Wang Yi’s figure suddenly swept violently, walking like a ghost, rushing towards the robber leader, and the moment he approached, his fist smashed out fiercely.

Punch like a dragon!

Fist like a wave!

Before the robber leader could react, his body was hit hard one after another, and several crimson numbers flew out, like fire, and the color was extremely hot.




Sure enough, it is worthy of being a small boss, the defense is amazing, under normal circumstances, these three punches are enough to kill all the robbers, but on the body of this small boss, it is only more than a hundred blood drops, rough calculation, at least ten consecutive combos are needed to kill.

After withstanding this set of attacks, the leader of the robbers roared angrily, his eyes were murderous, his aura erupted, and he slashed down indiscriminately with a long knife.

His knife is not like ordinary robbers, ordinary robbers’ knives are unorganized, you can dodge casually, the knife of the robber leader is knife after knife, overlapping, unexpectedly connected into a phantom, faintly and blue light rolled up, covering all sides, rolling up a chaotic air wave, shaking the dust!

This is a robber leader who knows martial arts!

Even with Wang Yi’s body, he did not dare to slack off easily, his eyes were firmly fixed on the opponent’s blade, tossing and turning between square inches, and he did not let this blade fall on his body.

When the blade fell, he moved his footsteps, and the smoke rolled up under his feet, and his spirit rolled out, and three punches were thrown.




This little boss robber leader was actually pressed and beaten by him!

If it were a normal player, the robber leader would definitely go out with three knives, brush and brush, cut down everything, and solve everything in an instant, but the problem is…

His opponent was Wang Yi.

With the foundation of the great consummation to achieve the trainee martial artist, Wang Yi’s foundation is too thick, the foundation is deep, the bonus in strength, agility, physical strength and many other aspects is too high, and in the case of one-on-one, the attribute is completely crushed.

Moreover, this leader is just a small boss, and he is not a descendant of some bull fork character, if he can fight with the great consummation of Wang Yi, it will be really funny.

After another three or four rounds, the leader of this robber was a little unable to resist, and he lost blood continuously, and the amount of blood quickly exceeded half.

Seeing that the other party was about to fall and dedicate a big head, Wang Yi’s eyes lit up, and he was about to continue his efforts to take down this monster in one fell swoop, but at this moment…

“Little ones!”

The leader of this robber suddenly raised his knife and was imposing.

With a bulge in his throat, he roared, “Take him down for me!” ”

With this shout, five or six elite robbers directly appeared from the surrounding brushes, each raising their knives, hehe laughing and quickly approaching.

Wang Yiden was stunned.


It’s shameless, right?

Can’t fight alone, just play group fighting?

Rogue tricks that only players will use, and this robber leader will actually do it?

As the saying goes, two fists are difficult to fight with four hands, if these robbers are mortal-level, he can not care, directly instantaneous, but the problem is that these elite robbers are trainee martial artists, the strength is not weak, a little attention, once surrounded, it must be a dead word!

Such times….

“It’s only a sporting battle.”

Wang Yi must have thought in his heart, so he ran away from the girl, and deliberately put a mockery before running, “Sun Tzu, do you have the ability to chase me?” If you can’t chase me, I’m your grandfather! ”

A shout came out, and when he boarded, the leader of the robbers exploded, and he roared wildly, and then strode forward and chased over.

This pursuit opened the distance between him and those elite robbers.

After all, he is the leader, his strength is definitely stronger than the elite robbers, and the speed is naturally a little faster, and before he knows it, he throws the elite robbers out of a distance.

Looking back at the scene behind him, Wang Yi casually flipped over a few ordinary robbers who rushed up, calculating the distance in his heart, hanging the leader of the robbers far away, and after running for a few more minutes, he paused in his steps and reflexively rushed.

It’s time to blow the clarion call to fight back!

A straight rush, rushed to the small boss, Wang Yi lowered his head, let the opponent’s big knife roll over, swept off a few floating hairs, the vertebrae swing like a big dragon, luck in the body, burst out full of strength, fist like a rainstorm crashed down.




Because the output was too fierce and the fist force was too heavy, he could not open the distance for a short time, and after a set of serial punches was thrown out, Wang Yi was very calm and quickly made up for it.

This kick directly attacks the lower body of the small boss.


The robber leader’s eyes were wide, his face was red, and the tiger’s body was shocked, and immediately lost his combat power, Wang Yi slammed a few punches again, crushed hard, and finally killed this little boss in one fell swoop.

The moment he died, there was a clanging in his ears.

“System prompt: Through a vicious fight, the player Heavenly Emperor has comprehended the martial arts heart method Tianxing Qigong, and his skill proficiency has been increased by 50.”

“System Tip: Since you killed the robber leader, you gain 50 reputation.”

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a small boss, and if you turn over an elite robber in your usual state, you will increase your skill proficiency by three points, and as soon as this small boss dies, it directly provides 50 points!

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yi immediately felt that his luck was much more relaxed, and when he clenched his fists, he seemed to feel that his strength was one point greater, and the strength was penetrating and round.

Familiar with his own strength, he drooped his gaze and looked at the corpse of the robber leader.

Now, it’s time to clean up the harvest!

Above the ground, next to the corpse, there was already a large handful of coins, a skill book, and an ancient long knife inserted into the ground, and there was a divine light surging on the surface of the knife body, like flowing water, flowing backwards to the sky.

Weapons with divine light?

And a skill book?

Wang Yi’s heart jumped, and he secretly rubbed his hands.

And just as he was about to put away the loot, an exclamation suddenly broke out next to him.

“Lie in the groove, burst good things!”

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