For now, players are still weak, far from being able to compete with the power of the game, but this does not mean that players will always be pressed and beaten.

In fact, if you are lucky enough to encounter so many anti-heavenly adventures, the masters will always fly into the sky, and among this long player, there will definitely be a strong person who is not weak in the future, who can compete with many Tianjiao and provide him with a lot of help!

Moreover, the number of players is also an advantage, in this Song Kingdom, mountains and lakes, small cities and big cities, the figure of players is everywhere, if there is a player organization, you can naturally get some information, so as to contact extraordinary adventures!

“Although there are game masters from the Lao Wang family next door, the number is obviously too small, only a few dozen, for now, at least hundreds of people can do it!”

Wang Yi’s eyes flashed, and he had some calculations in his heart.

He is now extremely wealthy, and he has countless elixir equipment, just enough to recruit people and horses!

“This kind of thing, just leave it to the old king next door to handle, I just need to provide him with the criteria for selection.”

He pondered for a moment, sent a message to the old king of the next door, and then sank his mind and penance, preparing to complete the Demon Shadow God Killing Sword as soon as possible.

A few minutes later, a message was sent out on the World Channel.

“The first person in the game, the Heavenly Emperor, has begun to recruit people officially!”

“Want to get the supreme elixir? Want to get martial arts secrets that ordinary people can’t access? Want to become a human being, sweep away many game characters, and regain the dignity of the player? Come and join the forces opened up by the Heavenly Emperor! Rare elixirs, martial arts cheats, everything can be obtained! ”

“There is only one entry criterion: all four basic attributes reach more than 700!”

“Interested high-level players can find the old king next door to report, please look for the old king of the next door, don’t miss it!”

As soon as the information came out, the eyes of the entire players in Redstone City turned red and jumped up one after another.

The Heavenly Emperor is actually about to form a force?

At this moment, they have been waiting for a long time!

Everyone knows that the resources under the Heavenly Emperor are so many that they are outnumbered, and the number of elixirs is scattered like rivers, if you can join his forces, you will definitely be able to obtain countless benefits, so that the road of martial arts is smooth, but unfortunately, the Heavenly Emperor has never released the wind, countless players have been itching for a long time, but they have never got it, and now, they have finally been given a chance.

The players’ hearts are surging, the players’ emotions are like fire, the players can’t wait, and when they see that standard, they seem to be splashed with cold water, and their hearts are cold.

Four attributes, comprehensive 700!

What a horrific standard is that?

The game has opened to now, can achieve the realm of warriors, still half, all attributes reach three hundred, but millions of people, all attributes can reach five hundred, support hundreds of thousands of deaths, and can reach seven hundred, full of tens of thousands, seven hundred points as the standard for joining, this is too high

Seeing this, there were people who were yin and yang strange when they boarded.

“Seven hundred points of comprehensive attributes? Who does this think he is, daring to raise this standard so high? ”

“Seven hundred attributes? This is a terrifying data that only a true Tianjiao figure can achieve, and the Heavenly Emperor can’t help but think too highly of himself, right? He actually decided that only Tianjiao could join his own forces? ”

“Hehe, there are seven hundred attributes, which gate faction is not good to go to? Why join a player strength? ”

Many people spoke, with sarcasm in their tones.

Most of these people are players of the two major families of Lin Zhao in Redstone City, and after the family was killed by Wang Yi, they became martial artists without background, and the countless tasks before were useless, so they had a lot of resentment against Wang Yi, but they did not dare to come to the door to seek revenge, and only dared to stab some stabbing knives in the back.

However, these people’s words did not last long when a startling event suddenly occurred.

After the news of the Heavenly Emperor’s recruitment of strong people spread, just a few minutes later, hundreds of top warriors rushed in!

This scene made countless people stunned.

Did I make a mistake?

The top players with attributes that have reached 700 points in an all-round way actually came to join without hesitation?

Is the name of the first person in the game so powerful, the tiger body shocked, can make the heroes to vote?

These players were still in amazement, groups of top powerhouses flocked in, like a wave, endlessly, for a while, there was no time to break!

Some sharp-eyed players even found that some extremely famous game masters also rushed over, wanting to join the power of the Heavenly Emperor!

This is……

What’s the situation?

Countless people were shocked, and their hearts were stunned, but they simply did not understand why such a grand situation was formed.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

First, the scarcity of elixirs.

There are too few skilled alchemists in this world, resulting in too few pills, so that even if they are extraordinary forces, the number of pills is extremely limited, not to mention those so-called mortal forces, and the number of pills flowing out every day from the Heavenly Emperor’s side is as many as thousands, far exceeding the treatment given by ordinary forces!

As for this second, it is because of the gap between the player and the game characters.

No matter how players say, they are all outsiders, after joining a force, they need to pass a long period of testing to get enough generous treatment, and this kind of test period is very long, and they also need to do various tasks to improve their favorability, normal players are a little tired of this super long test process, and in contrast, the Heavenly Emperor’s side is obviously much better, no matter what, everyone is a player, aren’t they?

Based on the above two reasons, as well as some other factors, etc., etc., this has caused this situation of strong people rushing to be the first!

Such a scene made many people with dark hearts close their mouths, and also made the old king of the next door overjoyed, and registered the applicants with a smile.

However, after registering for a few days, his face also turned faintly white.

There are too many people coming.

There are strong people coming bravely from all directions, and the martial arts combat power is stronger than the other, one is more ferocious, and the most violent person, the comprehensive attribute has reached more than nine hundred, can be called a supreme martial artist! _

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