The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 774 Kill and win!

"let's start!"

Zhao Hao used Death Space to put away Xiaolu and issued a siege order.

Following his command.

Squeak, squeak!

The vampire kings dispersed and rushed towards each other.

Facing this quasi-epic monster, the Vampire King had no way of causing damage, so he acted as cannon fodder.

Feida, who had been fighting with him in aerial combat but was suppressed, now gathered all her strength to fight back.

After half an hour of fighting, the opponent's trump card was roughly figured out.

Although she paid the price with serious injuries, it also created the conditions for the killing.


A vampire king was cut into pieces by the wind blade.

The wind blade, which was extremely easy for Feida and Freya to avoid, was not easy for the Vampire King to avoid.

at this time.

A bat with some golden patterns on its body appeared behind the Lord of the Flies, transformed into a human form and waved out its claws.

The sharp claws shone with a faint bloody light, indicating that extraordinary power was used.

If the Poisonous Flies Lord's reflexes and magic power were at their peak, he would have subconsciously used spells to defend or dodge.

But now that everything has declined, I can only fight back with my tail.


There was a palm-deep wound dozens of centimeters long on the body of the weird flying dragon.

For ordinary people, this is already a fatal injury.

But for a target as large as the Lord of the Flies, which is more than ten meters in size, it is completely at the level of 'scratching'.

However, it is naturally impossible for the blood noble to not know the effect of the attack, so his target is not the wound, but the blood flowing out of the wound.

A large amount of blood gushes out from the wound and is then sucked into the body.


The tail whipped the blood noble away so hard that his bones might have been broken.

However, it can be seen from the smile on the corner of his mouth that not only is he not angry at this time, but he is extremely excited.

The blood of quasi-epic creatures!

For a vampire, it is no less than a big dose of tonic, and even if it cannot be advanced immediately, it is almost there.

If there was no Zhao Hao to support him, coming alone would be a complete courtship of death.

It can be seen that following a powerful 'collaborator', it is so easy to obtain the blood of the strong.

Zhao Hao could naturally see the little moves of the blood nobles very clearly.

He had already expected this. People who surrendered to him wanted to use their own strength to hunt for the blood of powerful creatures.

Only when his strength reaches an epic level can he face it. Before, he would only be afraid that he would not grow fast enough, so how could he stop him.

Call of the dead!

Zhao Hao continued to summon vampires to harass and besiege the Poisonous Flies, taking full advantage of the 'Summoning Flow' route.

The vampires are indeed not a big threat, but having cannon fodder can make it easier for Feida.

Just when the Lord of the Flies was at a loss to deal with it.


Golden light enveloped the surrounding area.

Freya had been acting as an atmosphere team before, only using moon blade mode to attack remotely, just to collect information about the Poisonous Flies.

Now that the opponent's capabilities are fully understood, and Zhao Hao has also issued a general attack order, it is time to take action.

It can only be said that although Feida had no results, her contribution was definitely the biggest.

After all, the difficulty and danger of holding a quasi-epic monster like the Lord of the Flies head-on for half an hour can be imagined.

It was the half-hour delay that gave Zhao Hao the opportunity to deal with the poisonous flies and Freya to see clearly the opponent's abilities.

Now, it is naturally Freya's turn to deliver the fatal blow.

The Poisonous Flies instinctively sensed the fatal danger behind him, so he flapped his sheath wings with all his strength, trying to dodge the attack, and at the same time instinctively used spell attacks.

Too late!

Freya's golden field already has the effect of 'killing at first sight'.

Not to mention watching Lord of the Flies for half an hour.

The opponent's fighting habits and abilities are well understood, so how could he miss? Therefore, the time when the golden field is opened happens to be when the opponent is at his weakest and least able to react.

Only a few wind blades can slightly stop it.

The wind blade will also be weakened by 90% of the effect of the golden field.

The remaining 10% effective wind blade was still powerful enough to cut off flesh and blood, but when faced with Freya wearing golden armor, it would only leave slash marks at most.


The golden fang dagger in her hand stabbed smoothly into the left area of ​​the Poisonous Flies Lord's back.

Get in all the way!

Although the fang dagger wasn't too long, it was still several dozen centimeters long, so if it was completely engulfed, it would be considered a minor injury.

Yes, for Lord of the Flies, this injury is only a minor one.

He's big enough to take a beating!

This is also the most helpless place for professionals when facing large targets, because normal fatal injuries are only minor injuries to these targets.

Just such a wound, of course, would not make the Poisonous Flies feel fatally dangerous. The real danger lies in the actions behind it.

boom! !

The dragon's breath flame on the fang dagger exploded from its body like high explosives.

A large amount of dragon breath flames and minced meat exploded in all directions.

The momentum didn't look big, at least compared to Feida who was bursting out with all her strength, the movement was much smaller.

But small movement does not mean small damage.

The dragon's breath flames erupted from the Poisonous Flies Lord's body and instantly tore the left side of his back to pieces, even including a sheath wing.

See, this is the most deadly place.

Even if the opponent is lucky enough to survive, he will lose his ability to fly.

This eliminates Zhao Hao's biggest worry.


The opponent is not a member of the military. When they feel a life and death crisis, they are likely to escape.

If that were to happen, facing a quasi-epic monster that was ready to retaliate at any time, the Star Language Leader would not be able to withstand it, so it had to eradicate it.

First eliminate the possibility of the other party escaping.


The remains of the Poisonous Flies fell into the swamp.

However, neither Freya nor Feida had any intention of beating up the drowned dog.

Because the opponent is not a "reservoir dog", but an extremely dangerous quasi-epic monster, and it is even more dangerous when injured.

Injured monsters are the most dangerous!

This is common sense.

With both of them already winning, the two of them didn't want to be dragged into the water by the other party.

Therefore, this glorious task fell to the vampires.


The remaining hundreds of vampire kings swarmed up, as if ready to share a delicious meal.

Only when swooping around the Lord of the Flies.


Countless wind blades emerged out of thin air, tearing everything into pieces with such violence that even the space was somewhat distorted.

If Feida and Freya had gotten too close just now, they might have been hit.

Two people can withstand an ordinary wind blade, but that's not necessarily true for a wind blade of this power.

Of course, this is also the opponent's ultimate move.

It had not been used before because it had always had the upper hand. Now Freya suddenly attacked, causing it to be severely damaged before it could be used.

After tearing apart hundreds of vampire kings with one blow, the breath of the poisonous fly king fell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Freya appeared where the other party had lost half of his body.


It's a super skill when it comes to fighting.

It is by virtue of this ability that the Great Demon is as famous as the Archangel.

Freya's teleportation in the golden realm will only be stronger.

Long moving distance, fast cooling, unlimited movement!

Not to mention quasi-epic, even truly epic or stronger enemies can be suppressed with this ability.


The terrifying dragon's breath ignited on the golden dagger.

But before his attack could land, he discovered that a green organ in the Poisonous Flies' body suddenly exploded, and countless green liquids spewed out.

Once Freya is drizzled with green liquid, the fun will be great.

Apart from other things, what is his name? .

Lord of the Flies!

The name contains the word "poison", so this is probably the opponent's strongest ability, but in the previous battle, Feida's extremely flexible mobility did not give the opponent a chance to use it.

Now when he is dying, he will naturally fight back before death.


It's a pity that Freya is also a ruthless dragon. She doesn't retreat but advances. When she is drenched by venom, she also stabs the weapon into the opponent's body.


The terrifying dragon's breath flames erupted and engulfed the opponent instantly.

With the Lord of the Flies solved, the battle is over.

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