The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 910 Convergence and Distribution!

The banners of the Storm Legion fly high at the base of the mountain.

The Wolf Principality is not the Falcon Principality, it is a completely remote place.

Flat and fertile grain-producing areas like Eastling are rare.

Therefore, mountains and hills are considered normal conditions.

Of course, this kind of place is extremely unfriendly to military units.

However, it couldn't be more friendly to a branch of the Storm Legion.

Shadow Swordsman!

The more complex the environment, the more combat effectiveness it can exert.

From a distance, Legion felt Zhao Hao's arrival.

Therefore, when he slowly descended from the sky, he found that several people had already come to greet him.

"grown ups!"

Led by Memphela, Anlos, Ellie, Feida, Freya and others stood behind them.

"Well, you've done well during this period!"

Zhao Hao looked at Meng Feila and Ellie.

During his absence, the two of them led the Storm Legion to eliminate demons, and earned a lot of contribution points.

It also replenished the legion to its peak state.

37231 units of fourth level fighting dwarves!

19,600 units of eighth-level phantom shooters!

19099 units of eighth-level shadow swordsmen (supplementary archers are regarded as phantom archers for calculation)

5421 unit eighth level silver pegasus!

3520 units of level 10 deadwood warriors!

267 units of level 12 unicorn beasts!

108 units of level 14 golden dragon!

1 unit of level 15 crystal dragon!

3 units of level 15 poisonous dragons!

The total number of troops is nearly 100,000 units, which is already quite a lot.

"Thank you for the compliment, sir, but are you sure about the attack route this time?"

Memphela changed the topic to business.

It took quite a while for the Storm Legion to come here and wait for the assigned attack route.

"Come down!"

Zhao Hao handed the map to Menfila.

As his deputy, she has full command capabilities. It is best for her to be responsible for this kind of daily command.

Then he took out three more battle spell books.

"Here, now you have to find a way to meet the conditions for reincarnation and rebirth!"

Passed the thing to Anluosi.


Anlos took over the battle spell book and learned the body-protecting stone skin and slowing skills on the spot, but she couldn't learn them after reincarnation.

Requirements: Hero, Intelligence 100

Very simple learning conditions, but very few heroes can meet them.

100 points of intelligence!

It's not a personal attribute but a hero attribute. Just look at the hero attributes of Zhao Hao's main profession to understand how difficult it is.

It is simply beyond the reach of ordinary heroes.

There is no chance for anything below the epic template.

Even if it is an epic template, it still needs attribute gains from the wilderness and a very high level, otherwise it will not be able to meet the learning conditions.

High-level battle spells are not meant for ordinary heroes.

Of course, it is not impossible to reduce learning conditions.


A campaign skill that reduces learning requirements.

You can learn this campaign skill first, and then use campaign skill points to upgrade it to reduce the need to learn campaign spells.

Although Anluosi does not have the battle skill of Wisdom.

But her template is so outrageous!

Under the legendary template, one's own attributes were forcibly pushed to the point where they almost meet the conditions.

Next, as long as her level increases a few levels, she can completely upgrade her attributes to the point where she meets the learning conditions.

Otherwise, you can also make deals with major guilds and ask them to give you opportunities to improve your hero's attributes.

Individual players cannot use those wild buildings in the wilderness that improve hero attributes. The other party will sell them to make a profit, and the major forces are definitely the most active buyers.

But Zhao Hao thinks it shouldn’t be necessary!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to upgrade. It is not a problem for Anluosi to rise to a level that meets the learning requirements.

Upgrading the cemetery camp is really easy.


The only problem is where to kill.

"Anlos, this time you used the identity of a ghost car to attack from the southeastern border of the Wolf Principality..."

Zhao Hao made arrangements.

Harvesting lives is not a problem, but it would be best to have nothing to do with the Storm Legion.

So let her put on the 'ghost car' uniform and attack from the only direction in the encirclement that is not surrounded. Anyway, that is the direction where Dia's undead are. She is also an undead hero, so there is nothing wrong with her.

As for combat effectiveness? .

She is good at snowballing, so the last thing she has to worry about is her combat effectiveness.

As long as she controls the rhythm of the attack and doesn't let the demon army focus all its attention on her, she can be completely invincible.

"no problem!"

A blush appeared on An Luosi's beautiful face.

It's not fear, it's excitement.

Despite her innocent appearance, she is actually extremely murderous.

Now that I have the opportunity to kill, how could I not be excited?

Zhao Hao didn't mind this.

As long as this butcher knife is controlled in the palm of his hand and does not lose control, he would like to make it as sharp as possible.

After handing Gui Che's uniform to her, Zhao Hao ignored her.

After all, it is not easy for a legendary hero to encounter danger at such a high level, so it is best to let him move freely.

After everything was completed, the Storm Legion set off.

This general attack plan is to annihilate these demon armies in one fell swoop and no longer give the other side a chance to kill.

If they let the other side continue to kill, the major forces will go crazy.

Take the initiative!

The risk is naturally extremely high, but fortunately with the help of ‘allies’, the risk is naturally greatly reduced.

By the way, the Templar Church and the Falcon Principality are keeping an eye on the demon army's high-level demon legions, ensuring that the other party will not attack other attacking legions without respecting martial ethics.

The Storm Legion marches very slowly.

Even though Memphis has a treasure called the 'Speed ​​Necklace', in a place like the mountainous area, it's totally useless to get up quickly.

One day later, I met the players from Sin Domain.

It can only be said that it is the largest 'killer group' in the heroic world, and the most coveted force by countless thieves and assassins.

Just from the momentum and equipment, you can see how powerful these players are.

Zhao Hao did not appear during the negotiation process.

The Time Assassin didn't even come, so naturally he wouldn't take the initiative to come over.

And this is just a transaction. He gives the other party the qualifications to participate in the war, and the other party pays for the information. It is completely based on what they need, and there is no need to build relationships or anything like that.

Eligibility for participation is simple.

Give with the military flag!

Do you understand the importance of this thing now? .

Not only can it represent identity, but it can also distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

As long as they are a force in the alliance, they can recognize which legion they belong to through this aura.

So if you want to just make up an identity and take advantage of it, that is completely seeking death.

After these players obtained their identities, they immediately turned around and left.

And as long as they don't interfere with the Storm Legion, Zhao Hao doesn't care no matter what they do.

At the same time, he is not worried that the other party will cheat him.

After all, he is not someone to be bullied. If he really dares to trick him, he must be prepared to face his own anger.

It was precisely because of this matter that it was just a piece of cake for the Storm Legion that he would agree to the Time Assassin deal. If it was really something difficult, then the other party wouldn't have enough chips.

The next step is to get to the point.

Not long after continuing forward, a checkpoint appeared ahead.

The smell of sulfur and blood was extremely strong, making people understand that this place had become a place where demons were entrenched.

Zhao Hao's eyes flashed with fighting spirit and he directly gave the order loudly.


Next, he must fight through this route as quickly as possible and participate in the battlefield of the general attack.

Following his order, the Storm Legion also launched an attack.

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