The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 81 Swamp rescue!

After going online!

What catches the eye are the men building wooden houses, the children playing, and the women preparing food. They look full of life.

The vacant land designated for the other party to build wooden houses already had more than a dozen prototypes of wooden houses.

The wooden house mentioned here refers to the kind that can only accommodate people. There is no need to consider comfort, lighting, etc., it is a simple mess.

However, for civilians, it is good to have a place to shelter from the wind and rain. Comfort or not is never a consideration.

In fact, as long as Zhao Hao is willing, he can spend resources to build a building like a residential building in an instant.

But still the same sentence.

He is the lord, not the nanny of the other party.

Once he does this, will he also build houses for the subsequent residents? .

No matter how small the resources consumed by a residential building are, the amount would be astronomical, so the other party was allowed to do it themselves.

And the 'home' built by one's own hands will be even rarer.

"grown ups!"

Boludo, who was leading others to work, saw Zhao Hao looking over here from the corner of his eye, and hurriedly came over to say hello.

"No need to rush!"

Zhao Hao had no intention of intervening in the other party's command, but just said not to be too hasty. He didn't want to see any 'construction accidents'.

"Yes, sir!"

Boludo was extremely reserved and completely lost the confidence he had when commanding others.

"After the wooden house is built, you will be responsible for leading them to open up the farm!"

Zhao Hao handed over the task of managing these people to the other party.

Since the other party has done a good job, it is impossible for him to keep an eye on these 'golden mountains', so it is natural for him to find someone to manage them for him.

"Lord...Lord, please rest assured, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Boludo never imagined that he would one day be able to command so many people.

At this moment, he felt as if there was endless strength in his body.


Looking at Boludo in front of him who seemed to be completely transformed because of his position, Zhao Hao also understood why some people say that power is the best stimulant.

After he went back to work, Zhao Hao walked to the base camp, because Ellie was there.

After entering the hall, which was spacious enough to play basketball, Ellie and Sisi, who were resting on the sofa, stood up.

"Lord Lord!"*2

As for Freya, she was hunting outside and not here.

"You haven't come back yet?"

Zhao Hao did not see Meng Feila.

"Yes, I've never been back!"

A worried look appeared on Ellie's face.

The other party has not come back, so he must be in trouble.

The reason why he didn't say anything about the incident was naturally because as a lord, Zhao Hao could know the life and death of his heroes.

If the opponent is recruiting a hero, you can use the altar to resurrect him if he dies.

But Memphela is just a 'hired' hero. When he dies, the contract is immediately terminated and there is no way to resurrect him, so that's why it's worrying.

"It looks like we are in trouble!" Zhao Hao thought for a while and said, "Ellie, stay at the fortress and keep in touch with Toby. I will go to support you!"

Although judging from the two people's strengths, it is most suitable for the other party to support them.

But Freya wouldn't listen to her orders, and facing unknown dangers, it would be better for him to take action himself.


Ellie nodded.

When Zhao Hao walked to the fortress gate, a huge golden figure flew quickly in the sky in the distance.

"What kind of monster is that!"

"Help, I don't want to be eaten!"

"Oh, mom, I'm so scared!"

"It's a giant dragon, everyone run away!"

The people who were building wooden houses were shocked, and some children were even scared to the point of peeing (literally).

Yes, these people who have just joined the Storm Territory have not seen Freya in her dragon form. She was in human form when she captured Linhai City. Now that they suddenly see her, it is not surprising to have this reaction.

Zhao Hao didn't care about this, but walked out of the fortress and stepped on the back of the landing Freya's dragon wings.

Hoo, ho!

The huge golden dragon carried him into the sky, leaving behind the people on the ground who were stunned by this scene.


Boludo swallowed, feeling greatly shocked.

It is completely unbelievable that such a powerful dragon is actually the mount of his own lord.

The dragon had always been a frequent figure in various legends and poems, so he could recognize it.

He turned around and looked at the people around him. They were all as shocked, unbelievable, and even more excited than himself.

Because they are now the subjects of the Storm Territory, the more powerful the lord is, the better it is for them.

Worship the strong!

This can also be regarded as a characteristic in the bones of the natives of the heroic world, so those strong ones can respond to everything at once.

In particular, a super boss of the dungeon camp relied on this to integrate this extremely loose camp, forming a terrifying craze, causing crises that destroyed the world again and again.

In any case, the scene of Zhao Hao leaving on the giant dragon changed the minds of those who had just joined the Storm Territory.

"Why are you still hanging around? Why don't you get to work quickly!"

Boludo's voice echoed, a little more confident than before.

And these people are more obedient to him than before, which means they sincerely recognize his command position.

On the back of the dragon!

Zhao Hao, who was sensing the status of his heroes, didn't know that the scene he had inadvertently created calmed the minds of those who had just joined the Storm Leader.

Freya's dexterity was an issue, but her straight-line flight speed was not slow, so she was almost there after flying for a few minutes.


Zhao Hao reminded in a low voice.

Since Memphela, who leads a strong force, can be trapped, it means that the problem is not simple, so it is better to be careful.


Freya tapped her huge head, then slowed down her flying speed and slowly lowered her altitude.

Below is a forest swamp in the Whispering Woods, which looks dead and forbidding.

However, Zhao Hao understood that this was just the surface. In fact, there were many lives in this area, but they were just very good at pretending.

Just like those pieces of dead wood.

[Swamp Giant Crocodile]: Level 8 beast, level 88

If he hadn't been hit before rebirth, he wouldn't have recognized it.

Moreover, Zhao Hao did not recognize it by appearance, but judged it.

There are no such trees around, but there are a few pieces of dead wood floating together, which is simply funny.

But these guys are really dangerous!

As long as it seizes the opportunity to bite, a set of 'death roll' packages will immediately follow. In the terrain of swamp, even those with superior strength will overturn.

So these guys also have a nickname.

Swamp killer!

If he came out to hunt, Zhao Hao might be interested in causing trouble for the other party. After all, the materials on the other party were quite expensive, but he was here for rescue this time, so he continued to approach Menfila's location.

Buzz, buzz!

In the distance, you can hear the vibrating sound of bee wings, coming from the extremely dense giant red pine forest in front, and there are also the sounds of fighting from time to time.

"found it!"

Zhao Hao perked up and directed Freya to rush forward.

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