One minute.

I broke it and looked at it, but it was only sixty seconds, and there was not enough time for people to go to the toilet.

But in such a short period of time, that day the emperor crossed the Lin family and walked out in a grand manner!

Everyone knows what this move means.

This means that a prosperous family has fallen, and the glorious deviations of the past do not exist!

Many people trembled in their hearts, frightened by the means of the Heavenly Emperor, and thus worried about real life.

After all, in reality, there are not so many powerful martial artists, let alone the extraordinary life that surpasses the martial artist realm…

Others are shocked, others are in awe, these things are only other people’s affairs after all, Wang Yi’s thoughts are still the same, ready to end the other family and eliminate it.

And with his speed, but Xu Yu, he came to the door of Zhao’s house.

Raising his palm and breaking the doorway, Wang Yi paced in, and an unconcealable happiness appeared in his heart.

This feeling of freedom is really exciting.

Do what you want, do what you want, kill whoever you want, dashing rampant in the world, no one in the world to stop, such a happy life, it is really refreshing, the thoughts are clear!

Of course, he knew in his heart that this happy life was based on strength.

“In the face of power, everything in the world seems fragile.”

Wang Yi exhaled slightly, feeling deeply.

In his thoughts, a warrior of the Zhao family suddenly roared and stepped forward, bursting with all-powerful, trying to stop his steps.

Wang Yi didn’t even look at it, but with a flick of his index finger, he shattered the man’s head and raised a blood flower.

“Power, money, emotion, art, these elaborate and fancy terms are all flowers of the greenhouse, and power can easily destroy it, or it can provide unimpeccable protection.”

Stepping forward, Wang Yi casually fingered and swept away several strong people, but the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise a smile.

“With absolute power, I can control everything and make me happy to the extreme!”

Of course, if you want to control the absolute power, you also need to have enough good will and mental intelligence to support, then Zhao Tianque is proof of this.

Even though he was a supreme divine body, he only lacked a little mentality, and immediately died in the calculation of everyone, and he didn’t even turn over a bubble.

“Yes, absolute power is to suppress all things, but before reaching absolute power, you also need scheming means to unite others as a supreme barrier to achievement!”

Wang Yi said secretly, his eyes flashing.

And under his indiscriminate killing, the Zhao family finally couldn’t bear it and roared angrily.

“Heavenly Emperor, you are murderous, fierce and stubborn, destined to die a bad death, five horses divided into corpses!”

“Heavenly Emperor, don’t be ignorant! If you go down, there will definitely be extraordinary forces that will kill you! ”

“Heavenly Emperor, there are seniors in my family who are practicing and clearing the level, and they have already set foot in the divine power, and they are not quick to stop!”

The sound of the Zhao family was like the tide of the sea, sounding one after another.

Some people are angrily denouncing his indiscriminate killing, others are shouting threats, and some people are claiming that they have powerful people in their family, and want to threaten him to retreat and leave.

However, Wang Yi still did not say a word, silently killing indiscriminately.

He didn’t bother to speak.

But they are all mortal people, so why waste time explaining with dead people? Just let them die!

Raise a palm, bombard and kill a hundred people, casually slap, and blast a hundred people into meat foam, in the shivering eyes of the Lin family, Wang Yi demonic power rolls, suppressing everything, the horror of combat power, making people despair!

And at this moment, inside the Zhao family, a sudden change occurred.

Between heaven and earth, the air was like a long dragon, rapidly condensing towards a certain location, rolling into a huge cyclone, the air waves surged, and the sound was like a madness!

Under the cyclone, a furious aura rose up, rapidly becoming stronger, and seemed to break a certain shackle and step into another realm.

This is……

A sign of achieving magical powers!

After being stunned for a few seconds, the Zhao family reacted and roared with wild laughter.

“Haha, Heavenly Emperor, you are dead, my ancestors have already achieved the Divine Power Realm, you must die!”

“Little Tianjiao, dare to be crazy?”

“Fang Cai, you made my Zhao family bleed countless times, killed and injured countless times, now, it’s your turn to pay the price!”

These Zhao families were in the family, and later they were besieged by the players, and they were not allowed to be idle, but they never saw the mighty battle between the Heavenly Emperor and the extraordinary forces, and they thought they were saved.

After all, there was a Divine Power Realm powerhouse in the family!

Faced with this heavy and spirited call, Wang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

He still didn’t speak, but his body moved, like an ape, jumping into the air.

At this time, in the direction of the cyclone condensation, there was an angry shout.

“Where is this wild boy who came to my Zhao family to spread wilderness? I really don’t know if I’m alive or dead. ”

This voice is slightly hoarse, as if there are vicissitudes, and in the tone, there is an arrogance that looks at the world.

“Hmph, this seat has reached the pinnacle of warriors twenty years ago, sweeping all directions and invincible, and now he has to peek into the heavenly path, go to the next level, and step into the secret realm of divine powers, but there are young people who come to the door to seek death, despising the majesty of this seat? Give me death! ”

The words fell, and the boundless storm roared.

A vast sword qi swept in, tens of meters long, and the silver runes of the Dao Dao flew, like a silver snake flashing, its momentum seemed to be able to cut through the heavens and the earth, and it could not be stopped!

Seeing this scene, the Zhao family’s eyes lit up one after another, and they shouted.

“God, this is the great power of the Divine Power Realm? It’s really unbeatable! ”

“Haha, this Heavenly Emperor is conceited to be a divine body, this time hit the iron plate, right? Let him die today! ”

“In this world, the Divine Power Realm is invincible, and the Heavenly Emperor will die here!”

Magical Realm?


Hearing this, Wang Yi still did not speak, but pointed into a sword.

The shadow behind him floated with a bang, and in an instant, it turned into a monstrous demon shadow, offering a terrifying sword.

Suddenly, the sword qi collapsed, the rune culture was void, everything was empty, and the air flow exploded!

That conceited and invincible Divine Power Realm powerhouse is gone.

The boiling sound was silent.

Landing on the ground and looking at the dull-faced people, Wang Yi’s lips squirmed and said the first words after coming to the Zhao family.

“We, go ahead.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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