The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 100 The boy giving away treasures (please subscribe)

After struggling for a while, Xu Lai finally chose the intermediate eagle eye technique.

If not for anything else, just because the intermediate level of Eagle Eye Technique is currently more capable of improving one's own strength than the intermediate level of resistance.

First of all, whether there are wild monsters or hostile forces in this world, there are more physical enemies and fewer mages.

At Xu Lai's current level, even if he comes into contact with some magic monsters, the number will not be too many, which makes the resistance cost-effective relatively low.

Secondly, the main attribute of Eagle Eye, that is, the 50% field of vision bonus, is even more effective in actual combat.

Otherwise, why in ancient times, in battles, commanders or generals had to ascend to command. For this reason, command vehicles, command towers and the like were specially built in the Chinese army.

The commander who can see farther will be able to see the battlefield situation more clearly.

Xu Lai's current manpower is small, let alone the command of the large corps.

Even if it just allows him to detect the enemy's arrival in advance, make tactical arrangements in advance, or even just allow him to have a better vision and shoot enemies in the distance, it can be of great help to a battle.

Today's large-scale battle really made Xu Lai understand a lot. It made him understand that a commander's personal bravery only accounts for a small part.

Of course, it's not that personal bravery is unimportant. Things like morale are only as a whole outside of battle.

Once a real battle enters, morale is directly assigned to individuals. Each person is affected differently, and their own morale is also different from that of others.

To put it simply, the people behind you cannot see the person who dies in front of you, and the morale loss will naturally not be as much as that of someone who witnesses the death of a comrade in arms.

Therefore, even if you are a figure like the God of War, you can only have a local impact on the battlefield.

Now the scale is small, so individual bravery has a particularly large impact on the situation.

When there are more people and thousands of troops, the large battlefield will be divided into small battlefields, and individual bravery will not be of much help to the overall situation.

After he selected his skills, the large army of farmers was called over.

It was already past 12 o'clock, and Su Ya hadn't come back yet, so it was impossible for Xu Lai to rest at ease.

Xu Lai simply went with the farmers to clean up the battlefield.

Forget about ordinary horse thieves, level 2 horse thieves, even if they have a few more gold coins than ordinary level 2 wild monsters because of the prairie horse, are still of little use to Xu Lai.

Wild monsters who died in battle did not need Xu Lai to pay for the funeral expenses.

However, after the horse thieves escape, will they bring others to take revenge?

Xu Lai couldn't confirm this, so he had to use the shortest time to increase his combat effectiveness again, and upgrading was the best way.

However, the number of levels that can be upgraded this time is a bit too much. It should be those independent warriors, captains and even generals who have given them a lot of extra experience.

This was the case when Xu Lai killed the orc hero before. He was given a lot more experience than normal. That hero was just a level 1 loser.

A level 5 horse thief leader, if converted to a hero level, would probably have to be level 20 or even level 30 to have that attribute.

There are many warriors under his command who can advance, and Su Ya has brought out 7 of them who can advance. The key is that these are all cavalry, and their levels are already very high.

For example, if a mercenary is already at level 5, it will cost a huge sum of 1,000 gold coins just to advance him. Adding 1 ranger and 5 nomads, it will cost another 1,500 gold coins.

Su Ya needs 2,500 gold, and it's not easy for Xu Lai.

There is only one promotion route for knight followers, which is to be promoted to level 6 knight, which is worth 800 gold coins.

If an ordinary person is promoted to a knight, he is already qualified to join the major nobles, seek a title, and obtain a camp-level territory.

If you don't want to be controlled by others, you can also become a free ranger. This is the advanced route for mercenaries.

Although the marksman is cheaper, there are only 2 of them, which costs another 800 gold.

Lancers are not expensive. Advanced level 4 spearmen cost 100 gold coins each, a total of 6, which is 600 gold.

There are two ways to advance as a spearman. One is to mount a war horse and become a level 5 knight retinue, and the other is to advance to a level 5 heavy armored spearman.

The former requires horses, and the price is the same as that of heavy armored pikemen. The key horse is no longer any horse, it must be a war horse level, which means that at worst it requires a prairie war horse.

Xu came here and gathered a lot of horses. Ordinary horse thieves and thieves only used prairie horses. Those horses had already disappeared and were meaningless.

The leaders of the horse thieves and thieves did leave some of their horses behind, and there may be high-level war horses among them.

Wait until daylight and then run farther to search, and maybe you can find some horses.

The money is the same anyway, so no matter what kind of advancement it is, one 200 gold coin can't be lost, and 4 coins is another 800 gold.

One longbow costs 200 gold, eight archers cost 800 gold, plus a level 3 wood elf that can be upgraded to a level 4 earth elf, for a total of 1100 gold.

The Flower Elf upgrade costs 20 gold coins each, plus 80 gold for 4 militia shooters, and 200 gold for 4 flower demons, for a total of 520 gold coins.

Adding up these totals, the total is 7120 gold. Even counting the 1000 gold Xu Laigang gave to Su Ya and the 550 gold earned after 12 o'clock, the deposit is still more than 300 gold short.

Not to mention, when the new month comes, Xu Lai will also recruit farmers and the five level 3 shooters.

So Xu Lai is in urgent need of gold coins now. His treasure chest has been opened, so he naturally has to search hard now.

He didn't care about being disgusted, and together with the farmers, he touched the corpses of the horse thieves leaders one by one.

