"What do you mean by that?"

Tancersek frowned, and a few folds were squeezed out of his scarred face, and even the wrinkles looked like muscles.

He was ready to fight, and once Chu Qingwu raised his requirements again, he would immediately choose to start a war, but he didn't expect that what Chu Qingwu said would actually be this.

This human, does he know what he's talking about?

"Orcs, as the main force against demons in the past, should not fall to such an end, although orcs have also committed a lot of crimes, but they cannot represent all orcs. I personally regret this practice of human beings venting their hatred on all orcs, and this is not fair to you!"

"So, I'm going to help you. "

Chu Qingwu said very frankly.

The orcs in "Heroic Invincible Genesis" were created by a mage who injected demonic bloodline into the human body and mixed the power of certain gems and crystals, which created orcs not only with demonic power, but also with human reproduction ability.

Because they have the power of demons, they have a strong resistance to demonic attacks, and orcs play a big role in the process of humans fighting demons.

Until the end of the war, this orc, who should have been a hero, was suddenly beaten into the cold palace.

The reason is also simple!

Orcs themselves are a violent race, they are incompatible with the harmonious society of humans, they will easily break the laws of humans, and they themselves are created, and the humans who created them themselves will appear particularly superior.

In this environment, with the passage of time, the original heroes will naturally slowly develop into slaves.

This is also the reason why Chu Qingwu intends to help the orcs.

Although the orcs are violent, they are fierce in battle, and once they identify their allies, they will desperately help him, which can be illustrated by their desperate fight against demons as human allies.

And Tarsek, as the future king of the orcs, has a strong command charm, and the orc kingdom under his command can occupy the territory of the crow principality and not be attacked by the rest of the duchies, which can explain the problem.

He will restrain the orcs and create a true orc country, which is the most suitable place for the development of orcs.

If Chu Qingwu can help Tanrsek before he makes his fortune, he will definitely gain Tancersek's gratitude, which means the gratitude of the entire orc empire in the future.

Sometimes, these orcs are much more reliable than humans!

"Are you serious?"

Tanrsek stared straight at Chu Qingwu, as if he wanted to judge what Chu Qingwu's purpose was, but in his gaze, he could only see sincerity.

This gradually soothed his face.

"Trust is never achieved overnight, I know you don't believe me, but I don't mind, I trust you, if I look away, it can only mean that I am looking at the wrong person." "

Chu Qingwu didn't mind at all, and casually took out a bundled scroll and threw it to Tarsek.

"This is part of the island I occupied, and ten medium islands near here will be handed over to you, one of which also has a recruitment point for your 10th rank panther warriors, if you can build a castle and include it in your castle, then you will have one more recruitment point." "

"Of course, the large resource points on these islands can only be attacked by yourself, and you should all be able to fight down, as for resources and gold coins, if you need it, I can also support you a little." "

Tansek grabbed the map, glanced at it, and found that the map was near this sea area, and there was detailed information on it, including how many resources and how many recruitment points, which made his gaze extremely complicated.

He instinctively believed that the map was real.

"By the way, leave a small gold mine on your island and don't attack, if you need help one day, you can attack that small gold mine again, I will come as soon as possible!"

Chu Qingwu said again.

The more he listened to Chu Qingwu's words, the more complicated Tansek's face became, he held the map tightly, and said with a solemn face: "Eternal Night King, if these are true, then I sincerely thank you for your help, and I Tancersek will also remember your help to me today!"

Tarsek has just been exiled to sea, and he is first and foremost a stake-filled barbarian pirate, and although he becomes a member of the barbarian pirate council, he does not receive any help, not only pays a lot of money, but also needs to open up his own territory.

As an orc, he is incomparably new to the sea, and for the sake of the tribe, he can only keep adventuring, finally finding this sea area, intending to open up a new territory for his people, but encountering such a powerful opponent, he can only give up.

After giving up, his next direction will be even more confused, and he doesn't know where to go, which can be said to be the most downtrodden time in his life, but he didn't expect to meet Chu Qingwu at this time.

The icing on the cake is far less than the charcoal, and the help at this critical time makes Tarsek especially grateful!

"Hmm. "

Chu Qingwu nodded, also extremely satisfied.

With this phrase of Talsek, it is safe.

He seemed to have thought of something again, and took out a set of barbarian armor and a barbarian helmet from the treasure storage bag, both of which were medium-level treasures, and the effect was strong, but only barbarians could wear them.

Chu Qingwu's own formation thought that there would be no barbarians, so he simply gave this treasure to Tanersek, anyway, it was useless for him.

"Tarsek, I can't use this thing, it's a pity to lose it, so I gave it to you." Chu Qingwu threw the things over casually.

Talk to the orcs, just be straightforward, so that you can gain their favor.

Sure enough, after his words, Tancersek's face became more complicated, but the brow that had been frowning gradually expanded, and his eyes became a little more friendly.

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