The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 777 Preparation for Hunting (Thank you guys for your subscriptions, votes, and rewards!)

After solving the transportation problem, Zhao Hao took Alibuda out of the lair.

Clearing out the forest of poisonous flies and harvesting a treasure, a pool of jade scale wine, is a real profit.

After solving this 'soft persimmon', the next step is the nest of nine-headed monsters, which are likely to be 'hard bones'.

Facing the ultimate nine-headed monster, there is no such thing as a vampire versus a poisonous fly.

Therefore, even Zhao Hao must be careful.


Freya came over with Feida, and she finally returned to normal.

Well, it can also be seen from here that Zhao Hao's power has grown.

In the past, it was very difficult to deal with the quasi-epic, but now it is easy to handle, even willing to pay the price, and it can be quickly surrounded and killed.

"Let's go, we still have strong enemies to deal with!"

Zhao Hao signaled the two of them to set off.

Nine-headed monster!

Zhao Hao had already thought of the tactics and was just waiting to see if they would go smoothly.

If the tactics are right, it might be easier than solving the poisonous fly forest.

But before setting off, he had to recall Alibuda and switch professions.

To deal with targets like poisonous flies that rely on numbers, the vampires summoned by the necromancer can be called the nemesis, but this trick is useless against the nine-headed monster.

Facing such individual powerful monsters, the main profession is more suitable.

In addition to the fact that the natural barrier and ultimate transformation of the main profession are suitable for dealing with powerful individuals, there is another more important reason.

That reason is also the reason why Zhao Hao feels that if everything goes smoothly, he will have an easier time than Poisonous Fly Forest.

He still left on Freya's restored golden dragon, but he was extremely wary of all kinds of attacks.

You suffered a loss when you came, but you can't suffer a loss again when you leave.

Unfortunately, that mysterious enemy did not appear this time.

To be honest, Zhao Hao was very curious about what kind of monster it was that could paralyze the golden dragon with the talent of golden dragon body.

Flying from the sky, the speed is naturally imaginable.

It only took less than an hour to fight off various attacks and reach the swamp area where the nine-headed monster was.

"go there!"

Zhao Hao put away the eagle eye telescope and signaled Freya to fly forward according to his instructions.

With this treasure, his visual range increased five times. His reconnaissance ability should not be exaggerated, and he easily found a location suitable for his plan.

Hoo, ho!

Freya flapped her wings, flew over the swamp covered with green vegetation below, and landed towards a hilly hill.


The extremely heavy body landed heavily on the top of this 100-meter-high hill without any plants.

"Sir, is there anything special here?"

Feida jumped off the dragon's back and began to look around, discovering that this was a hilly area surrounded by swamps.

"If I say that there are several giant mineral veins beneath our feet, do you think it's special enough?"

Zhao Hao said casually.

"Ah!" Feida was no longer as ignorant as when she was first captured by the dragon hunters. She urgently reminded: "Then let's occupy this place quickly... No, this is the territory of the Star Language Territory!"

"Yes, this is the 'Star Language Territory'!"

Zhao Hao looked at her with a subtle expression and gave a hint in an aggravated tone.

Seeing the expression and hearing the hint, Feida, who was just about to persuade, immediately thought of something.

That is who gave the Star Language Merchant Group the Lord's Heart, and they also relied on them to eliminate monsters and open up business routes.

Although the other party paid the reward.

But to put it bluntly, they are the only ones who can help the other party. Even if the reward is doubled several times, as long as they help, it is a favor.

In other words, the relationship between the Astrophic Leader and them should be closer allies than the myth.

Then if these mineral veins fall into the hands of the Star Language Leader, it will be no different than if they fall into the hands of the Storm Leader.

Zhao Hao noticed that Feida's expression changed rapidly and finally turned calm. He understood that she had figured out the inside story and was somewhat satisfied with it.

Because Feida can not only fight, but also have other abilities that are good, I can definitely add more burdens to her in the future.

