Of the blackest dye!

It’s really vicious!

Seeing him start to kill, the person driving here did not hesitate and directly hit him, which is enough to prove that this group of people is definitely a vicious person, maybe there are several lives on his back!

The wheels rolled, the rain was heavy, and the van was like a huge mountain peak, close to him!

Seeing this scene, the woman who ran away quickly reminded: “Be careful, get out of the way!” ”

In this regard, Wang Yi looked calm and did not move.

There was no panic on his face, his eyes were calm and unwavering, quietly watching the van crash, and at the moment of the attack, his left leg moved two steps sideways.

This desperate van rushed past him!

The water splashed and flew like snow.

While dodging sideways, Wang Yi clenched it with one hand and clenched it into a fist, and the energy of true qi surged from his body, flowing between his fingers, and against the van, a punch was blasted out.

Martial arts combat skills, eight extremities!

How terrifying is Wang Yi’s combat power?

Only five percent of the force, he can use a kitchen knife to cut into the iron pipe, the strength is so strong, it can be called inhuman, and at this moment, he is doing it with all his strength, and also uses martial arts combat skills, the fist strength is not known how much it has strengthened, when the fist is blasted out, only listen to a dull explosion, the sound is so loud that it resounds in all directions!


The body is dull, the glass is splashing!

Eightfold strength, surging in unison, gathered in one place, fist burst out, almost explosive power, the body made of steel twisted and collapsed, one side of the body dented, like a square suddenly turned into a cone, the entire huge body overturned and fell, reversed one hundred and eighty degrees, glided on the ground for more than ten meters, and smashed a rain curtain.

One punch, blast the car!

The woman who ran away was suddenly shocked.

This man’s punch actually knocked a van over?

What a terrifying force this is!

The woman’s heart was shocked, just like a tide boiling and rolling, a pair of beautiful eyes were huge, but it was a little unbelievable.

How could a human being reach such an extraordinary level?

At this time, Wang Yi opened his mouth and asked: “There are all bad people inside, people who are not held hostage?” ”

The woman was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and signaled no.

After getting the answer, Wang Yi nodded, walked to the side of the van, and blew out the fire palm with a bang.

Suddenly, countless glass shards flew up, like a rain of swords, sweeping through the entire carriage, and everyone inside died clean.

After solving this matter, Wang Yi didn’t say anything more to the girl, so Shi Shiran left.

And the woman stayed in place for a few seconds, a little stunned.

After a long time, she suddenly remembered something, and cautiously approached the van to see where Wang Yi punched.

At this look, the woman couldn’t help but take a sharp breath of cold air.

Right in the center of the car door, a fist piercing hole fell there, which had completely pierced the steel car door, and that look was particularly terrifying.


After returning home, Wang Yi changed into soaked clothes, took a shower, quieted down, and prepared for bed.

As for the feeling of killing someone for the first time in real life, he did not.

Perhaps, it is that I killed too much in the game and was already numb.

Helping people pass copies all day, back and forth, Wang Yi killed tens of thousands of people, with the realism of the game in that fantasy world, almost no different from killing people in reality, so he conveniently erased those few people, the mentality is understated, and there is not even a mood fluctuation.

Moreover .


Those people should be killed too!

In the following time, Wang Yihaosheng slept, practiced martial arts for a while, survived the update time of the game, and when he could enter the game, he couldn’t wait and immediately entered the game warehouse.

“Player is logged in…”

“Login successful!”

“System prompt: The new era of fantasy has officially opened, the golden world, Tianjiao fights for hegemony!”

“As a martial arts practitioner, in such a new era, you have multiple choices, you can fight with other players in your own forces, compete for the title of Tianjiao, when you obtain this title, you have the capital to fight with the top genius, you can also choose to follow the top Tianjiao, become a witness of the times, of course, you can also choose not to follow, wander the world, wander, witness the storm, the world changes, of course, your destiny may not be able to make your own decisions, some things , after all, there is no escape. ”

“Finally, welcome here, from now on, you will see the real fantasy world!”

After reading this piece of information, Wang Yi squinted slightly, pondered for a few seconds, and finally decided to go to see Xiao Han first.

Two days of reality have passed, which is equivalent to six days of game time disappearing, so long not seen, I don’t know how this teenager is, whether there is any big change in his mood.

But this search, but did not find anyone.

As soon as he asked the Xiao family patriarch, he knew that a top powerhouse had already taken Xiao Han away and went as a disciple, and as early as three days ago, he had already gone out with his master to practice!

“It seems that his opportunity has arrived, and since this is the case, I should also embark on the right path.”

Wang Yi frowned, subconsciously opened the attribute bar, his eyes jumped, and looked at the question mark-level Emperor Dao Burning Technique.

“Next, my goal is the alien fire!”

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