The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 77: Forced into danger! (Thank you Prawn Noodles for giving you the tip)


The sound of fighting came from the direction of the city.

Zhao Hao immediately looked at Qingfeng, wondering if Baihua Club was going to cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, the other party happened to look over and looked at him the same way.

"Not you?"

Zhao Hao asked directly. He didn't want to cause any misunderstanding about his neighbor stealing the axe.


Qing Feng replied seriously, he and a few players were the only ones here this time, so how could they have so much energy to cause trouble.


I'm most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

In other words, they encountered an unreasonable disaster.

Just when Zhao Hao was about to click on the chat channel to check the situation, he saw a system prompt.

[You are in a regional battlefield, the chat function is temporarily closed! 】

Regional battlefield!

It means that some system functions will be restricted when in this area.

"I have something else to do...!"

"I have something else to do...!"

They both spoke at the same time and stopped at the same time.

Yes, at this time Zhao Hao and the other party both thought of it together, that is.

It’s better to sneak away first!

Isn’t there a saying that says, ‘A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall’?

At this time, their situation was similar.

Hearing that the other party had the same reaction as themselves, both of them understood that the other party's personality was as 'cautious' as theirs.

But before the two of them could appreciate each other, they heard Ellie's low voice reminding them.

"Something is wrong!"

Looking up, Zhao Hao found that the surrounding guards were vaguely surrounding them, and the archers and crossbows on the arrow towers were also aiming here.


He didn't understand it at first, and then he suddenly realized it.

What a coincidence!

If he comes on the front foot and something happens on the back foot, the other party will naturally doubt him.

If it weren't for the fact that his ship was a transport ship, he might have taken action directly without even having to doubt it.


There was a slight flapping of wings, and a homing pigeon landed on Qing Feng's shoulder.

The chat system in Hero World is often affected, but that doesn’t mean communication is impossible.

Regardless of messengers, spells, props... they can all replace the chat channel.

After Qingfeng read the note brought by the carrier pigeon, he said in disbelief:

"how so!"

Mysterious people, get out of here!

Seeing the other party's reaction, Zhao Hao couldn't wait to snatch the note from the other party's hand to see what could make a future boss change his face.

After Qingfeng came to his senses, he handed over the note.

Taking the note, Zhao Hao thought that although the other party said he would be a big boss in the future, he was still a little immature now. If it were him, he would be able to do anything...

"++ (Xia Guo's expletive)"

After reading the message on the note, Zhao Hao cursed subconsciously.

Because this chaos is actually related to them.

No, it’s not about them, it’s about the players, the ‘adventurers’ in the eyes of the indigenous people.

A large number of players who call themselves the Freedom Front are shouting ‘for a free world! 'Slogan to attack the city lord's palace.

There were only a few sentences of information on the note, probably because there was no way to get more information in a hurry.

But when Zhao Hao saw the 'Freedom Front' and was very familiar with the slogans, he couldn't believe it at all.

Because he is really familiar with this organization.

Freedom Front, this organization has always had only one goal.

Resist the rule of the nine camps.

To put it in human terms, all the interests are divided up by the nine major camps, and those who come late will be exploited by them. In this case, some people will naturally be dissatisfied.

Players relied on their immortality and did not want to be ruled by mere 'NPCs', so this organization emerged.

When Zhao Hao was reborn, the Freedom Front was already a super force that made the nine major camps fearful, and there were even countless aborigines in it.

Please tell me, when such a future super organization appears in front of him, how can he not be shocked? .

Just after recalling the Freedom Front intelligence, an urgent fact appeared in front of Zhao Hao.

what to do? .

Once these guards know that it is the 'adventurer' who is causing trouble, he, who is also an 'adventurer', will not be able to clear away the suspicion, and the other party will definitely take action directly.

So Zhao Hao was very confused.

If you take action, you will definitely be regarded as a member of the Freedom Front, and you will be wanted. And as the Freedom Front grows, the scope of the wanted will also expand.

But if you don't take action in advance, you will have no choice but to die.

If only he would die, it would be better than being dragged down by the Freedom Front.

But now he still has troops under his command, and the price of death is too heavy, so he is entangled.


At this time he really wanted to curse.

You on the Freedom Front didn't take action early or late, but you took action as soon as you arrived, as if you were specifically trying to trick him.

He never thought that he would face a situation where he was "forced to go to hell".

If you don't take action, you will have to wait for death, so...


Zhao Hao gave the order in a low voice and decided to take action in advance.

Hesitation will only lead to defeat. He understands this truth better than anyone, so he only hesitated for a moment and made a decision that made his heart bleed.

It does bleed.

This also means that from now on, he will stand on the opposite side of the nine major camps.

Although this was his goal, he never thought of standing up so early! .

Because now resisting the nine major camps is just like joining the command of Ka Dazuo who has opened the Wuchang dungeon in the real world.

Totally seeking death!

If it weren't for the fact that the Storm Territory is located outside the mainland and is not within the control of the nine major camps, he might have been desperate.

After receiving the order to attack, the fastest movers were naturally the Shadow Swordsmen who rushed out of the cabin like lightning (when entering the port, the troops huddled in the cabin).


The shadow jump was activated and appeared directly on the shore, half of them quickly rushed towards the arrow tower.

War machinery such as crossbows pose little threat to us, but they pose a great threat to transport ships, so they must be dealt with first.


A guard who was about to shout a warning felt a chill in his throat, and then his body fell softly.

Ellie slowly withdrew the long sword that pierced the opponent's throat, and the guard's companions were also killed by several shadow swordsmen.

To deal with these guards whose combat power is at the first or second level on average, the shadow swordsmen don't even need to trigger the imitation technique.

"Be careful, the opponent is reinforcements from the Freedom Front!"

"Get help quickly!"

"Form up a counterattack!"

The guards who were not attacked by the Shadow Swordsmen shouted loudly.

The phantom shooters holding wooden bows also walked onto the deck from the cabin at this time.


Arrows shot out of the air, killing the guards who had not had time to find cover.

Accurate and fast, these are the advantages of bows and arrows.

Bang, bang!

The pile of wooden boxes in front of Zhao Hao was also shot by the guards' crossbows.

However, the long-range firepower of these counterattacks was rapidly weakening at this time.

Facing the eighth-level shadow swordsmen and phantom shooters, the guards were no match at all, and they did not have an overwhelming advantage in numbers. How could they possibly make a comeback?

But seeing that victory was in hand, Zhao Hao's expression did not relax.

On board the pirate ship!

At this time, he has firmly established his identity as the 'Freedom Front', so how can he feel better?

You know, this is the strongest and largest 'terrorist organization' in the future. Once you enter, don't try to clear your name. It will be attacked to death by the nine major camps.

Learn about the Jiuchang package! .

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