After scanning the forum, Wang Yi immediately concluded that there must be government involvement behind this massacre.

In the Song Kingdom, there are more than 10,000 cities, and the number of Chinese players is as high as hundreds of millions, each with its own ideas, each with its own plans, if it were not for the government behind it, the scope of this killing could not be so huge, almost blocking all foreign players!

Things have developed to this point, it is already a flood that breaks the dike, and it cannot be stopped.

Even if many players do not have much killing intent in their hearts, but as this trend of killing foreigners sets off, they will involuntarily join it, and the trend together cannot be stopped!

Although with the passage of time, this killing frenzy will eventually subside, but it has planted a seed of killing, from now on, many Chinese players will regard the slaughter of foreigners as a daily life, killing and injuring once from time to time, so that the cultivation path of foreign players is basically cut off!

“The government’s belly is really not to be underestimated, and it can be blackened.”

Wang Yi shook his head and let out a soft breath.

For this trend, he himself has little interest, and he only wants one thing in his heart, that is, to become stronger as soon as possible!


This killing frenzy continued one after another, from early to late, until two game days later, it subsided a little.

Many foreign players were directly killed with a psychological collapse, quit the game, and complained to the game official.

“Complaint, complaint! Why can this group of damn Huaxia players kill people in the city? ”

“Fuck, what a broken game! I don’t even give up my birthplace, and I want to complain that this game can’t be played! ”

“Protest, hurry up and punish that group of crazy Huaxia players, otherwise we won’t play this game!”

Foreign players were shocked and almost grief-stricken.

This merciless act of slaughter is too ferocious for people to bear!

However, their fierce protest did not get a single response, and the game official did not reply to this, not even a symbolic apology, which was bland and ignored.

In this regard, many foreign governments have expressed that they cannot bear it.

Their diplomats were extremely indignant and angry, and asked Huaxia to give an explanation, but at this time, the response of the Ministry of Foreign Education was extremely vague and there was no specific attitude.

In total, it is nothing more than three mantras.

And this?

It’s about me!

Shut up your!

No matter how foreign players protest, life will continue without any change, and many Chinese players are still sharpening their knives, waiting for many lambs to go online.

Seeing this tragic situation, some players were unwilling.

Many Japanese and Korean players want to disguise themselves as Chinese people and escape this crazy slaughter, but unfortunately, the nationality of all players is indicated in the game, and these people are allowed to think and think in every way, but they cannot escape the death knife.

The killing continues.

And in this incomparably happy carnival, the Huaxia players did not forget the business and began to prepare separately.

After the game update, the super powerful forces in the Song Kingdom are about to open the door of dust and extend an olive branch to outsiders, and players are extremely excited about this, and they want to join.

In addition, there are also players who are determined to go abroad in search of opportunities and creation.

The world is changing, and Wang Yi stands still.

He casually handed over the method of True Qi deification to Dark Pineapple, let her break through on her own, and gave the elixir to the old king of the next door to let him deal with the takeaway incident, while he was wholeheartedly put on penance.

That Emperor Fire Power has already finished learning, and next, he naturally has to learn the special magic energy of other supreme divine bodies.

After deliberation, Wang Yi’s choice was the power of Zhao Tianque’s Suzaku hegemony.

Suzaku, divine beast also.

This beast has the ability to burn the heavens and destroy the earth, traversing the eight desolations and nine ghosts, and its great power is incalculable!

And it itself means a kind of alien fire, called Nanming Vermilion Fire, the divine energy is vast, the destructive power is amazing, if it can be mastered by him, it is equivalent to allowing him to have the fourth kind of alien fire.

And this fourth kind of alien fire can not only allow him to refine elixirs, enhance the foundation, but also strengthen the combat effectiveness and increase the power, once learned, it can be said that it is a real double kill!

With a certain mind, Wang Yi did not hesitate and immediately opened the research on the Suzaku overlord body.

In his mind, the scenes of fighting with Zhao Tianque emerged, and he froze it, the Dao Divine Rune was stripped out, and he began to comprehend and analyze, and with the help of the Heavenly Eye and the Phaseless Divine Body, Wang Yi quickly made progress.

A few days later.

A huge divine light surged out of his body!

That divine light was extremely thick, like boiling magma erupting instantly, turning into a red-red fiery rune that surrounded the surroundings.

There were dozens of runes, each the size of a palm, containing terrifying divine energy, and the flowing divine light was like a river, shining in all directions.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in his ears.

“System prompt: Congratulations to the player Heavenly Emperor, you have a different fire, Nanming Suzaku Fire!”

“Nanming Vermilion Fire: This is the fire of the divine beast, extremely hot, boundless magic power, because of the Emperor Dao Burning Technique, when this strange fire research is completed, it will bring a certain level of flesh attribute bonus, proficiency 0/20000.”

After receiving this message, Wang Yi’s heart was shocked.

This kind of strange fire can actually improve those four attributes?

He originally thought that only the alien fire obtained from the outside world could have a strengthening effect and increase the root of the flesh, but he did not expect that the alien fire from this realization could actually strengthen the flesh body!

“In this way, that Kaoru’er’s golden flame should also be able to increase my strength!”

“Hahaha, what a bonus!

With a chuckle, Wang Yi’s fingers flicked, and the violent boiling flames suddenly converged, hovering between his fingers, like a small red vermilion, whispering and groaning, exuding billowing heat.

Staring at this little Suzaku, suddenly, he raised his eyebrows.

I don’t know why, this Nanming Suzaku Fire suddenly changed!

The originally obscure Suzaku Overlord Rune seemed to have become much simpler and extremely easy to understand, and at the same time, the Dao system prompt sounded madly in the ears, like spring thunder rolling and roaring continuously! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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