, this represents the combat radius.

The final rapid growth skill is the only one that hasn't changed.

But the first two skill changes alone are worthy of this breakthrough.

Make money with blood!

So much money!

Whether it is talent or skills, any change can make Bailong's strength skyrocket. Now that there are so many improvements, how can it not be profitable.

Even though the white dragon was just an extraordinary creature at this time, it was completely a strategic weapon, more important than the epic crystal dragon.

"I see!"

Memphela and Ellie, who were standing behind the core cabin, also felt the changes in the white dragon.

After all, I have spent a lot of time with Bailong, so I can naturally feel the changes in him.

"After a while, you will also have a share!"

Zhao Hao, who had just closed the properties panel, said a word without turning his head.

After Turing studies it, it will naturally be refined into something that enhances strength.

The White Dragon is a non-intelligent race with extremely strong bodies, so it can be improved so simply and crudely. It is much more troublesome for the intelligent race.

This is also the reason why Zhao Hao gave priority to Bai Long.

Meng Feila and Ellie were happy when they heard this.

Who doesn't like to improve their strength? .

Now that there is a commitment, the two of them will naturally be happy.

Next, Bailong continued to eat.

He almost ate the meat of a sea animal that was more than ten times his size, returning his body to half its previous size.

Well, the essence is the concentrated one!

Now both temperament and appearance have improved a lot.

Of course, being smaller also means there is more room for growth.

And all aspects are stronger than before, which is enough to show how beneficial this breakthrough is.

Let’s get to the point next.

"White Dragon, produce a Explosive Flying Dragon and a Wind King Winged Dragon!"

Zhao Hao directly ordered Bailong to stop eating.

At this time, it can not only produce Explosive Flying Dragon, but also has the option of Wind King Pterodactyl.

The descriptions of talents and skills have changed to 'descendant' instead of 'blast flying dragon' before, indicating that talents and skills have the same effect on both types of flying dragons.


Bailong got the order and took action quickly.

The title is limited to 35 words, and I can’t even finish the thank you name. . .

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