The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 978 Prepare for battle!

Death canopy!

Zhao Hao chose to use this spell.

Although the resurrection of the dead is powerful in combat, it is also suitable for this scene.

The problem is that what he needs now is not combat power.

If you really want combat power, with corpses everywhere, the power of a Corpse Explosion Technique is completely devastating.

Because none of the corpses on the ground were ordinary.


The pale light curtain centered on Zhao Hao, covering a radius of more than 900 meters.

What is this concept? .

It is equivalent to the area of ​​a town or even a small city.

The area is so exaggerated due to many reasons.

First, Death Sky was upgraded from basic to advanced level.

Then there is the knowledge attribute, which has gone from dozens of points before to 119 points today.

You know, this attribute is definitely not low even among high-level spellcasters.

Finally, the equipment adds to the spell effect, increasing the total area by an additional 1.5 times, greatly improving the spell effect.

After superimposing many aspects, the effect of this spell is comparable to the top-level auxiliary spell.

That's why it is said that it is not the magic that is strong but the people.

If other players were to use Death Sky, without so many blessings, it would be nothing more than an auxiliary spell with ordinary effects.

The visibility in the Death Sky is greatly reduced. At the same time, all space spells and skills cannot be used, and they cannot be dispelled by spells below the top level. It is completely necessary for killing and stealing.

Zhao Hao never worried about combat effectiveness, but worried about the opponent's means of escaping.

Only when the other party enters the canopy of death can he rest assured

The Fire Chamber of Commerce has no retreat.

The Death Canopy blocked the passage out of the basin. Unless the other party took a detour, they would have no choice but to come in.

And behind him were the 'meteors' that hit the barrier one after another. The barrier immediately shattered, leaving him no chance to retreat.


The Fire Chamber of Commerce has no choice.

If you really want to take a detour and leave through other passages, the danger will only increase. Therefore, hundreds of heavy carriages that have just left the barrier, under the protection of a large number of guards, actively entered the area shrouded in the canopy of death.

The big fish is hooked!

Zhao Hao smiled softly and gave orders to the newly summoned Homan beside him.

"Let the hunt begin!"

With the other party around, the summoned vampire king can play a stronger role.

"Yes, sir!"

Homan bowed and saluted, his blood-red eyes flashing with fanaticism and greed.

It usually takes a lot of energy and time to find prey, but this time it was everywhere. How could he not be fanatical?


He jumped in front of a figure like lightning and waved his right claw lightly. The elite shadow warrior's head slipped gently, and a large amount of blood spurted out as if it were alive.

Homan, bathed in blood, had a look of joy on his face.

For a vampire, blood is everything. Why did he sign a contract to be loyal to Zhao Hao? .

Isn't it just to be able to follow him and hunt for the blood of the strong? .

Now is the best opportunity.

In the Death Sky, because the field of vision is greatly restricted, long-range firepower is greatly reduced.

Under the premise that the field of vision is limited, most remote professions protect themselves first.

"Damn it!"

"Who cast the spell? Cancel it immediately!"

"++, don't let me catch anyone, or I'll kill you!"

Both the Shadow Guild and others are extremely dissatisfied with the sudden appearance of the Death Sky.

But the enemy is right in front of us, so we can't give up.

You are willing, but the enemy is not!

Space of the Dead!

Zhao Hao first used this epic ability to release the 12 violent abominations inside.

Today's enemy is the Agni Chamber of Commerce. This super chamber of commerce has endless strength and trump cards. If he dares to retain his strength, he will seek death.

A mountain of flesh walked out of the dark whirlpool and started killing directly.

As long as they stand in front of the Violent Abomination, both the Shadow Guild and others will attack without distinction.

Boom, boom!

The violent abomination holds a butcher knife as big as a door panel. It doesn't matter whether the person will be cut off or not, but it will definitely explode.

Ordinary attacks, on the other hand, are as useless as scratching the undead to transform them like mountains of meat. They can easily recover by eating any corpse.

