Approaching the colorful fog, the Dragon Emperor quickly sailed in.

Henzo reminded, “Are you going in?” Of the adventurers who once went in, none of them could return. ”

“Since I dare to go in, I have the confidence to come out.” Hulk said confidently.

Driving into the colorful fog, soon, the surroundings change.

Henzo said: “This is Eps Consard. ”

Hearing this name, Robin’s face changed slightly: “Eps Consard, is it …”

“Robin, you know what?” Sindolly asked.

Robin said, “Eps Consard is known as the graveyard of ships that have no return. ”

The Hulk looked at the surrounding sea, all ~ a dilapidated submerged ship.

The Hulk jumped onto the ship, took a few steps, and the deck shattered, – mostly rotten.

Robin recalled what he had seen before: “On the other side of the colorful fog is the eternal kingdom, the last paradise on the surface, full of gold and silver treasures, people do not grow old and do not die, they do not starve, and they gain eternal life, as it was written in previous books.” ”

Henzo said: “These are all fake. ”

“Did the Doctor know in the first place that this was the ship’s graveyard?”

“Yes, forty years ago, I once had a glimpse of it, I persevered in research in order to save my friend who broke into the fog, even if it was thought to be Witton’s dog.”

Hulk found a large chest and brought it to the ship, and when he opened it, it was full of gems of various colors.

Hulk said, “I didn’t expect so much treasure here. ”

Robin used his flower fruit ability to move all the treasure chests to the Dragon Emperor, a total of twenty-five chests, roughly calculated, worth about two billion Baileys, these gems are ancient gems.

Robin said, “Whether it’s a paradise or not, the rumor that there is treasure here is not a lie. ”

Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell…

At this time, a bell suddenly rang, and the sound was like the bell of a bicycle.

A long voice with an echo came.

“O one who disturbs the souls of the dead, unload the goods and leave immediately. Otherwise, the curse of the dead will befall you! ”

Several ghost-like creatures burst out, except for the black eyes, the rest were white.

Hulk glanced at him: “Pretend to be a ghost.” ”

The Hulk didn’t rush over, he knew it was just made of white clothes, hanging from a battered ship.

Seeing that the domineering smell sensed the breath, the Hulk rushed to the ship on the left.

Soon, Hulk brought the two children out.

“Let go of me.”

Two more children burst out and said, “We are the pumpkin pirates guarding Puconsard, and if we don’t want to die, we will hand over my companions.” ”

The boy holds a bomb in his hand.

Henzo couldn’t believe it: “Are you Rabbani?” Also, Isoca, Longo, is it really you, don’t you know me? Henzo playing with you in Ruluja”

“Henzo?” Rabbani’s face changed: “This can’t be…

Henzo said: “What you have in your hand is not a bomb, but a scary tool that I invented.” ”

As in the original, they recognize each other, and time does not pass here, so now Henzo is old, and the other four are still children.

Soon, the Rainbow Tower fell, stretching into the colorful fog.

The front end of the Rainbow Tower opens, and many people drive yachts closer.

Henzo’s face changed: “Wyton.” ”

“I’m going to loot all the treasures of Esp Consard.” Witton laughed maniacally: “Grab it, don’t leave the treasures here at all.” ”

Henzo said: “Witon, formerly the captain of the Pirates. ”

Witton wore a robot costume and said: “It’s very good to be a shi-chief, as long as you sit on a chair, you can search as much as you want, neither do you have to drift on the sea for treasure hunting, nor will you be chased by the navy, and live a relaxed and happy life every day.” If you have a chance to reincarnate, remember to study like me, master the power, and don’t waste time being some boring pirate. ”

“It’s better for you to go and reincarnate.”

The Hulk swept in front of Witton and punched out, the machine was shattered, and the fist landed on Witon’s head, and his head directly burst like a watermelon.

···· Ask for flowers… 0



The Hulk tackles the rest and leaves the Colorful Mist.

This time, the harvest was very good, and all the treasures in it were obtained, a total of about three billion Baileys.

Hulk remembered that the empty island should be around here.

Leaving Luluja Island, sailing for a short time, suddenly the space became dark.

“Captain! Look above! Kalifa’s face changed in shock.

Hulk looked up and saw a giant ship falling.

It was too late for the Dragon Emperor to dodge, transformed into the Hulk, jumped up sharply, lifted the ship that had fallen from the sky, threw it to the other side, and sank into the sea.

…………… 0

Cindolly wondered, “Why did a ship fall from the sky?” ”

“It’s so weird.”

“There is nothing in the sky.”


Kalifa glanced at the recording pointer and found that the pointer had stopped and pointed motionless.

Robin guessed: “I think I was attracted to the island with a stronger magnetic force.” ”

Hulk said, “Since the pointer is pointing up, then the destination has arrived.” ”

Sindolly asked, “But there is no island in the sky.” ”

Robin explains: “That’s not what the empty island means, it’s right to say that it should be the sea that floats. ”

“The sea will float?!” Cindolly they were amazed.

Robin said, “I haven’t seen the empty island myself, and I don’t know much about her.” ”

Kalifa said: “How can the island and the sea float in the sky, it seems that the record pointer is broken.” ”

“No matter how strange the ship is involved, or how much crisis it falls into, you must not doubt the record pointer in your hand, at this time, the iron rule of navigation, in this sea, the first thing to suspect is the common sense in your head, the direction of the record pointer pointed, there must be an island.”

Hulk nodded: “Robin is right. ”

Pirate world, there are no wonders, so this is normal. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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