Looking at the other party’s soft and matchless beautiful face, Wang Yi was stunned for a moment, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and replied with a smile: “Finally meet again, Kaoru’er.” ”

Since the last time the Xiao family parted, the two broke off contact, and they had not seen each other for months, but now they met again here, which more or less surprised him.

Standing outside the door, Xiao Yunxun wore a purple dress, her skin was like coagulation, and she looked at Wang Yi carefully, and said with a smile: “I haven’t seen it for months, the strength of the Heavenly Emperor brother is so fast, Kaoru’er admires.” ”

“Where, Kaoru’er is too praised.”

Wang Yi smiled, glanced at the beautiful woman in front of him, and his heart trembled.

After many days, Xiao Yunxun’s strength has improved too much, and with his current gaze, he can’t even see the depth.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the fluctuations in his heart, he still had a light smile on his face, and said while welcoming the woman in.

“Kaoru’er, in the future, there is no need to call me the Heavenly Emperor, just call me Yi.”

“Is that so?”

Xiao Yunxun answered, a pair of autumn water bright eyes blinked gently, with a little charm, it was moving, “Okay, Brother Yi.” ”

Wang Yi smiled and said, “I didn’t expect you and me to meet again here, Kaoru’er, did you come here this time to participate in the Tianjiao competition?” ”

“Not really.”

Xiao Yunxun pursed her red lips, sat down, her posture was light and soft, and spoke: “Kaoru’er will not participate in the Tianjiao competition when she comes here, but just came to observe and see what characters will appear.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yi’s brows frowned slightly, and he couldn’t help asking: “Could it be that this time the Tianjiao Dabi has a hidden existence behind it?” ”

Xiao Yunxun was silent for a few seconds, as if considering whether to say it or not, and then nodded and said, “That’s true.” ”

Wang Yi’s spirit was shocked and asked, “Can you ask Kaoru’er to answer?” ”

Xiao Yunxun was silent for a few breaths, and then said: “This Tianjiao competition was actually single-handedly promoted by my ancient domain, in order to explore the changes in the world and find the top Tianjiao. ”

“The world is not static, there are golden ages, and naturally there are low periods.”

“In the low period, the heaven and earth declined, the warriors had difficulty in cultivation, the strong were rare, and for a hundred years, it was rare for a divine body to appear, and when it reached the golden age, the heavenly arrogance came out and the divine body prevailed, and the current situation obviously proves that this heaven and earth have come to the prosperous era of cultivation.”

“For warriors, this is good and a disaster.”

“In the past ancient records, when the golden age comes, it will be easier to break through the limit, become a strong person, and have extraordinary great power, but correspondingly, it will also let some powerful evil people recover from their slumber and come to the earth.”

“Those creatures change with the times, when the heavens and the earth are weak, they are silent, when the heavens and the earth are revived, they are cruel, tyrannical and bloody, they take pleasure in killing people, and when they wake up, they will set off a dark turmoil and affect the whole world!”

“In order to deal with this turmoil, the ancient domain will set off this Tianjiao competition.”

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunxun’s eyebrows tightened, and a little solemnity appeared, “In this big competition, all those who perform outstandingly, the ancient domain will open a unique trial secret realm for them, Tianjiao can obtain the magic method from this trial secret realm, or the ancient inheritance, and even the legendary Tianshu Emperor Sutra, if it can be gained, it can greatly increase itself and pave the way for the future.” ”

Hearing this, Wang Yi’s eyes suddenly changed.

Dark turmoil?

Obviously, the so-called golden age, Tianjiao hegemony is just a small page prologue, and the real big era has really begun!

Thinking about this Tianjiao Dabi directly connected to the Trial Secret Realm, hearing that there were also various magical methods, and even the Heavenly Book Emperor Sutra, his blood suddenly boiled and his breathing became short.

This kind of good thing must definitely be won!

After thinking for a few seconds, Wang Yi suddenly thought of something, and couldn’t help but ask: “Kaoru’er, according to your words, only strong people with outstanding performance can join, so in this Tianjiao competition, is there a supreme divine body participating in the competition?” ”

Xiao Yunxun Yingying pursed her lips slightly, nodded, and said, “Even if they are supreme divine bodies, they do not belong to the forces of the ancient domain, but other inferior extraordinary forces, and they also need to prove their combat power to the ancient domain, so they are also involved.” ”

Suddenly, Wang Yi’s heart jumped, and his spirit couldn’t help but be uplifted.

The Supreme Divine Body has finally come out, which is interesting!

The two chatted for a while, chatting about the secret realm in detail, and Xiao Yunxun said goodbye.

This time, she just came to reminisce, to remind her, and did nothing else.

After all, the favorability between the two is still very limited, and it is currently only at the friend level, and the higher-level intimate actions have not been unlocked for the time being.

In this regard, Wang Yi was not surprised, and after sending the woman away, he quickly recruited the three bear children to inform the inside story of Tianjiao Dabi.

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Han immediately clapped: “I said, this time Tianjiao is bigger than the movement, it turns out to be like this!” ”

Ye Sheng clapped his hands fiercely and said in a deep voice: “This is a great opportunity, I must not miss it!” ”

The bear child’s eyes widened, and he shouted: “Don’t say anything, this time Tianjiao Dabi, I will fight with all my strength!” ”

This little little dot originally wanted to come over to see the liveliness, and there was some interest in Tianjiao Dabi, but the interest was very general, and now when I heard that this thing was linked to the ancient inheritance, my mood suddenly rose to the highest point, shouting to sweep all sides and pocket all the good things!

Seeing that everyone’s interest was raised, Wang Yi couldn’t help but smile and said, “Everyone, please calm down.” ”

“I learned from others that after the secret realm is opened, good things need to be fought to obtain, many strong people will go deep into it, go together, the strength of one person is always limited, we must work together to get the benefits there.”

“Of course.”

The bear child spoke quickly, rubbed his palm, and glanced at the other three, “If there is a gain, everyone can take it out and exchange it for sharing.” ”

The three looked at each other and said in unison.


And in the chat of the four, Tianjiao from all over gradually arrived, and a battle for hegemony between Tianjiao was about to break out! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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