The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 753 Life-saving information!


The twelfth-level ace soldier, known as the "battlefield meat grinder" in the world.

No need to explain how strong he is in melee combat.

Now the Wind King Winged Dragon can be evaluated as a high imitation version, which is enough to illustrate its melee strength.

Completely different from the incompetent Bolt Wyvern, the Wind King Wyvern is completely specialized in aerial combat.

Use metaphors to describe it.

Bailong is equivalent to a fighter jet manufacturing factory.

The Bolter Wyvern is the bomber.

The Wind King Winged Dragon is a fighter jet.

The three are a complete combat system.

After having the Wind King Pterosaur, it is no longer so powerless in aerial combat.

Even if we encounter the same situation as the Bucks Principality Fleet before, we can first use the Wind King Winged Dragon to kill the opponent's Archangel, or at least entangle the opponent and let the Explosive Bomb Winged Dragon carry out the bombing mission.

The two are very complementary tactically.

And the Wind King Pterosaur is almost perfect.

First is the body shape!

Medium size!

When facing small targets, it has the advantage of crushing size, and there is no disadvantage in terms of dexterity and speed. As long as you don't encounter archangels, archdevils, etc., you can almost defeat them.

When encountering large and giant enemies, such as giant dragons, your own dexterity is an advantage.

The level is elite level, which means that the cost of incubation is not too exaggerated. Once you enter the extraordinary level, the cost of incubation will increase dramatically.

And the rank is elite level, which does not mean that the combat power is only elite level.

Just like phantom shooters and shadow swordsmen, even if they are elite-level units, their effects are not weaker than those of extraordinary-level units.

The same is true for the Wind King Pterosaur.

Although the cost is ten times greater than that of the Explosive Dragon, if tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands swarm up, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they may have to kneel down.

Three thousand units of Archangels can be exhausted in just a few rounds.

Now you understand why Zhao Hao said that Bailong has become a strategic weapon, right? .

It's really exaggerated.

The mother's only weakness may be herself.

But with the Storm, this is perfectly avoided.

It was precisely because he understood that the greatest weakness of the aircraft carrier class was the magic battleship itself that Zhao Hao worked hard to build self-protection capabilities.

As long as the Storm does not sink, it can launch continuous attacks on the enemy from hundreds of kilometers away. No matter how strong the enemy is, they will not be able to withstand such rogue tactics.

Of course, after the overall change in Bailong's strength, the consumption has also increased a lot.

Usually, you need to accumulate more sea monster meat reserves, and you also need to accumulate more magic power in the element pool.

It is precisely because of the Storm that Bailong can fully display his combat effectiveness.

If Bailong fought alone, he might be directly attacked and beheaded by the enemy, and he would not be able to survive the exhaustion.

It can only be said that magic battleship + white dragon is a perfect combination, which directly leads to a qualitative change in its combat effectiveness.

Ten minutes later.


The Wind Emperor Winged Dragon was reduced to ashes by Green Wing's breath of dragon breath.

Don't blame Zhao Hao for being cruel, it's simply because recycling is too troublesome. Not only do you have to leave space for the opponent, but you also have to feed him food.

Unless the time is clearly known, it is impossible to hatch in advance.

Without using rapid growth skills, the consumption is actually not exaggerated, it just takes enough time.

As long as there is enough meat and magic power, the white dragon can transform into a hatching factory, and its crazy hatchlings will attack the enemy.

Aircraft carrier flow!

It is so incomprehensible, otherwise it would not be qualified to be called the number one school in the sea.

"The Storm will be on standby in the territory next, so be careful!"

Zhao Hao was extremely satisfied with Bailong's changes and gave instructions to his two generals.

Next, he will stay in the territory for a while until the divine body is dealt with.

There is no need to worry about information!

He released the mission in the Adventure Guild in advance and asked some adventurers to help keep an eye on the ports and warships of the major forces. He also asked several partners to help pay attention to relevant information. As long as there was a fleet coming to cause trouble, he would not worry about not being able to get the news in advance.

