The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 807 Luer Port!

A few days later!

Zhao Hao, Viscount Jerry and others stood on the Luergang Lighthouse and looked into the distance.

Luer Port!

It is also the only port in the north of Bucks Principality connected to the sea.

The level of prosperity goes without saying. Countless ships crowded the berths, and countless sailors and porters shuttled among them like ants.

After learning about the demon invasion, the Bucks Kingdom was not idle and began to stockpile supplies, some of which would go into the warehouse.

In other words, purchases in the Falcon Principality are paid for with standard gems.

Otherwise, if gold coins are used, the major chambers of commerce will definitely be useless.

As long as the materials are accumulated for a period of time, they can be sold at a higher price. How can they be willing to sell them in this case?

“What a spectacle!”

Jerry sighed as he looked down at the harbor below.

Today he came to Luer Port in person to receive the goods, and also brought a transport fleet.

They are all super-heavy carriages pulled by horses with the blood of Warcraft. It is not a problem to carry dozens of tons in one carriage.

Two hundred thousand tons of flour!

If you want to transport it all at once, it may take tens of thousands of vehicles.

The entire Falcon Principality can easily take out tens of thousands of vehicles, not to mention tens of thousands. However, those carriages have their own uses and it is impossible to mobilize them all. Therefore, there are only thousands of heavy carriages arranged neatly in the port area.


This is the biggest problem.

If it cannot be transported to the front line, it will be useless no matter how much food you have.

The Falcon Principality is a landlocked principality (its strength is comparable to that of the Empire) and is not near the sea, so transportation is extremely troublesome.

Being large is sometimes a good thing, but sometimes it's a bad thing.

Just like this time.

Under the premise that outdoor structures such as two-way monuments and underground passages cannot be used due to the state of war, it would take at least more than a month to transport food from the Bucks Principality to the southeastern border fortress.

This is because Bucks Park has not entered a state of war, and you can use outdoor buildings, otherwise it will be impossible to get there in a few months.

The Falcon Principality is completely scrambling for time at this time!

Because they do not believe that demons and undead will only attack the Falcon Principality. Once the opponent spreads the flames of war, other forces will also be affected, so they must purchase supplies and rush shipments in advance.

It can only be said that there is a reason why the Falcon Principality can stand out from the eight principal principalities. In terms of combat effectiveness and vision, it is stronger than the other principalities.

Zhao Hao, who was standing next to Jerry, suddenly spoke up.


Following his reminder, a fleet of ships appeared in view of everyone on the lighthouse.

In addition to Jerry, many people also came to join in the fun this time, wanting to see the strength of the Storm Chamber of Commerce.

Among them is Phyllis from the Greyhound Chamber of Commerce!

Freya had already gone back to get what the other party wanted and delivered it.

At any rate, 10,000 standard gems have been obtained in advance, so Zhao Hao naturally cannot do anything but refuse to admit it.

After getting the thick stack of blueprints, it stands to reason that the Storm can indeed be built.

But let’s not talk about the performance.

First of all, if it is built with ordinary wood, it may fall apart as soon as it is put into the water.

Even if the version is reduced to a few thousand tons, it may not be easy to use, because many designs are designed for magic battleships and require ship spirit control.

all in all!

The design drawing you get can be used as a reference at most. If you make it according to the drawing, you are guaranteed to build a ship that can sink another.

Perhaps because of this, Phyllis' eyes have been filled with resentment these past few days, so she came to watch the fun today.

Of course, you don’t know whether you are here to watch the fun or to watch the jokes.

From a distance, you can see the huge fleet that looks like an ancient behemoth.

They were at least 10,000 tons of high-sea merchant ships, making the ships passing around them look extremely small.

Of course, all ships are insignificant compared to the beast-like ship at the head.


This is everyone's first impression.

Then there's beauty.

Yes, it is beautiful.

The slender and smooth white hull, as well as the blue patterns on it, make the huge hull not look bloated, but rather like a work of art.


Everyone knows the name of this ship.

I've even heard of the other party's title.


There were only two naval battles, but each time there was one against a hundred, and the enemy was completely destroyed without any damage to itself.

The fleet arrived at the port in more than half an hour.

There’s just a problem!

There are not many places where the Storm can berth, so it must make room.

Although it had already begun to take off when it appeared, it was not until the Storm approached that some areas were barely vacated, which did not seem to be enough for it to berth.

But that's under manual control.

Switching to the Storm, which was controlled by Eve, there was no need for such trouble, and the performance was performed directly.


The Storm, which was originally moving slowly, lit up with blue patterns on its hull, causing its speed to surge instantly. Then it flicked its tail and moved sideways, directly 'squeezing' into the berth.

The whole process is fast and smooth.

This scene shocked countless people at the port.

Because when it flicks and moves sideways, the hull may be less than ten centimeters away from the nearest other ship.

When it comes to people, ten centimeters is indeed considered a safe distance.

But this is a ship!

Ten centimeters apart, it seems to outsiders that they have collided together.

Therefore, the crew members who were preparing to move the ship to make room had their eyes closed and were waiting to die when the Storm hit them. Unexpectedly, it was just a false alarm and they were drenched in water.

His driving skills... no, his boating skills are amazing.

Eve's skills allow people to fully understand the difference between ship spirit and artificial intelligence.

This is the true "man and ship as one".

If it were replaced by hundreds or even thousands of people controlling the Storm, it would be simply impossible to achieve this level.

But Zhao Hao on the lighthouse looked thoughtful at this scene.

Eve, the magical soul, already had the rudiment of wisdom at this time.

When Turing was handed over to him, it seemed rigid and mechanical. Now that he has grown a lot, it would have been impossible to master such a skill before.

The good news is that the passengers on the deck were not thrown off the ship.

Well, this is where it makes no sense.

There are also various magic formations on the Storm, which can ensure that even if the battleship moves at high speed, it will have little internal impact.

All I can say is that in a world of magic, anything is possible.

Of course, other magic battleships would not be so luxurious. Every inch of space must serve attack, defense and other magic circles.

But the Storm doesn't need it!

The attack includes the white dragon, and the defense includes the angel barrier ability brought by the fourth-level treasure "Angel Wings". Naturally, all formations can serve the "aircraft carrier flow".


Even Zhao Hao himself doesn't think he can build a better aircraft carrier than the Storm in the future.

"The goods are finally here, maybe 'some people' will be disappointed!"

When Zhao Hao spoke, he glanced at Felice and the group of businessmen.

What are they here to do, do you really think you don’t know?

There was one person in particular who was not interested in acting at all.

"Yeah, some people may be disappointed!"

Phyllis walked to Zhao Hao and looked at the other businessmen teasing him, as if they were good brothers with him.

This skin is really thick, maybe even dragon skin's defense power can't be compared to it.

"Let's go see the goods!"

Jerry spoke up to interrupt the awkward atmosphere on the lighthouse.

After the goods arrive, the transaction is not over. The quality and quantity must be confirmed first, and then the transaction is completed.

Jerry was not originally responsible for this, but the goods came so quickly and in huge quantities, so he took the time to do so.

If there are no problems, there may be more cooperation in the future.

As for other chambers of commerce? .

Cooperation with them is based on the premise that there is no conflict with the forces behind the other party. Once there is a conflict, problems may arise in the cooperation at any time.

The group of people soon arrived in front of the Storm.

As for other merchant ships, naturally the Storm Merchant Association would take people to check them out.

The drunkard's intention is not to drink!

Several people came to the Storm on purpose, hoping to take the opportunity to see this 'legendary battleship' up close.

Only when you get closer can you feel the pressure of the Storm.

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