The magic shadow is faint and foggy.

The black divine pattern seemed to be substance, flowing horizontally in the magic shadow, exuding a terrifying aura that made people palpitate.

Glancing at the shattered stone wall, Wang Yi’s eyes lowered, and his heart was slightly startled.

If this sword really slashed into his body, even if he had a unique talent as a foundation, I am afraid that he would be traumatized!

He recalled the battle with those powerful people and couldn’t help but shake his head.

“The gap is really too big.”

“When I fought against me, the foundation of those powerful people is obviously not good, the killing power of the gods is only hundreds of meters, and the destructive power is just like that, it is really of average level, and this Demon Shadow God Killing Sword is really not comparable, and I can be killed like that, not because I am too strong, but because those people are too weak.”

“But it is also said that the divine power that can be accepted by a great emperor will naturally not be a mortal thing, and when it comes to power, it must be more domineering than the power of those miscellaneous fish.”

Thinking of this, Wang Yi’s heart moved.

The deep demon shadow suddenly receded, like a tide, condensed into a black rune chain, and flooded into the body.

He opened the attribute bar, glanced at Proficiency, and sighed slightly relieved.

It seems that because of physical reasons, the proficiency of this Demon Shadow God Killing Sword has grown rapidly, and it has reached more than 10,000 in just a few days of training, and in two or three days, it will be successful and complete.

“After I step into the consummation, presumably, the appointment certificate of the king of the Song Kingdom will also arrive.”

Wang Yi pondered silently and walked forward.

This fantasy world is getting closer and closer to reality, and such orders will not be released immediately through the game announcement, but will wait until the monarch’s order is transmitted, and now the capital is in chaos into a pot of porridge, and it will be officially announced when the situation is a little calmer.

And when the order is sent, this Red Rock City may not be calm.

You know, in this Redstone City, there are a total of three major families, in addition to the Xiao family, there are the other two families dormant, because of him, those two families have already shrunk their strength, and now he wants to become the city lord, the other two families will definitely not sit idly by.

A normal person knows what kind of changes this Redstone City will usher in after he becomes bigger!

“It’s a pity, no matter how they move, nothing will change.”

Wang Yi’s eyes were cold, and he muttered to himself.

While thinking, a system prompt suddenly sounded in his ears.

“System tip: The game will be updated in half an hour, please take it offline as soon as possible, the update time is two days, the specific update content, please also enter the game forum to watch.”

The game is about to be updated?

Wang Yi was stunned at first, raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately boarded the game forum.

On the forum, the first piece of information was about the update content, and he immediately chose to click on.

The first article of the game update, death aggravated.

When the player dies, the death penalty of the gamer will no longer be the elimination of skill proficiency by half, but directly all data cleared, start again, the previous game account can not be used, the relationship is canceled, and the account must be rebuilt before the game can be played.

Seeing this piece of information, Wang Yi’s heart was shocked.

This death penalty is so terrifying that it is equivalent to dying again in reality, the only difference is that the player can start all over again.

Hurriedly sweeping through the first update, Wang Yi suppressed the fluctuations in his heart and continued to look down.

The second article of the game update, the game will open the border border.

In today’s game world, players can only wander within the Song Kingdom and cannot travel to other countries, and after the update, the game will liberate national restrictions and allow people to enter other countries to adventure.

The third article of the game update, the big forces fully open the solicitation mode to players.

In the Song Kingdom, all the top forces will open the door to players, those with strong strength can choose to join by themselves, those who have a chance encounter, and even join the legendary extraordinary forces that have disappeared into the red dust!

The fourth article of the game update is that the game is open to the whole world.

In the more than two months since the opening of the fantasy world, only players from Huaxia can enter the game to play and improve their realistic ability, but after this update, the people of the entire world can step into the game!

The fifth article of the game update is erased and the pain is enhanced.

After the update, the condition of blood volume will be directly erased, and the pain of people will be enhanced, and the pain will no longer be as small as before.

After reading all the information, Wang Yi couldn’t help but exhale deeply.

Each of these five updates means a transformation, and the whole game becomes more and more realistic, in addition, the fourth of the game is also quite thought-provoking.

Open to the whole world?

That’s interesting…

As we all know, in the fantasy world, what it means to have a one-step opportunity, and now, Huaxia players have been staying in the game for two months, and the overall strength has risen by one level, and now people from those countries join again, and the consequences can be calculated even without thinking.

“This fourth update, I’m afraid the government has made a lot of bad things in the back.”

Wang Yi thought secretly, and then looked at the messages left by other players under the forum.

“Lying groove, after death, the data is cleared, just start over? Is this less and less like a game? ”

“This death punishment is too severe, once the game dies, the real flesh will also be beaten back to its original form, and you really can’t mess around casually in the future.”

“Huh, can you join the big forces? What other extraordinary forces? What are the extraordinary forces? Why haven’t you heard it before? ”

“People from other countries are going to play this game too? Groove, this is interesting! ”

Players are buzzing, excited, and have different points of interest, with the only common recognition that a new era of gaming has arrived.

The rest of your gaming career is sure to be even more exciting!

Randomly scanning the opinions of thousands of players, a message suddenly came from the dark pineapple.

“Heavenly Emperor, the game update will take two days, during this time, can we meet once? I want to ask you something. ”

Seeing this information, Wang Yi raised his eyebrows and thought about it, immediately agreed, exchanged contact information with each other, and saw that the time was almost up, so he went offline. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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