The dust finally calmed down and as it settled Orcs and Troll Troopers started blasting their way through the new opening. The Orcs, who were tall like Elves but muscular like Dwarves were either firing bolts of photon beams from hand blasters or larger shots from photon shotguns. The Trolls were using guns big enough to fit on a tank as their blasters.

Initially, The invading troops were falling left and right due to the city gun batteries. There were fast shooting photon guns and large concussive tower cannons. The Dwarves held their photon blasters and hand cannons as they fired into the swarming invaders.

The initial advantage the dwarves had disappeared when they saw crawlers making their way through the opening. Crawlers were single manned vehicles with four insect-like legs. They could crawl on the ground quickly with their bodies almost hugging the ground. They could also climb along walls and ceilings. They could also use their powerful legs to leap for sudden attacks or avoid getting hit.

Armed with four rotating photon barrels with swivels, the Crawlers were able to shoot anything in a three hundred and sixty-degree area. The auto-locking aiming mechanism allowed the pilots to focus on maneuvering the vehicle.

The Crawlers easily avoided the attacking fire from the turrets and towers and helped wear down the city shield.

If the Crawlers were a nightmare because of their nimbleness, then the S.A.D. (Super Armored Dozer) with its high compression energy cannon was the true nightmare. When the four S.A.D. finally made its appearance it was able to dismantle the city shield with just a few shots.

Once the city shield was down, Merge lead his mechanized soldiers to rush the lines and fight. Killing the Orc and Troll Troopers wasn't hard. The hard part was dealing with the Crawlers which leaped around the battlefield making short work of the Dwarf fighting force.

In spite of the situation, the dwarves fought valiantly and were determined to make it a pyrrhic victory for the Orcs. The smell of charing bodies and burning vehicles began to spread through the air. Buildings crumpled and burned. The formerly peaceful Dwarf City was a shattered ruin.

Away from the main battle, outside of the mountain, an Orc General watched the battle next to a Dark Elf with deep dark purple skin. HIs pointed ears and wild eyes made him look insane, but his calm demeanor in spite of the insanity in his eyes made him fearsome.

"Baron Vindemart, you are sure your Lord can protect us from the Emperor? We have exposed ourselves with this attack," The Orc General, Undervakht, said to the Dark Elf next to him.
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"Do not worry General Undervakht, my liege promises you will be looked after. Once he is through, you'll be able to keep even this old mountain if you like," he responded.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that we're exposing ourselves and taking a big risk," the General replied.

"So are we, if you don't pull this operation off completely and eliminate all of the Dwarves it will negatively impact our entire operation," Baron Vindemart said.

"Of course, everything will be as you say. By all do you, men, the women, and children too?" he asked.

"Especially the women and children, if they survive it will create a strong sympathy among the people and the other nobles will not be as willing to cooperate. If you destroy the whole city so there is no one left to protest, who will care? It's just numbers and not people," he said.

"Yes, Baron," the General replied.

"I don't see any women or children in the city, do you know where they are?" the Baron asked.

"Of course, I have split my forces. The Dwarves think they are clever and smuggled the women and children out of the city through secret tunnels. However, we know where they are going to exit. We'll deal with them here.

"Excellent," the Baron said with an evil smile.

In the secret Dwarf tunnels, Notal and the other refugees were making their escape. They came to the last wall in the tunnel. Two elders opened hidden spaces and pulled several leavers which caused the mountain wall to split for them.

Everyone was immediately relieved and exited tunnels. What greeted them on the other side was a massive army stands ready. The elders lost their will and looked sadly to the ground.

"No hope," an elder said.

With his words, everyone immediately realized they were in the direst situation possible.

Hearing the words of the elders and looking at the faces of those around him, Notal's eyes began to burn. A fire grew within him. The fire continued to grow, but Notal compressed it and turned the fire into burning hot liquid magma.

Without a warning, a bestial cry was heard from one of the dwarf children. Notal leaped out swinging the sword he made. Swinging his sword left and right he managed to kill two Orc soldiers. Everyone was surprised to see a five-year-old dwarf child act in such a ferocious manner. Not only this, but everyone noticed something strange.

Dwarves were known as being good at making weapons their fighting style was built around their bodies. Dwarves had shorter limbs than almost every other bipedal intelligent species. This made most approaches to battle impractical to them. Their approach to battle involved turning themselves into slow-moving fortresses and controlling their space. This was why they were so obsessed about creating armor and weapons.

What surprised everyone was Notal, the dwarf child, didn't fight like a typical dwarf. He seemed to leap and run and at times fly through the air quickly closing the distance between himself and his enemy. The sharpness of his blades couldn't be doubted and he even had a force field built into his armor which deflected the energy blasts.

The genius dwarf boy had only begun fighting for less than two minutes and he already killed six orcs!

Seeing all of this, the leader of this small army made his way toward the boy while shoving everyone else aside. He watched the leaping fighting dwarf and finally shot out his arm. Grabbing onto Notal's foot, the Commander used his strength to throw Notal into the ground so hard everyone heard something crack.

Notal slowly got to his feet looking just as savage as before but unable fight.

"I like your spirit boy," the Commander said.

"The look in your eyes is something I don't see in most of these full-grown Orcs, it's a shame," he concluded.

The commander swung his battleax hand cannon down towards Notal.

Notal knew he couldn't move and this was it for him. Anger, sadness, and unwillingness showed on his face as he faced his doom.

"B'wriri," he said as the ax came down.

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