Between breaths, the body can shuttle tens of meters, and with the power of one punch, it can shock the air and trigger the angry wind, this unparalleled lethality can be controlled by humans?

What is even more shocking is that this power can also be reproduced in real life!

“My God, with the strength of this player Heavenly Emperor, if he assassinates the head of state, no one can stop it!”

“With this human skill, placed in the city, even if a special force is sent, it is difficult to kill him, unless there is a bullet that can happen that the speed of this Heavenly Emperor’s activity is too fast, and normal people can’t react at all!”

“If this Heavenly Emperor learns a little marksmanship, he alone will be equivalent to a small army!”

Government officials were amazed, their hearts fluctuating violently, trembling, and reporting the test data to the upper echelons of various countries.

However, this is not the end of the matter.

Just after calculating the combat power of the Heavenly Emperor brush copy, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and on the game forum, another game video was thrown out.

That was….

Video of Tiandi fighting Qu Yunran, a genius of the Tianxing Sect.

Looking at the terrifying figure in the video, the unparalleled momentum of the fist, the corners of the already frightened government personnel’s mouths twitched slightly, and his mind was blank.

After a long time, a thought appeared in everyone’s minds at the same time.

Find the Heavenly Emperor as much as possible, and then win him over at all costs!

On the game forum, countless players saw this video, and their hearts were even more excited, their hearts were racing, and they were noisy.

Such a terrifying lethality, they had never heard of it before, never seen before!

Before this, players thought that the so-called extraordinary strength in the game referred to the internal strength of martial arts, which could strengthen the body and the like, but they never thought that with human strength, they could come to this point.

These human beings, who had never been exposed to extraordinary powers, finally vaguely understood what the fantasy world was!


The night went by.

Wang Yi, who had a good night’s sleep, officially woke up and boarded the game again.

But this time I logged in, but did not step into that side of the game world, but added a prompt.

“System tip: Please note that the fifteen-day newbie protection period has ended, and the game will be temporarily closed for two days, opening a new era of fantasy world.”

“The world is vast, the endless heavens, the years are flowing, the time is long, this eternal hurry, who can become the supreme name? Who can dominate the ups and downs of this vast earth? ”

“The game era “Golden World, Tianjiao Battle” is about to be updated, please be prepared.”

After reading this piece of game tips, Wang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes brightened slightly.

Indeed, as the mysterious man said, this game era is really newer.

A golden martial arts era is coming.

Thinking about the words of the mysterious man, his mind turned over, his whole heart burned wildly, and his thoughts were like wild waves, turbulent.

A whole bunch of fierce people are about to jump out?!!!

With this example of Xiao Han in front, Wang Yi’s thoughts flowed, and he had to think of something.

Among the countless Tianjiao born in the sky, I don’t know if there will be a Desolate Ancient Saint Body appearing, fighting the world angrily, and I don’t know if there will be a fierce person with a supreme bone in his chest being born, sweeping all directions, as well as the innate holy body Dao fetus, invincible overlord body, chaotic body, etc., etc., these incomparably brilliant terrifying physiques are going to be presented in the world?

There are also many heaven-defying martial arts divine skills, nine secrets, six reincarnation fists, he transformed into a great law, a grass sword intent, etc., etc., these divine laws are going to reveal its glory?

“Hmm… I’m afraid it won’t jump out so quickly. ”

Wang Yi’s eyes flashed, and he secretly calculated in his heart, “These martial arts divine skills are too domineering, with the power of shattering big stars and shattering stars, in the early stage of the game, it is obviously impossible to jump out all at once, moreover, the mysterious person also said that these fierce people only came out to awaken, most of them should still be normal martial arts Tianjiao, it is impossible to exaggerate too much.” ”


“Maybe there’s a way to touch a little.”

He pondered for a moment, shook his head and chuckled, then withdrew from the game and went back to the game’s official forum, reading the game’s announcements to see what had changed.

In summary, the changes are as follows.

One: Increase the player’s exhaustion and hunger.

Previously, during the fifteen days of the newbie protection period, players would not feel tired and hungry, so they could brush copies at will, brush wild monsters, not tired, and they could improve themselves quickly, and this game update filled this loophole.

Second: End the city restrictions, players can move around the city at will.

During the newbie protection period, players could only move within the city of birth and were not allowed to go out at will, but now this restriction has been removed, so that the entire game can be highly liberal and arbitrary, and all players can come and go at will.

After sweeping these two points, Wang Yi pondered for a moment and couldn’t help shaking his head.

As soon as the restrictions of this city are lifted, the personnel of the big forces can converge as soon as possible and exert their strength together, so that their development speed will definitely increase rapidly!

It seems that the time has come for various consortiums and government power to skyrocket!


To be honest, it’s of little use for the time being.

With the current player’s understanding of the fantasy world, almost nothing is known, in this case, in a short period of time, it is impossible to set off a storm.

After reading the game announcement, Wang Yi’s gaze shifted and turned his attention to other posts in the forum.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows.

And a huge part of these posts turned out to be discussing him!

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