At this time, Feida still didn't know that she was being taken down just because she wanted to show off in front of Zhao Hao, and she didn't know if she would regret her performance.

"Then are we here to deal with the nine-headed monster or are we here to check out these giant mineral veins?"

Freya asked curiously as she surveyed the swamp ahead.

"Of course I'm here to deal with the nine-headed monster!"

Zhao Hao began to release a war machine.


That's right, the main profession is artillery style.

Even if you don't bring any long-range troops, you can still carry a ballista with you.

When facing a large number of enemies, the ballista is not powerful at all.

But when facing powerful and rare monsters, the ballista is a super killer weapon.

Soon, the green crossbow of Hydra's Wrath appeared beside him.

In fact, the swamp is also its home field.

This can be seen from one attribute.

Form transformation (can take one minute to transform into mount mode, but cannot fight, and can move freely in swamps and water)

Hydra itself is the overlord of swamps and water.

The problem is that Zhao Hao cannot set up the crossbow in the swamp, so the top of the hill on the edge of the swamp is the most suitable sniping point.

It is really troublesome to face a target with a huge size and amazing vitality like the Nine-Headed Monster.

Because when the other party senses that his life is in danger, he just crawls into the swamp and escapes.

But after Hydra's Wrath, the situation was different.

Hunting will become easy!

As long as the opponent wants to escape, just kill him or severely damage him with a crossbow.

Therefore, as long as you can lure the target over to fight, it will be an easy hunt.

Then he looked at Phaeda.

There is no way, Freya can't fly, at least not until she opens a realm, and she can't fly until she recovers her body.

If you turn into a golden dragon, you will attract not one or two nine-headed monsters, but a nest of nine-headed monsters.

"It's up to you to lure the nine-headed monster!"

Zhao Hao had no embarrassment at all in letting Feida be the bait alone.

Anyway, with her current strength and the enhanced nature of the sacred deer potion, the danger of acting as a bait is not great.

Especially under the premise of knowing the existence and information of the nine-headed monster in advance.

That's right, Zhao Hao's complete plan is to lure the nine-headed monster here and then kill it here.

The tactic sounds simple!

But the more complex a plan is, the more likely it is that accidents will occur during execution, while a simple plan has a very high success rate.

There is no wisdom in bullying the nine-headed monster!

Although they are both at the championship level, the nine-headed monster is different from the giant dragon and can be fished out completely.


Thin red scales grew, dragon wings spread out from behind, and Feida entered a half-dragon state.

Without the ability to fly, there is no way to attract monsters.

Because this swamp is different from a poisonous fly forest.

Although there are dense vegetation growing on it, there is not even a tree. Once you stand on it, it will disappear immediately.

Seeing Feida spread her wings and fly above the swamp, as if she didn't know anything, Zhao Hao also took Freya to the foot of the hill in front of the hills, which is the boundary with the swamp.

Hydra's Wrath can also be controlled by the hero Zhao Hao on the top of the hill, so there is no need to worry.

"Natural barrier!"

Zhao Hao directly unfolded the barrier.


A light green barrier that only he could see unfolded.

Sprinkle, sprinkle!

Several packets of Man-eating Vine seeds are sprinkled. This time the target is not only powerful but also numerous, so use more seeds.

The seeds are evenly distributed throughout the barrier, dragged by the grass.

Especially in the mud, seeds grow rapidly and become larger, lurking like pythons.

The longer the natural barrier is open, the more powerful it will be when used, so naturally it must be opened in advance.

At the same time, the set ability of Zhao Hao's main profession, 'Source of Nature', can restore health points according to a certain proportion of the maximum health points, allowing him to consume health points to speed up the man-eating vine.

As long as the nine-headed monster dares to come, there will be no return.

Zhao Hao had no worries about the upcoming hunt, only expectations.

A long time ago, he dared to hunt the black dragon. Now that his strength has grown so much, he was just hunting the nine-headed monster. There was nothing to worry about.

That is to say, they are worried that there will be too many in the nest, and at the same time they are afraid of escaping, otherwise they will go straight to the nest.

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