The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 788 Inquiry and Ning Yuan!

Come to the second floor of the Lord's Mansion!

Freya and Feida were resting on the sofa.

Zhao Hao sat down behind the desk and motioned for Curry to sit in front of him.

It wasn't the small conference table, but his desk. The wood was smooth and delicate, and you knew it wasn't ordinary without asking.

Of course, the focus now isn't the table, but the conversation that follows.

"If I rescue your people, will they serve me?"

Zhao Hao got straight to the point.

Of course, with the title of Viking savior, he is not afraid that the Vikings will not be loyal to him after the mission is completed, but his next actions are a bit tricky.

Before completing the mission, let the Vikings work for you.

It takes a lot of time and energy to solve the messy Viking Kingdom problem.

But this cannot be done for the time being, because all the resources of the Storm Territory will be invested in the upcoming war.

At this time, you need to get some assurance from the other party.

Upon hearing Zhao Hao's question, Curry did not answer immediately, but lowered his head and thought.

If the other party could complete his commission, he firmly believed that all Vikings would be willing to serve the Storm Leader, but it would be different if only a part of them were to do so.

As for his own prestige? .

Don't think too much. When he escaped from the Viking Kingdom, it would have been good if his compatriots didn't hate him. How could they trust him unconditionally?

But he also knew that this was an opportunity, an opportunity for some tribesmen to escape their tragic fate.

"I should be able to persuade some of them to fight for you, Lord Lord!"

Curry raised his head, his eyes firm.

No matter how difficult it is, he will not back down.

At this time, his eyes were shining with determination. His escape was an eternal pain in his heart, and now it is time to atone for his sins.

"Okay, let's get ready and let the Storm and the offshore fleet replenish supplies. We are ready to set off!"

Zhao Hao nodded and signaled the other party to do something.

Watching Curry leave, he began to think about how to cry wool.

During this period of time, he was not only focused on performing mercenary tasks. After taking over the task of 'Prince's Revenge', he asked his allies and other forces to start collecting intelligence on the Viking Kingdom.

Originally, I wanted to see Curry's performance before deciding when to take action.

But now the Storm Territory is in urgent need of manpower, so the Vikings, a race that is good at fighting and sailing, naturally entered his field of vision.

The Storm Territory has just absorbed half-elves, so it stands to reason that there is no shortage of manpower.

But the problem is that half-elves have been absorbed by workshops, wheat fields, salt fields, etc., and their transfer will affect the interior of the Storm Territory, so at this time, it is important to absorb some external manpower.

And Zhao Hao also has a complete training plan.

The green scale wine has been shipped, and there is plenty of food and excellent equipment. It is possible to quickly cultivate a powerful army.

Of course, there is one more important thing.

Professional credentials!

Although he had the professional certificate for killing the quasi-epic harvester in the Shenmu Castle, it was only the 'Phantom Dancer', a profession suitable for elves and half-elves. Of course, it was impossible for a Viking to take up the job.

The good news is that Curry’s previous information included this aspect.

The Viking Kingdom has melee career inheritance items.

As long as they can get that thing, the Vikings can find a job that is very suitable for them.

Where the things the other party mentioned are located, there are also a large number of Vikings being raised.

Zhao Hao saw that Curry was planning to use this temptation to rescue his compatriots, which he didn't mind.

System constraints can only ensure the loyalty of the other party, but they will not make the other party's machine the same. It is not surprising that they have little thoughts.

After resting for a while, Zhao Hao got up.

"Let's go!"

Following his voice, Freya and Feida, who were resting on the sofa, stood up, and Ellie, who had just come in, followed.

Well, how could there be no shadow swordsman in this kind of battle?

For a simple destruction mission, the Shadow Swordsman may not be needed, because the Storm alone is more than enough.

But this time is not a simple destruction mission, so the Shadow Swordsman needs to be brought along.

Not long after, the group of them arrived at the port.

In the huge port, there are many ‘behemoths’ moored.

They are all high-sea merchant ships!

Even the smallest one weighs tens of thousands of tons, and the giant one weighs 50,000 tons.

This tonnage is indeed qualified to be called a giant beast.

But compared with the ship not far away that barely squeezed into the berth, with a slender and smooth hull that looked like a work of art, these long-sea merchant ships couldn't even be considered younger brothers.


The most powerful magical battleship in the heroic world, now has a legendary ship with the title of 'Destroyer'.

Yes, the Storm now has a title.

Two legendary naval battles brought this magic battleship directly to the top. After all, no magic battleship had performed so exaggeratedly before.

There are still many types of troops standing on the Storm.

3000 units of eighth level enhanced phantom shooter!

3,000 units of eighth-level enhanced shadow swordsmen!

310 units of level 12 unicorn beast!

5 units of level 14 enhanced golden dragon

A regiment of 1,000 half-elf archers from the Green Field Legion.

The number of troops is extremely limited.

The reason why we did not bring the full number of troops is because this mission does not require the combat effectiveness of the arms, so it is better to leave space for people.

In addition to carrying troops, the fleet also carried a large amount of supplies.

Such as food, clothing, medicine...etc.

The Storm Territory, which already had a lot of experience in migration, was quite well prepared in this regard.

"Lord Lord!"

Curry said hello to Zhao Hao excitedly.

He was about to set off to save his compatriots, how could he not be excited.

"Show your abilities!"

Zhao Hao nodded lightly.

The opponent's performance during this period was pretty good, so he thought of "bringing" some Vikings out first.

This action is also an opportunity for the other party to show their abilities in front of them.

Usefulness and uselessness are completely different in the Storm Territory.

Curry naturally understood that this was an opportunity to express himself in front of Zhao Hao, so he took a deep breath and began to command the fleet to set off.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a sailing hero. Under his command, the fleet became much smoother.


A huge fleet headed by the Storm, consisting of 24 high-sea merchant ships of more than 10,000 tons and 1 high-sea merchant ship of 50,000 tons, left the Storm Port.

Next, they head to the Viking Sea.

The information on the route was obtained from the Blood Sea Overlord.

After all, the current Viking Kingdom can be regarded as a lair for pirates, and the other party naturally has a route map in their hands.

Well, the reward given to the other party last time has been paid, and the other party is extremely satisfied.

Therefore, it is extremely easy to obtain route maps, and there is no need to even talk about transactions.

After all, there are many people who know about the Viking Kingdom. As long as they are willing to spend time and energy, they can naturally get the route map. Finding the other party is purely to save trouble.

Curry also has a route map in his hand, but it is a bit outdated.

This operation was also escorted by the Naga Siren.

The Dark Scale Tribe has been bound to the Storm Territory, so naturally they will not fail to contribute.

In the face of the increasingly powerful Storm Lord, the Naga Sirens have no intention of betrayal, but are extremely loyal.

As for the necessities for the propagation of the race, some pirates gave them to each other as gifts.

Well, we all know what happened to those pirates.

The Naga Siren will perform the idiom "Dial X to be ruthless" to the opponent.

After leaving Storm Harbor, Zhao Hao discovered a situation.

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