The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 756 The growth of Blood Sea Studio!

wide sea.

At this time it was already flooded with a large number of ships.

Battleships or ships with different shapes and flags moved forward slowly.

Pirate fleet!

That is to say, those small boats were not brought along, otherwise it would not be surprising if there were thousands of boats.

For pirates, small boats are the most numerous.

However, the ships dispatched this time were either medium or large, and there were not many small ships, so there were 'only' more than two hundred ships.

On one of the medium-sized battleships located at the edge of the fleet, with a blood-red skull and crossbones flag and the words "blood sea" on it, the atmosphere was different from the pirates who were full of anticipation and excitement.

Because this is a player ship!

The players are extremely skilled in operating battleships, and it can be seen that they are all novices.

However, their expressions were calm, and most of their eyes contained nervousness and caution.

Because they understand what their role is in this operation.

Twenty-five boys!

Internal response!


These are their roles.

If you were a player with a strong sense of justice, your conscience would definitely be troubled.

But for them, they are afraid of being discovered, but there is no such thing as a sense of justice.

If they really have a sense of justice, they will not take the 'pirate' route. They usually rob ships and kill a lot of people. Now they are thinking too much about their conscience.

Of course, it is also because they are cunning and ruthless that they are regarded as the same kind by the pirates.

If it was really an alien, it would be cut into pieces by other pirates as soon as possible.

Two figures stood at the bow of the ship.

One of the taller ones is a handsome young player.

Overlord of the Blood Sea!

He is also the boss of Blood Sea Studio.

At this time, the Blood Sea Studio is not like the three or two big cats and kittens before. The official members alone have exceeded 200, not to mention the peripheral members, which add up to more than a thousand.

The reason why the Blood Sea Overlord is able to do so well is not because of his exaggerated personal abilities, but because he has a famous and excellent ‘girlfriend’.


This Naga Siren can not only provide great help in sea battles, but more importantly, the opponent has no worries about getting lost or running aground on rocks.

If you encounter an enemy that you can't beat, you can even cast spells to slow down the opponent.

With such a ‘girlfriend’, how could Blood Sea Studio not develop?

Countless players are envious and jealous of this, and at the same time they also want to find a "capable" girlfriend. She can be as ugly as possible, for money, not shabby.

The problem is that when these players want to learn Blood Sea Overlord, they realize that they must first find Naga Siren.

The Naga Siren does not have a fixed residence, so you can imagine how difficult it is to find it.

And more than that, if you really encounter the Naga Siren, you may have already become the opponent's food before you even get in front of it.

Countless players have sacrificed their lives to understand how difficult it is to find a ‘girlfriend’.

Now, many forces have begun to build relationships with Blood Sea Studio, allowing the other party's scale and connections to grow like a balloon.

However, the lack of battleships is definitely the biggest problem for Blood Sea Studio, so Blood Sea Overlord will take the risk to cooperate with Zhao Hao this time.

"My dear, this operation is very dangerous. You will go to the sea and leave later. Do you understand?"

The Blood Sea Overlord whispered to the Naga Siren in his arms, whose upper body was similar to that of a human woman, but was covered with blue scales and had a pair of fine fangs.

Regardless of his expression or tone, he seemed like a boyfriend who was worried about his girlfriend's safety.

Not to mention other aspects, this performance alone is enough to make him eat soft rice steadily.

No wonder he was able to pry a corner from the Tuna Pirates.

Take advantage!

Emily, a Naga Siren with only one more character in her name than Ellie, was completely obedient to the Blood Sea Overlord and did whatever he asked. She was even more touched when she heard that the other party was worried about her.

The Overlord of the Blood Sea is actually not as romantic as he looks.

One moment he was worried that Feng Liuyun would be carelessly defeated, and the next moment he was worried that the battleship would be completely destroyed in the battle.

As for dying once? .

For players like them who take the pirate route, it is not a big deal.

Because the main force in maritime battles is warships, as long as the ability to control the ships is not lost, level and skills are secondary.

"Boss, this plan won't fail, right?"

The deputy came over and asked worriedly.

He knew the plan this time, and naturally understood how miserable they would be if the plan failed.

Not only will you lose profits, but you may also be liquidated.

It can be said that this time it was completely stud.

"Shut up!", the Blood Sea Overlord shouted, and then reminded in a low voice, "Have you forgotten the capabilities of those guys, do you think we are living too comfortably?"

Pirates have all kinds of abilities. If their words were known, they would be able to quit now without having to wait until later.

"I...don't I see you are worried, boss, and want to comfort you?"

The deputy gave a stern explanation.

While speaking, he did not even look at the Naga Siren in the arms of the Blood Sea Overlord.

There used to be a famous studio member who was kicked out of the studio just because he said a few too many words to the other person.

The Blood Sea Overlord values ​​his 'girlfriend' more than anything else, so not to look at or talk to each other has become an untouchable unspoken rule in the studio.

"Get lost!", the Blood Sea Overlord drove them away angrily.

At this moment, Emily suddenly pointed to the sky in front of her and spoke.

"Look over there!"

The Naga Siren's vision is stronger than that of humans, so it can detect something in advance.

Hearing the reminder, the Blood Sea Overlord followed the instructions and looked up. After searching for a long time, he saw countless black spots in the sky in the distance that could not be spotted if he did not concentrate.

At other times, he wouldn't have cared about it. After all, anything could happen at sea.

But now, I naturally understand what those black dots represent.

"Send a signal that our battleship is damaged and needs to slow down for repairs!"

He gave the order directly.

He was reluctant to bury a medium-sized warship with him.

Don't look at the fact that the Storm Leader ships are made like dumplings, the merchant ships on the high seas are in double digits, and there are even magic battleships. You would think that there are many ship players.

Blood Sea Studio has considered the players to be a well-established force in the sea, and now there is only one medium-sized battleship and a few small ships left (not counting the transport ships purchased by the Hero Shipyard).

Under such a premise, it is not surprising that the Blood Sea Overlord would be careful.

It is not surprising for ships to be damaged at sea. This has happened several times, so the order of the Blood Sea Overlord did not arouse the pirates' suspicion.

Ten minutes later!

Finally some pirates realized something was wrong.

Because the movement in the distant sky was already obvious.

Of course, that is to say, the pirates did not arrange a lookout. If they did, they would definitely be able to detect it in advance.

"Enemy attack!"

"It's a surprise attack from the Storm Territory!"

"Prepare for long-range attacks!"

Roars and harsh warning sounds sounded one after another.

Since they belong to various major forces, the chaos of the pirate fleet can be imagined.

But everyone knows that facing the enemy this time, air defense is the most important thing.

One by one, pirates stood on the deck and prepared long-range attack weapons such as throwing axes, bows and arrows, and muskets.

Crossbows, trebuchets, and other war machines are also ready to go.

However, the number of war machines on pirate warships is far less than that of warships. After all, pirates mainly focus on plundering, and they mainly rely on side-to-side fighting during battles.

"what is that!"

"It's different from intelligence!"

"Attack quickly!"

The pirates whispered after seeing the target.

They already knew the information about the Bomb Dragon, but they didn't expect that there was also a cyan flying creature that was several times larger.

And you can tell at a glance that it's not easy to mess with, especially the two sickle-like sharp blades, which make people feel chilled in their hearts just by looking at them.

Fortunately, the pirates had an absolute trump card in their hands, otherwise they might have simply fled.


A dazzling light lit up on a large battleship.

At the same time, the sky started to turn red.

Layers of flaming red clouds gathered together, and the air became a little scorching.

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