The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 838: Gaining contributions and strong reinforcements!

While hiring players to carry out projects, the Storm Legion launched a full-scale attack and began to eliminate the increasing number of demons around them.


There are contributions to be made by killing demons.

The opponent has shrunk so much that it has become the new "Devil's Nest". Eagle Claw City is too close to the Golden Valley and there is no shortage of hunting targets.

Like a harvest of wheat, multitudes of demons fell beneath the Storm Legion.

The speed of using legions to earn contributions is naturally beyond what players can match.

Players target demons individually or in small numbers, while Storm Legion targets groups or legions.

The devil will not refuse to fight, so there is no need to worry about the opponent not taking the bait.

Killing demons not only earns contribution points, but also reduces stress.

Of course, as long as they don't attack the Demon's Nest, their killings will never attract the opponent's attention.

The reason is also very simple.

In the abyss of hell, demons will fight with their own people when they have no enemies, and they will not care if their own kind is killed.

Before, they were able to work together only because of high-level demonic orders. Now, it would be good if there were no orders and there would be no internal strife. Wanting them to avenge their own kind was completely overthinking.

The daily harvest contribution value is more than hundreds of thousands.

There was no way, too many were killed, too fast.

Although the harvest is not as good as the one-time harvest of more than one million when saving the Seventh Legion.

But the advantage is that the risk is not great, the loss is small, and it is also a sustainable profit.

After getting the contribution, Zhao Hao devoted himself to Ellie.

Exchange for wood elves!

Not only the contribution from killing the demons, but also the contribution from the garrison and the players' commissions are also invested in her, allowing her to exchange for the wood elves and train them to be brought back as shadow swordsmen.

In addition to these, Zhao Hao has another plan to enhance his strength.

Moreover, the Golden Valley is surrounded by demon blockades, which is not without benefits for him.

At least the influence of Eagle Claw City is gone.

Although Mori and the others successfully escaped back to Falcon City, they were further away from the Golden Valley and surrounded by demons in between. Except for a few surveillance personnel, they could no longer influence it.

In other words, this will be Zhao Hao's 'territory', at least until peace is restored in the Falcon Principality.

For the sake of huge interests, no matter how strong the devil is, he will fight to the end.

With the crazy investment in contribution points, the number of Shadow Swordsmen has also increased significantly.

From the previous 7,000 units, it increased to 10,000, 15,000, and finally to this time.

20,000 units!

Yes, the number of Shadow Swordsmen finally reached this number after working hard for more than half a month.

The price is that the contribution is almost exhausted.

And today is also a special day.


After half a month of consumption, the supplies previously stored by Baihua Club have reached their limit. If no more supplies arrive, there will be nothing to sell in the camp tomorrow.

Once there is no supply, mining will have to stop, and combat players will leave directly, and then it will collapse.


So Zhao Hao spread his wings and flew towards the mountains southwest of the Golden Valley.

If you fly from the air, the speed can be imagined.

Ten minutes later, he landed in a valley where mountains and plains meet.

The area is quite exaggerated, almost as big as several cities put together, and it is almost impossible to see the end at a glance.

There are a large number of demon corpses piled up into hills in the valley, and the number is astonishing.

They have been working hard to collect the corpses of high-level demons, and they also buy them from players with gold coins.

100 gold coins for the extraordinary level, 300 gold coins for the ace level, and 1,000 gold coins for the champion level.

Don't think this price is low.

You know, before they acquire them, the corpses of these high-level demons are of no value to the players. They can just kill them and ignore them.

Faced with the extra gains, the players were naturally overjoyed.

Some players even stopped hunting demons and became 'corpse collectors', specifically picking up the corpses of high-level demons.

As for the danger? .

Come on, in order to make money, risk is nothing.

The act of purchasing demon corpses increased the number of demon corpses in their hands.

The number of corpses in the valley alone was dozens of times that of the corpses harvested by the last demonic disaster.