Fleets are different than individuals!

A small amount is fine, but when a large fleet is assembled, anyone who is willing can detect it in advance.

If an individual attacks, Zhao Hao said that the troops of his storm leader are not like the undead army, which is not enough of a threat to the strong.

On the battlefield.

The degree of threat that soldiers and monsters pose to the strong are two different things. Otherwise, the protagonist on the battlefield would not be a soldier.

Of course, the Naga Sirens of the Darkscale Tribe have set up a surveillance network near the Broken Star Islands to detect any abnormalities immediately.

The sea is the home ground of the Hai Clan! .

And with the addition of Turing, the alchemist master, the Naga Sirens also have magical communication tools.

Even though Turing is only one person, the terrifying refining speed, coupled with prop making, bloodline transformation, potion refining... the magic pattern is omnipotent, so the Storm Territory began to popularize alchemy props.

Worthy of being the ‘Hand of All Things’, this title is indeed appropriate.

In addition to describing the other party's alchemy skills, it also implies that the other party is proficient in various fields of alchemy.

After all, a normal alchemist is involved in all aspects in the early stage, but will specialize in one field in the middle and later stages. A monster like Turing is completely rare in a thousand years.

After testing the combat effectiveness of the two descendants, Zhao Hao waited for the prey to come to him.

And his wait was not in vain.

A few days later, he received a crucial piece of information.

The information came through the Myth Guild channel.

Pirates are coming!

Normally, this piece of information is not important. After all, with the strength of the Storm Leader, pirates are not a threat at all.

The problem is that this time the pirates are not only those who covet the 'Fountain of Youth', but also include several pirate groups supported by major forces.

Although in terms of reputation, these pirates who support them are not as "notorious" as ordinary pirates, their strength is even greater.

After all, this type of pirates, regardless of personnel, materials, warships... are all incomparable to ordinary pirates.

If the quantity is not large, there is no need for the other party to send news.

The problem is that the number is staggering. There are over a hundred large battleships, including three steel battleships.

It sounds like its strength is similar to that of the fleet assembled by the Bucks Principality.

But you must know that the pirates' endless abilities and methods are not comparable to the rigid principality fleet.

Especially the strength of the sailors!

The principality's fleet relies on discipline and equipment to suppress pirates with stronger personal strength. After all, pirates are a profession that walks on the edge of life and death, and there is no way for the weak to survive.

Only these will only pose a threat to the Storm Territory and are not considered fatal.

The problem is that there are some special races in this fleet.

Mirage clan!

A mysterious race in the sea.

Do you still remember the One-Eyed Pirate King’s ‘One-Eye’ magic battleship? .

The opponent's ability to be invisible is to imitate the innate ability of the mirage tribe. Now that this race has joined the action, the entire fleet can kill the Storm Territory silently.

We really want the other party to get closer to Storm Harbor.

So under the raging pirates, even if they can win in the end, they will pay a huge price, at least Stormport will definitely not be saved.

The point is to lead the people!

Pirates are not good birds. It is good to be able to retain half of the population despite killing wantonly.

Be afraid!

Zhao Hao was really scared after getting this information.

It can only be said that this piece of information allowed him to avoid a major blow.

The person who conveyed the information through the Myth Guild was a very destined guy.

Overlord of the Blood Sea!

At the same time, he is also a guy who has been following the pirate route since he came to the world of heroes.

Zhao Hao also dealt with the other party several times.

The other party's legend is that he pried a Naga Siren 'girlfriend' from the aborigines. It is precisely because of this that he was able to get along at sea, and now he is somewhat famous.

It was precisely because of his reputation that he was able to join this operation.

However, the other party changed hands and sold the pirates.

Because he was an enemy of Zhao Hao, the player lord who created the 'Aircraft Carrier Style', he felt that it was not a wise move. At the same time, even if he succeeded, he would not get much benefit, so he sent information through the Myth Guild.

Of course, the other party did not give the information in vain and offered a price.

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