The more elite group of thieves escaped. Xu Lai was still regretful. He didn't know if Su Ya had searched them after killing them.

Although the leader of the horse thieves is only level 3, he is much more heroic than ordinary level 3 warriors. Each of them has money bags hidden on his body, and when you open them, there are quite a lot of them.

Level 3 can only represent the attributes of these horse thieves. Naturally, these equipment will not be subject to level restrictions like monsters.

Therefore, in addition to money, many of the equipment on these horse thieves leaders and the horses under their crotches are relatively expensive.

Xu Lai checked and found that most of the bosses used prairie war horses. Only those with junk equipment and shriveled wallets used prairie horses.

However, after Xu Lai only raided two horse thieves leaders, he lost interest in these horse thieves.

From among the pile of corpses, he found the horse thief leader who had been penetrated by two of his spells.

The battle settlement information has clearly told Xu Lai the identity of the opponent.

Not only was this guy the leader of the horse thieves, his profession was the same as that of a general like Su Ya. Xu Lai was basically certain that he was the leader of the horse thieves, Yin Andi.

The first thing that Xu Lai took off was Yin Andi's breastplate. Unfortunately, the value of this breastplate was greatly reduced due to the presence of two large holes.

[Snake God Breastplate (Damaged)]: Body defense +42, load carrying capacity 28.

Yin Andi wears a plate armor suit. In addition to the snake god breastplate, he also takes off a pair of snake god leggings that add 30 points of leg defense, plate armor boots that add 22 points of defense, and a metal-covered helmet that adds 30 points of head defense.

The breastplate and leggings are both green. Xu Lai doesn't like it and can't replace his magical armor and rune-patterned trousers.

Leave these two to Su Ya. Even if they have holes, they can't be used.

Xu Lai must have worn the helmet himself. Su Ya already had a mythical beast helmet. As for the shoes, Xu Lai might as well wear them himself.

In addition to this set of metal armor, Andy Yin also has leather protective walls and gloves, with defense bonuses of more than 10 points.

To be honest, with this set of armor alone, ordinary level 4 or 5 archers might not be able to hit him beyond the range of a straight arrow.

In addition to armor, Yin Andi also had a lot of weapons on him, including a heavy lance. Xu Lai roughly measured it, and it should be more than 3 meters or 4 meters. Without tools, he couldn't accurately measure it.

[Heavy lance] (Level 6 lance): damage 72-90, length 300, load 48.

A level 5 steppe recurve bow, and a quiver containing various arrows.

The emergence of the prairie recurve bow made the Medusa short bow Xu Lai had just acquired laid off. Xu Lai had the projectile skill but never used it because this short bow could not support it.

[Prairie Recurve Bow] (Enhanced Level 5 Bow): 200 meters, damage: 42-58, load: 10

The Medusa short bow is a level 4 short bow, and its damage is much worse than that of a long bow. Although the grassland recurve bow is not a long bow, it can no longer be called a short bow.

Moreover, this bow is still a strengthened level 5 bow, so the damage is quite considerable.

Xu Lai's strength is definitely much worse than Yin Andi's, and his long-range weapon skills are only level 3. Even if he uses the same bow and arrow, the damage cannot be compared with Yin Andi's.

But with the support of intermediate archery, Xu Lai's damage will be qualitatively improved after using this bow and arrow.

Especially with the appearance of heavy lances, Xu Lai didn't even dare to think about the power of the charge.

Fortunately, unlike Xu Lai, Yin Andi has a stronger sense of self-preservation. Otherwise, if he takes the lead in the charge, Xu Lai's army may really collapse.

In addition to a large number of cone-headed arrows with about 10 points of damage, the quiver also contains 5 armor-piercing arrows with level 3 armor-piercing capabilities.

[Armor-breaking arrow]: Damage 12-16, load 0.3; level 3 armor-breaking, ignores 30% of physical defense, and causes 3 times the damage to armor.

This thing not only does high damage, but also has a level 3 armor-breaking ability that can destroy armors. It is even more deadly for a knight with high physical fitness like Xu Lai.

Of course, the price of this thing should be very expensive, and I'm afraid there is no place to produce it. Even Yin Andy only carries 5 of them.

However, compared to lances and bows, Andy Yin's most commonly used melee weapons were of lower quality.

[High-quality Pine Long Knife] (Level 4 reinforced steel knife): One-handed weapon, damage 50, load 12.

Even if this long sword is only a level 4 enhanced version, it is still compared to a level 6 lance. For Xu Lai, it is of course an advanced weapon that cannot be more advanced.

After decisively replacing the long knife, Xu Lai found to his embarrassment that he seemed to be overweight.

With the blessing of equipment, he has 15 points of strength. Theoretically, it will not affect his actions up to a weight of 150.

But the magical armor has 15 weight points, the rune pattern trousers have 8 points, and the plate armor boots and helmet are relatively heavy, adding up to 40 points.

The lance is indeed heavy-duty. It is made of all steel and has a load capacity of 48 points. Xu Lai estimates that it weighs about 180 kilograms. On the earth, it can only be used by powerful generals such as Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.

The steel knife made of pure steel has a load of 12, the recurve bow has a load of 10, and the quiver with a bag of arrows can also have a load of more than ten. The gloves and guard are made of leather, which are relatively light, but they are still load-bearing.

If these are added together, Xu Lai will be crushed, so he must make a choice.

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