The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 8 Magic Spring Strategy


Amidst the sound of breaking through the air, a golden figure flew towards the direction of the magic spring.


This battle is the most suitable for her to appear.

Because the guards are flying troops.

Neither Centaur nor Ellie had any way to intervene in this kind of aerial battle and could only watch the battle beside Zhao Hao.

As for whether it can be won? .

If you switch to other elite units, there may be risks, but when the opponent is a flying unit, it is not a problem.

Because the giant dragon also has a nickname.

Air supremacy!

It can carry, fight and output, not to mention it can fly.

Just like a tank that can fly in the air, it is completely terrifying.

Perhaps in terms of dexterity, Pegasus would be better than Freya, but in other aspects it was definitely far inferior.

If both sides could fly, the battle would naturally not be as protracted as a ground battle. Before Freya could reach the sky above the magic spring, the Pegasus took the initiative to attack.


The elf knights wearing leather armor, carrying long swords, and riding white winged Pegasus quickly came towards Freya.

After the two sides got closer,


The fierce dragon's breath of fire ignited the sky, and pieces of charred Pegasus corpses fell down.

Just one dragon breath caused a visible reduction in the number of Pegasus.

After the mid-range and short-range long-range attack of Dragon's Breath, it was naturally Pegasus' turn to fight back.

As an elite unit, the Pegasus' defense is not weak and their HP is not high. However, the biggest reason why they can be evaluated as an elite unit is...


Yes, Pegasus is famous for its speed.

Therefore, before Freya could distance herself and use the second dragon breath, she was caught up first by the silver pegasus guarding her.

Silver Pegasus!

It is the advanced form of the seventh-level Pegasus. Compared with the Pegasus, both the Pegasus and the Elf Knight have an extra set of silver chain armor.

This set of armor is not a decoration. It is not very effective when faced with physical attacks, but it can reduce most of the damage when faced with spell attacks.

And the appearance is not the biggest change, the biggest change is the speed.

Compared to the seventh-level Pegasus, which is not slow, the eighth-level Silver Pegasus in its advanced form is about half as fast, so it can reach Freya like lightning.

The Silver Pegasus knights waved their swords.


twenty four-



There is no such restriction as the "half-arrow penalty" for melee combat units. As long as the attack hits, it can achieve full damage.

The damage doesn't look significant, but it's actually quite high.

Because Silver Pegasus's basic attack power (without any bonus) is only 9 points, which is far different from Freya's 27 points of defense power. The gap between attack and defense will lead to a certain reduction in damage.

Not to mention that Freya has the talent of being extremely domineering and completely devoid of martial ethics.

Golden dragon body!

Reduce damage by 50%. This talent is really unreasonably strong.

Just like the original 100 points of damage, it can only cause 60 points of damage due to its own defense reduction, and finally it will be reduced by half of the talent to become 30 points of damage.

Extremely strong!

That is to say, Freya's level is not high yet, and her health and defense have not yet reached their peak. Once her level increases, sweeping thousands of armies is no longer a dream.

Because on the battlefield, there is output only when you are alive.

If there is not enough life-saving ability, no matter how high the attack power is, it will be useless.

Of course, being low in level is not without its benefits.

At least it won't be too big, so there will only be a few Silver Pegasus that can attack at the same time, so you don't have to worry about being hit by a large number of attacks at the same time.

This is the disadvantage of melee combat units.

The number of targets that can be attacked at the same time is limited.

Therefore, the best way to restrict the enemy's high-level troops is to either mobilize long-range troops to focus fire, or to send high-level troops to contain them. If neither is available, the only way is to rely on numbers.

It was precisely because he understood this that Zhao Hao dared to let Freya attack alone and face the Pegasus guards who were superior in number and rank to the wood elves.

If these Pegasus were replaced by wood elves, Zhao Hao really wouldn't dare to let Freya go hard, otherwise she would most likely be shot into a sieve.

Claw strike!


Tail sweep!

The standard dragon three-shot combo quickly kills the approaching Silver Pegasus.

every second.

There will be corpses of Pegasus or Silver Pegasus falling from the sky.


Compared with the one-sided hand-to-hand combat when facing centaurs and wood elves, the battle with these Pegasus and Silver Pegasus is completely hurting each other, and it depends on who can't withstand it first.

This is the strength of Freya, who has thick blood, high defense, and the talent of golden dragon body.


Seizing an opportunity, Freya sprayed dragon breath from close range after another magic spring guard joined the battle circle, covering herself and the surrounding Pegasus at the same time.

Yes, this dragon's breath did not avoid him.

Even if the dragon is extremely resistant to dragon breath, it does not mean that it is absolutely immune, so it will also be injured.

But the effect of this is extremely obvious.

Because they were caught off guard, a large number of Pegasus crashed into the dragon's breath and turned into corpses.

Kill a thousand enemies and injure yourself eight hundred.

Normally this is the case.

But Freya's defense and HP were not comparable to those of the Pegasus, so she suffered a dragon breath attack and lost at most a few hundred HP, but the Pegasus guards lost more than half.

After two puffs of dragon breath, she had no way to continue using it. After all, each puff of dragon breath consumed physical strength and energy.

That is to say, the level is increased by two levels, otherwise the two breaths of dragon breath will not be sprayed out.

Next, we can only rely on hand-to-hand combat to solve the problem.

This aspect can be called Freya's strength. She has thick health and high defense. Combined with the golden dragon body talent, as long as the Pegasus don't take advantage of their own dexterity to fly kites, they will die as many as they come.


At this moment, a small team of 12 units of Pegasus suddenly turned around and rushed toward Zhao Hao, who was watching the battle on the ground.

The soldier guard is not a rigid program, but also has combat wisdom. If he can't take down Freya for the time being, he will naturally attack him as the pet owner.

How could Zhao Hao not know the behavior patterns of military guards.

But he did it on purpose, just to reduce some pressure on Freya.

"Ready to fight!"

Zhao Hao ordered.

As a hero, his biggest task on the battlefield is to ensure his own survival. Otherwise, if he dies, the morale of his troops will collapse. That is no joke.

And the death penalty in the heroic world is also extremely high.

Once you die, your level will be halved, and you will need to spend a certain amount of gold coins to resurrect (gold coins will be consumed based on your level). If you don't have gold coins, just create a new character.


The centaurs protected Zhao Hao, and at the same time, Ellie jumped up with her sword, stabbing out the sword in her hand like lightning.

When he attacked, her shadow came to life as if it had come to life, instantly appearing beside her and stabbing out the shadow sword in her hand.

Professional Ability: Imitation!



The two attacks launched by the main body and the shadow, one pierced the target and the other was blocked by Pegasus.


The centaurs also raised their spears and thrust out at the same time.

Although the level gap is large, it does not mean that they cannot pose a threat. This makes several Pegasus can only swing their swords to cut away the spears, creating attack opportunities for other Pegasus.

In the end, only 6 units of Pegasus were able to attack Zhao Hao.

Facing the flying elf knights wielding their long swords, Zhao Hao also revealed his life-saving trump card.

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