When the time came, Wang Yi and the others acted in time and walked towards the agreed palace.

And when they walked to the palace, the crowd over there was already full, the goddess player Dark Pineapple stood on the side, and the four supreme god bodies also stood on the side, standing silently.

At a glance, Wang Yi’s gaze froze immediately.

He clearly saw that the distance between the four supreme divine bodies was a little more than before!

Looking closely at the eyes of the four people, there was a faint sense of rustiness in their eyes, and they didn’t even say a word to each other, which made him feel turbulent and imaginative.


Infighting between these people?

After thinking about it in his heart, the corners of Wang Yi’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch, his expression did not move, and he stood still.

Soon after, Nagu Baiyue came with a light smile.

He still looked calm, smiled lightly, waved his hand, and signaled everyone to follow him and progress together.

After walking in the palace for a while, everyone came to a deep place.

The trees here are extremely tall (harmoniously) towering, almost extending into the sky, blooming and paving the way, and at the end of the road, there is a huge black stone slab.

The surface of the black stone slab is smooth, unusually black and deep, giving people a very hard feeling, its range is extremely large, about hundreds of meters in radius, and countless runes are engraved on it, like a dragon floating, obscure and mysterious, twisting and winding, connected into a magic array, flowing with wonderful spiritual light.

And above the French array, there was already a group of people standing.

Among these people, there are men and women, all of them are the age of teenagers, each of them is as imposing as the sea, hiding the power of fury, and several of them even make Wang Yi feel that his breath is not weaker than his own!

This is……

The breath fluctuation of the supreme divine body!

Wang Yi looked down and paid careful attention, just in time to see that Xiao Yunxun was also among them, his heart moved slightly, but his face did not reveal any changes.

At this time, Xiao Han came close and whispered to Wang Yi: “It seems that this is the place where the secret realm is opened, it is strange to say, the place where this ancient secret realm opens is not on the side of the ancient domain, but in this imperial city, there are many doorways inside.” ”

Wang Yi glanced at Gu Baiyue and replied softly: “Everyone understands in their hearts, there is no need to say it.” ”

Hearing this, the bear child also spat out his tongue (harmony) head and muttered in a low voice: “Strength is good, take whatever you want.” ”

Obviously, they all understood that this ancient secret realm was not something original to the ancient domain, but was forcibly occupied!

Tiptoeing to reach the edge of the formation, Gu Baiyue froze.

He turned around, smiled and said, “Dear Tianjiao, this is where the ancient secret realm opens. ”

“Wait a minute, you can just stand on top of it and go in.”

“Remember, although the ancient secret realm is organic and dangerous, you must pay attention carefully, do not lose your own life, in addition, you can only stay for ten days, after ten days, a gate will open where you enter, if you can’t come out of it, then you have to wait for the next opportunity, and, I want to remind you, the next opening, it is already a thousand years later, if you don’t want to live a lonely life in that no one for a thousand years, at that time, please be careful.”

“Okay, do you have any questions?”

There was silence.

Even if some people saw those ancient domain youths, they had some doubts in their hearts, and they did not dare to confide, for fear of losing this opportunity.

After waiting for a moment, seeing that there was no echo, Gu Baiyue shook his head and chuckled, signaling everyone to stand on top of the magic array, his fingers stretched out, and he shouted angrily.


The boundless rainbow light roared up and rushed straight into the sky!

On the black floor, the endless divine pattern gave birth to cracks, flashing with magnificent brilliance, like a great dragon undulating, winding and shrouding all sides, the void produced violent fluctuations, and the heavens and the earth were shaking!

A moment later, all Tianjiao’s figures disappeared with a bang.




The body seemed to be put into a roller coaster, climbing up and down rapidly, rotating at a high speed of 360 degrees, Rao is a phaseless divine body, Wang Yi still feels extremely uncomfortable, and his thinking has been affected to a certain extent.

Chaos, however, is only instantaneous.

In the next breath, his thinking suddenly cleared, his eyes condensed, and the system’s prompt sounded at the right time.

“System prompt: Player Heavenly Emperor, you have entered the Ancient Secret Realm, the inheritance of the emperor.”

Inheritance of the Emperor?

That’s interesting.

After savoring the information transmitted by the system prompt, Wang Yi pondered for a second and looked up at the sky.

The sky here is red.

As if stained with endless blood, as if stained with blazing fire, the sky is red and bright, across the southeast, northwest, and there is no sun, moon and stars.

After watching for a while, his eyes fell and he saw the scenery in all directions.

In all directions, there are mountains (harmony) peaks, endless, about thousands of feet high, extremely magnificent and majestic, in the depths of that mountain range, there are divine lights rising up into the sky, huge, breaking into the clouds, forming a huge pillar that supports the sky.

And these lights are the creation and opportunity in the ancient secret realm!

“Two days ago, I heard Xiao Yunxun say that every divine light that rises into the sky means an opportunity, or a mysterious divine herb elixir, or an ancient inheritance, the larger the pillar of light, the more blazing the light color, it means that the better the opportunity contained in the divine light, the higher the grade!”

Thinking of this, Wang Yi’s heart fluctuated, and it was a little difficult to suppress.

Since entering the game, the first big creation has finally arrived!


“Before that, I’m going to see the situation.”

The thought flowed here, and he was full of concentration and looked around.

The three of the bear children were still standing, obviously recovering from the discomfort of entering the secret realm, while next to them, the surrounding divine bodies had also returned to their original state, looking around, familiar with the place.

Among the people, Lin Baichen’s four people had solemn faces, and they had already confronted the supreme divine body on the other side of the ancient domain.

Wang Yi counted a little, and couldn’t help but feel a shock in his heart.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the strongest extraordinary force in the Song Kingdom, and the foundation is really profound and amazing, and there are as many as five supreme divine bodies present, which is more than the number of other extraordinary forces combined! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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