The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 791 Infiltration and dialogue! (Thanks to the bridge boss for the tip)

Because of the information about Homan, a blood noble.

Zhao Hao and the others avoided the warning formations and undead guards along the way.

Sneaking in with a few people and infiltrating with a large army are completely different things, so they had to sneak in first and create some movement and chaos to create opportunities for the army to attack.

As for letting the bomb flying dragon ride on the face and bombard it, that is completely overthinking.

This kind of lair that has been operated for a long time has God knows how many defenses. If these defenses are not destroyed first, the bomb flying dragon will be in vain.

Zhao Hao has experienced the difficulties of the Death Church.

Although the other party is a scumbag in front of the Holy Church, the fact that it has existed for such a long time speaks for itself.

As long as there are enough sacrifices, a strong person can be created quickly.

Coupled with a large number of evil and mysterious methods, the Death Church is completely inexhaustible and cannot be wiped out.

Zhao Hao dared to attack the other party because he was on the sea with the help of the storm. He was not worried about the other party's retaliation at all. He would have to be careful if it were other forces.

Of course, it's also because the legs on the back are too thick. If the opponent does some super-standard means, they can also call the boss to save the situation.

If he hadn't thought about this, he wouldn't have been able to take on the task.

Curry knew everything about the royal capital where he was born, and cooperated with Homan's reconnaissance intelligence, allowing them to smoothly enter the city through a path that was almost impossible for normal people to pass through.

It is incorrect to say that there is a trail, it should be said that it is a gap between the cliffs.

After passing through the thick cliff, the view brightened up.

A huge and primitive city comes into view.

I say huge because the city is so huge that you can barely see the end at a glance.

You know, there is no howling cold wind here, and the view is not affected, which means a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

The unshaded area overhead provides a source of light for the city.

The stone houses are densely packed together and appear to be extremely simple. Only the huge stone castle in the center is somewhat spectacular.


The capital of the Vikings.

This is true even here, which shows that the Vikings really had no talent in construction and manufacturing.

Of course, it is also related to the lack of materials.

In the Far North, wood is a rare thing, and it is true that you can't build any good-looking buildings with stone.

"Sir, what is that!"

Feida asked in a low voice.

Because the area on the right side of the city is surrounded by a wall of bones dozens of meters high.

"It should be the 'breeding farm' of the Death Church!"

Zhao Hao guessed the answer immediately.

The reason is simple, because there are no Vikings in sight, hundreds of thousands of people cannot disappear, then they can only be behind the wall of bones.

Of course, I saw a lot of cultists wearing pale robes.

The number is hard to estimate, but it must be around tens of thousands.

A few hundred meters in front of the stone castle is a huge, bulldozed square, covered with evil and precise blood-colored patterns. In the middle of the square is a bone altar covering hundreds of square meters, which makes people's scalp numb just by looking at it. , just like that thing is dangerous just by looking at it.

At this time, a large number of cultists gathered in the square.

"Put it on!"

Zhao Hao took out several sets of robes and motioned for Feida and Freya to change into them.

Ellie has been destroying the Church of Death before, so they naturally have each other's uniforms, tokens... and the like.

A cult is not an army. It is difficult to get into it, and it is difficult to get into it.

It's not that high, because when we meet, we shout a few slogans, and when we wear uniforms, we are 'one of our own'.

It's not low, because the church leaders can tell whether you sincerely believe or if you are pretending.

In other words.

As long as you don't try to get close to those church leaders, then there will be no problem.

After changing into pale hooded robes, the three of them walked openly into the city occupied by the Church of Death.

Entering the city, the strong smell of blood came over me.

"A city soaked in blood!"

Zhao Hao commented in a low voice.

And this is also the fate of losers, it has nothing to do with justice, right or wrong.

After some distance, at an intersection, the three of them crossed paths with a long convoy.

The uncovered carriage was piled with fish, rye... and other food. Judging from the direction of travel, it should be towards the wall of bones.

Apparently, this team was delivering food to the captive Vikings.

By delivering it every day, you can firmly control the amount of food and make it completely unable to resist.

No matter how strong the Vikings were, they could not fight on an empty stomach.


A voice sounded from the convoy, and the convoy stopped at the same time.

And this voice made Freya and Feida tense up and get ready to take action.

"Don't mess around!" Zhao Hao whispered to the two of them, then looked up at the motorcade and said hello loudly, "Peitain, what can I do for you, brother?"


This is the god that the Death Church believes in, and he is also the ‘God of Death’.

If you understand the rules of the gods, you can tell a lot from this slogan.

The title of Zhao Hao is because believers of the same rank are called brothers and sisters in the church.

There are even players who will compile strategy posts in the future.

[On the self-recuperation of cultists! 】

The other party specifically accepts missions to lurk into the cult, and even the other party's senior management can't tell them apart. This shows how exaggerated the lurking ability is. The players only found out through the other party's posts that there are so many ways to the cult.

"Sir, Petain, brothers, why didn't you participate in today's prayer ceremony?"

The other party asked curiously.

Prayer ceremony!

It is also a ritual that deepens faith. If you participate in it for a long time, you will be infected by it, and then you can't help but believe in the other party.

It can be said to be a spiritual pollution ritual.

And this is not a spell, not even spell immunity is useful. Even if you don't believe in the other party, if you participate in a prayer ceremony hosted by a high-level person every day, you will become one of your own in a few months.

The reason why cults don’t like to clean up inside is because even if they have other purposes, they will end up being their own people.

A prayer ceremony that is extremely dangerous to outsiders is a blessing to cultists. After all, the more serious the infection, the stronger the strength and the faster the improvement. As long as there is an opportunity, no one will miss it, so the other party is curious about why the three of them did not Missed prayer service.

"Oh, we have just returned from a mission to carry out the mission of Lord Bishop, and now we are going to participate!"

Zhao Hao responded calmly.

Most of the internal hierarchies and systems of the major churches were copied from the Holy Church, so of course he knew how to answer.

This most important branch in the north is headed by a cardinal, and below him are the bishops.

The bishop is already at the top.

It is natural and reasonable to not be able to participate in the prayer ceremony in time to carry out the other party's order. To say that it was ordered by the cardinal is completely seeking death.

"I see, I'm really envious that you guys can still catch up!"

The other party waved the convoy forward.

The carts were pulled by undead souls like ox bones, otherwise there would be no horses in a place with such sparse vegetation.

Although there are only tens of thousands of cultists here, which seems to be a small number, there are many strong ones among them.

Quick fix!

This is a characteristic of cultists. Of course, I don’t know what the consequences will be in the end.

Feida asked as she looked at the leaving motorcade.

"Sir, where shall we go next?"

At this time, they had sneaked in, but they were a little confused about what to do next. Whether it was the square or the bone wall, it seemed important.

"Go to the square!"

Zhao Hao made the decision without hesitation.

Their mission is to create chaos and attract attention, so most of the cultist gathering squares are the best place to go.

Of course.

Before setting off, Zhao Hao took a look at the status of the attribute panel.

Those favored by the God of Death: The deterrence of the undead increases, and those with the same status as the God of Death can see this state.

It is precisely because of this attribute that he is not afraid of provoking the current boss named Petain.

At the same time, he also understood why the ancient Death God was at odds with the Death God Church.

He is the God of Death, and so is this one, completely the enemy of life and death. There can only be one rhythm between the two.

Ten minutes later.

The three of them came to the square filled with the smell of blood.

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