Call of the dead!

This time, four bone hound bosses were summoned.

The large undead after being promoted to the champion level are still very useful in battle.

Forget it Xiaolu!

Because the target is the Fire Chamber of Commerce, it would be bad to become a public enemy and be besieged.


Zhao Hao slowly moved towards the Fire Chamber of Commerce, which had just entered the Death Sky, and frantically summoned vampires.

In the past, the maximum speed was about once every four seconds, and 9 seventh-level vampires were summoned each time.

However, with the necromancy specialization passive and the changes in equipment, the maximum speed is now about two seconds. Summoning 15 seventh-level vampires at a time is more than twice as fast.

Squeak, squeak!

Vampires appeared one after another, and then swooped towards the Fire Chamber of Commerce a few hundred meters away.

After seeing that more than half of the magic value was consumed, he activated the epic ability attached to the epic ring of Bone Bite.

The bite of bones!

Ten ugly-looking ghouls appeared, and several of them quickly gnawed on the surrounding corpses.

The bad news is that the ghoul has no fighting ability and could stab any farmer to death.

The good news is that Zhao Hao found that the speed of mana loss has been greatly reduced, and the recovery speed is at least a dozen points per second.

With this recovery speed, coupled with the perfect quality magic potion, the occasional blood demon conversion, and natural recovery, the magic value actually increased instead of decreasing.

Can you believe this? .

The recovery speed exceeds the consumption, which is simply inappropriate.

Moreover, Zhao Hao only let a few ghouls eat them, and the rest followed him around.


The epic piece of equipment, Bone Bite, is indeed a double-edged sword, but if the shortcomings are ignored, the effect is not at all weaker than the legendary equipment.

It's so outrageous.

At this time, these ghouls were very cute and precious in his eyes.

Because it takes a week to resurrect after death.

When the magic value is restored faster than it is consumed, Zhao Hao transforms into a ruthless summoning machine.

Now he only costs 30 mana points to summon once.

It originally required 120 points. After all, it was a vampire, not a skeleton soldier, that was summoned.

However, first the cost of epic equipment is reduced by half, to 60 points, and then the summon target is Homan's subordinates, and the cost will be halved again.

After double reduction, it finally became 30 magic points for one undead summoning, summoning 15 units of seventh-level vampires.

Someone can summon 4 first-level skeletons with 30 magic points, but he can summon 15 seventh-level vampires with 30 magic points. This is the difference.

What's even more exaggerated is that the energy consumed by using spells still goes through several reductions.

The vampires under Homan's command reduce the consumption and energy consumption by half when summoned, and then the necromancy specialization greatly reduces the energy consumption.

As a result, the summoning of the undead, which originally consumes little energy, has almost no rhythm of energy consumption.

Otherwise, even if the magic value can be restored infinitely, the energy will not be able to withstand it.

In just about five minutes, Zhao Hao summoned more than two thousand vampires and successfully blocked the front of the Fiery Chamber of Commerce.

The others were not stupid either. After seeing that his target was not themselves, they bypassed him from the side.

Well, that's not surprising.

Before, everyone joined forces because they were the weak side under the barrier. Now that the barrier is broken and the war machines have been wiped out, they will of course take the opportunity to settle accounts after there is no external pressure.

Many people even attacked the team!

After all, there must be a lot of good things in the team, and if you grab a ticket, you can reach the top of your life.

In such a chaotic situation, of course no one would find it strange that Zhao Hao intercepted the Fiery Chamber of Commerce. They thought that he was motivated by wealth just like everyone else, but they were just amazed by his big appetite.

If they see an opportunity, it's not surprising that these people might also add insult to injury.

What a mess!

The battle situation that was clear just now is now completely chaotic.

And those who are weak will naturally be cleared out immediately.

At the same time, the Fiery Chamber of Commerce also collided head-on with Zhao Hao.

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