At that time, the corpses had to be brought back carefully in a convoy, so the number would naturally not be too large.

In addition to the mountains of high-level demon corpses, there was another thing in the valley.


There is still their share of ore here.

The ore of the Falcon Principality is still kept in the Golden Valley, under the supervision of Mori and others and people sent by the Ministry of Interior.

As long as the agreed amount of ore is placed there, they won't care what Zhao Hao does in the Golden Valley.

But as I said before, Hanyue Rose, under Zhao Hao's instructions, has already started to 'make false accounts'.

On the books, the output of Golden Valley is fixed at one thousand tons of ore per day.

But in fact, there are more than 300,000 mining players (many of whom are afraid of the devil leaving). How can the output be only this amount? They are not slaves.

The daily output exceeds 3,000 tons and the weekly output exceeds 21,000 tons!

This is a stable output.

What is handed over to the Falcon Principality is divided into two parts. The 400 tons per week are for the Ministry of Interior, which is the official share.

The 3,960 tons per week belong to Mori and the people behind him, which is equivalent to only one-tenth of the official amount. From here we know why they contracted the Golden Valley to the Storm Army.

It’s really too much given.

As for their own profits, they are extremely terrible.

Calculated based on the daily output of 3,000 tons, the ore harvested every week in addition to handover is 16,640 tons, of which Baihua will take 1,050 tons.

The remaining 15,590 tons of ore all belong to Zhao Hao.

See, if you don’t make false accounts, you may not even get half of it.

It can only be said that the brave will be starved to death and the timid will be starved to death.

Of course, associated mines are also distributed according to this proportion.

Zhao Hao didn't dare to play tricks on this, because he had mastered the Golden Valley for who knows how many years, and he should have a rough estimate of the data. If he dared to play tricks in this regard, he would be known in minutes.

After waiting in the valley for more than an hour, Zhao Hao looked up at the southwest sky.

From a distance, you can see a black spot getting bigger.


It's finally here.

It naturally doesn't take more than half a month to get here from the territory.

But preparing supplies is extremely time-consuming.

After all, it is not a small amount. In order to make full use of the transportation capacity, this time we also used the help of several other business groups to help purchase some daily supplies.

The Storm Territory can produce food, mining pickaxes, equipment, etc., but supplies such as torches, grease, etc. really need help.

Half an hour later, the Storm came over the valley.

The huge hull slowly fell.

The state at this time is that the three decks are open.

It looks somewhat similar to a dragonfly, but is much larger.

As for why all three decks are opened, it is naturally because of this need.

The three decks were full of figures.

The Green Field Legion and the Viking Legion alone numbered several thousand, not to mention the larger number of military legions.

That's right, Zhao Hao's plan to increase his strength is to mobilize an army from the Storm Leader.


The epic heroes under your command can't be left to grow moldy in the territory, right? .

The reason why I didn't take the opponent with me before was because of the speed of march, and also to be more flexible.

Now that we need to fight a defensive battle, it would be a bit stupid not to call her, an epic with almost full defense points.

At the same time, a large number of soldiers came with her.

15,000 units of fourth-level fighting dwarves!

1,300 units of eighth-level silver pegasus!

1,200 units of level 10 deadwood warriors!

2 units of level 14 golden dragons!

1 unit of level 15 crystal dragon!

The total number was less than 20,000 units, and they did not bring any centaurs.

Centaurs are not suitable to participate in this defensive battle.

The level is too low, and there are too many of them. If you really want to bring them, the Storm can't hold them.

After all, there are not only troops this time, but also 2,000 half-elf archers and 2,000 Viking warriors!

In addition to these, there is also a large amount of materials and food, amounting to about 200,000 tons.

In terms of transportation volume, the Storm far surpassed Baihuahui.


The solid ground slowly sank under the pressure of the Storm.

Fortunately, it stopped sinking not too deep, allowing the Storm to finally come to a stop.

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