Seeing hundreds of big men rushing over, the momentum was extremely violent, Wang Yi was not shocked and rejoiced, drew out the divine light weapon glaucoma knife, and his body was full of qi and blood, and he shouted.

“Come and come, the battle is fast!”

At the same time as the voice fell, his feet were forced, and the dust on the ground rose up, scattering smoke, and the blade was like a violent storm, suddenly rolling down.

Chaotic cloak knife technique!

The divine light on the blade surged like a spring, transforming into a brilliant cyan knife light, brilliant and mysterious, like condensing into a sea of blades, covering hundreds of big men who swept in.


The sound of blades falling on the human body roared, like heavy sound waves, endlessly!

Before the approaching strong men could make a move, a line of green light swept past their eyes, and their necks, hearts, abdomen, and all the weak points on their bodies were ravaged by the sword light.

At the same time, a bright red number floated up, and the data was extremely amazing!




Every number that floats means the fall of a trainee warrior.

Wang Yi shouted angrily, did not retreat but advanced, walked like a god descending into the world, the knife was like a ghost cut out, the figure drifted in the crowd, even if he was deeply trapped in the crowd, but no one could hurt him, every time he stabbed, there were gas waves surges, and there must be people’s heads on the ground!

Yes, the strength of these people is indeed good, but if they compare with him, they are still far behind.

After all, he is a great consummation of six martial arts exercises, his body is too perverted, his strength is superhuman, his agility is like the wind, and his speed of action is a little scary, these people can’t keep up with his speed at all, and his strength is completely crushed!

At this moment, Wang Yi seemed to be transformed into a meat grinder, and hundreds of strong men rushed forward, and there was no enemy in combination!

Seeing this scene, the three leaders finally couldn’t sit still.

They walked around, hiding behind the crowd, their eyes firmly fixed on Wang Yi, who was killing the special killer, ready to wait for the opportunity.

After watching silently for a moment, the three nodded to each other and burst out together.

Suddenly, the air stirred and the wind swept like a tide!

Those three people rushed from three different sides, each using long knives, long swords and other weapons, falling towards Wang Yi, murderous and fierce.

Although their actions were secret and quiet, they could not hide Wang Yi’s eyes.

As early as when he started, he was already concerned about the movements of these three people, and when he saw them rushing towards him, a ghostly light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

“Want to die so early? Then I’ll send you on your way. ”

As soon as the words fell, he poured violently, his body turned, and a knife slashed diagonally.

When boarding, the air exploded!

The wind was like a tide, heavy sound waves stirred, and in the sound of the frenzied wind, a cyan brilliant arc flashed, cutting down the void, blocking the space in all directions, and it was the two leaders who were struck.

The figures of the two leaders paused.

A moment later, a red silk faintly appeared on their waists or chests, and then blood gushed out, like a spring of water, and the numbers kept floating.






The front one thousand and five was caused by his sword, and the continuous -50 in the back was caused by the serious injury effect of the Divine Light Weapon that caused the blood to flow nonstop, directly draining the blood of the two leaders and falling to the ground and dying.

At this time, the third leader finally rushed forward, looking extremely hideous, and shouted.


As soon as the words came out, before they were settled, Wang Yi punched out and hit him in the chest.

Eight Polar Collapse!

The eightfold dark energy came out in unison, attacking in one place, and the fist burst out, which was terrifying.

The leader snorted, and the number -2000 fluttered directly above his head, and the muscles in his chest were directly shattered, the sternum exploded, and the flesh and blood spewed out more than ten meters away, and a fifteen-centimeter square circle penetrated a large hole was directly punched by the fist force!

The three leaders of the Great Perfection Foundation died just like that.

I couldn’t even carry a round.

“Seeing all kinds of small consummations and big consummations, I thought it would be very difficult, but I didn’t expect it to be so simple.”

Wang Yi glanced at it and secretly shook his head, “Also, after all, it’s just a daily copy of a family, this kind of difficulty must be nightmare difficulty for ordinary players, but for me, it’s average.” ”

“Forget it, there is no need to think about it, just break through it, there is no need to waste much time.”

At this thought, Wang Yi exhaled deeply, the blade rolled wildly, and the strength was fully opened.

“Give me all up and die!”


In the south courtyard of the Xiao family, at this moment, another group of players came, ready to meet the trial copy.

In this world, there are still capable people, counting up, several days have passed in the game time, and it is normal for game masters to practice trainee martial artists, of course, most of these people are just ordinary perfections, and the full attribute bonus is just like that, far inferior to small consummation, let alone large consummation.

While walking around, everyone chatted and complained: “This Xiao family’s task is too speechless, right? What are the small tasks of chicken skin and garlic, have been done for a long time, and have improved a little bit of goodwill, nothing good has been caught, fortunately there is a copy opportunity, I heard that although this copy is rewarding, but the difficulty is very large. ”

“That’s right, I also heard that this low-difficulty copy is to fight with ten people, the medium-difficulty copy is to fight with fifty people, and the high difficulty is to fight with a hundred people, these people are trainee martial artists, the basic fists and feet are particularly powerful, a little careless, definitely can’t pass, one person, can’t brush alone!”

“So powerful? So what do we do? ”

“What to do? Cold mix, first find someone to test the water, first look at the low-difficulty trial, and then look at the medium-difficulty trial, anyway, we have more people here, try it first. ”

A leader-like player waved his hand and pointed out the road.

Under this remark, these players nodded one after another, seemingly convinced by his words.

And just when the leader player arranged everything and was about to go up to find someone to open the copy, suddenly a mutation occurred.

In the void, a brilliant vortex suddenly flashed, surging with brilliance, flashing divine light.

The players present were startled at first, and then their hearts jumped.

This is….

Someone copy is over?

What kind of person is this TM, actually faster than them, and the copies have already been brushed?

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