Wang Yi’s thinking is very clear.

The reason why that Qu Yunran dared to come and withdraw from marriage was undoubtedly because she had become a closed disciple of the Tianxing Sect Master, her status had risen sharply, and she had the capital to mess around.

And by what did she become a closed disciple?

Nothing more than because of her genius status!

Because of the genius, she can join the Tianxing Sect and become a disciple of the sect master, because of the genius, she will have the capital to come over, and it is also because of the genius that she can act so recklessly and can bring the elders of the Tianxing Sect to coerce.

And Wang Yi, all he wanted was to fight with her and rip off her aura of a heavy genius!

“Since you want to hang her, you must be fully prepared and ensure a sufficient winning rate.”

While quickly rushing to the south courtyard dedicated to brushing copies, Wang Yi calculated in his heart, and his eyes flashed.

“This Qu Yunran, since he can be called a genius, then the strength must be there, I heard Xiao Han say, this woman is still the peak of a trainee martial artist? It seems that the attribute will never be low, and if I want to crush this woman, I must brush the attribute of spirit to 100 to reach the extreme of this realm, so that I can be sure. ”

“It just so happens that the player and my own copy haven’t been brushed today, so I can take this opportunity to brush wildly for a while, I don’t believe it, I can’t brush out a pill that can increase the spirit!”

Thinking of this, Wang Yi had already walked to the gate of the South Courtyard, and with a sweep of his eyes, the more than twenty players were already standing there, eagerly waiting.

After counting the number of people, he added a little more confidence, and said in a deep voice: “Everyone come one by one, don’t be in a hurry, listen to my orders, the old king of the next door will come first.” ”

Hearing the call, the old king of the next door family was full of excitement on his face, and he couldn’t wait to jump out of the way, and immediately followed Wang Yi into the copy vortex.

It’s still that wasteland.

It’s still those hundred big men.

Wang Yi, who had seen it countless times, didn’t want to think about it, and he drew out his divine light weapon, let out a long roar, and rushed up.

This time, he no longer needed to exercise his skill proficiency, and directly used various martial arts exercises to strike and kill all sides.

Chaotic cloak knife technique, instant burst step, blowing fire palm, eight extremes collapse, under a crazy chaotic scroll, hundreds of trainee warriors all died violently, and the three leaders of the great consummation did not realize anything, they were randomly killed by the blade of the chaotic scroll.

This time, the time required for the copy took less than thirty seconds!

In the shocked eyes of the old Wang of the next door, Wang Yi’s expression was still calm, he glanced at the reward of the copy, frowned slightly, and walked out of the copy vortex and shouted loudly.


He has to be fast.

Xiao Han’s side didn’t know what the situation was, if it dragged on for too long, before he had time to brush out the spirit-enhancing elixir, the plot would be over, and then it would be a joke.

Enter the copy.

Out of the copy.

Enter the copy again.

Another copy.

Go back to the copy.

Make another copy.

I don’t know what happened to my luck today, Wang Yi never burst out the pill he needed, making his face more and more grim, and he couldn’t help but secretly shouted in his heart: “Lying groove, don’t tell me, after brushing everyone, you can’t brush a pill that increases your spirit.” ”

And yet….

It really hasn’t been brushed out yet.

Looking at the past copy rewards, the explosion rate of pills that strengthen spiritual attributes is low, and it is a team mode, which reduces the chance of rewards, plus a little luck, after brushing all the copies of the game masters, he actually did not brush out a spiritual pill that he could use, accidentally burst out two, or once eaten, the system prompted that eating again will have no effect!

That’s really a big deal.

“There is no way, I can only look at my last copy, if I can’t brush it out, I can only regret that Qu Yunran.”

Wang Yi gritted his teeth in his heart, and stepped into the difficult copy for the last time.

The same flurry of indiscriminate killing.

The same less than thirty seconds.

Standing in the midst of a corpse, Wang Yi held the knife independently, looking at the system prompt, his mood was like a raging wave, and he was uneasy.

“It must burst out, it must burst out, it must burst out…”

He kept repeating the chanting in his heart, and the whole person had become a repeater, secretly praying.

With a cautious glance, Wang Yi’s heart suddenly paused.

Half a second later, the corners of his mouth slowly raised a curve, and he smiled.

In the system prompt, he suddenly found a dream message.

“System prompt: Congratulations to the player Heavenly Emperor for obtaining the high-level elixir Gathering God Pill.”

“Advanced elixir: Concentrated God Pill, can develop spiritual power, after taking it spirit +5!”

Seeing this piece of information, Wang Yi couldn’t help but laugh up to the sky, quickly swallowed the Gathering God Pill, and then his figure swept violently, and he came out of the copy, straight to the Xiao family’s family conference room.

In order to brush out the elixir that increases his spirit, he has already spent a lot of time, and if he doesn’t speed up his time, he may not be able to catch up with the field!

And when walking quickly, the pill flowed into the stomach and gradually penetrated into the body.

That medicinal power turned into a boiling stream of heat, like a blazing fire, straight up, turning into the head, but did not bring Wang Yi much pain, but it was cool, making his spirit clear.

In his attribute column, the spiritual 99 attribute finally changed, rising to 100!

This small change may not seem like a big change, but it has caused a big change!

His body seems to have received some kind of sublimation, his vision has become clear and bright, his sense of smell has become extremely sensitive, and his spirit, qi and blood, flesh, muscles, bones, everything has reached a state of perfection, rationing with each other and fitting perfectly.

Spirit, qi, and God are perfectly one!

Such an extreme state of perfection was something that Wang Yi had never had before.

At this time, strength, agility, physique, spirit, and the four attributes are all complete.

At this time, his cultivation had reached the ultimate of a trainee martial artist, domineering and sweeping through everyone.

At this time, the distance between him and the Xiao family’s family conference room was only half a minute.

Closing his eyes and feeling the power in his body for a while, Wang Yi couldn’t help but smile.

“Tianjiao? Qu Yunran? ”

Softly spitting out the name, his eyes changed, and his eyes were just like a sharp blade, extremely cold.

“I want to see how strong the so-called genius is!”

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