The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 14 Wanderer Camp

This village is indeed a very big one. Lacy was probably not lying when he said there were hundreds of people in their village.

Most of the buildings in the village are made of wood. Except for places like well platforms, Xu Lai rarely saw stone buildings along the way.

There are two-story or three-story wooden houses stacked on top of each other. There are basically seven or eight people in every household in the whole village.

There is no entertainment in this world, and almost everyone can only pass the time by playing poker at night.

Of course, this is also because the magic power of this world is too strong. Not only is there no need to worry about food, even ordinary people are in good health and can give birth to children, so every household is very large.

As the village chief, Lacy's house is in the center of the entire village, but it is not the center. The center is occupied by an altar, and the person who owns this altar is the only priest in the village.

"Village Chief Lacy, you said before that there was an oracle, saying that a hero would be born into this world. Can you tell me more specifically?"

Lacy smiled and shook his head: "Of course not, the oracle is the oral message of the God of Creation and cannot be relayed or even expressed to anyone.

If you are curious about the oracle, you don’t have to wait long. Today is May 15th, and you will be able to hear the oracle in 15 days. "

In 15 days, it will be the first day of June. Like the Earth, the Engeta continent has 12 months. The difference is that each month has a standard 30 days.

Xu Lai was thoughtful, looking at Lazi's determined look, he was afraid that an oracle would come down once a month in this world, but he didn't know what form it would take.

When passing by the altar, Lacy said again: "Pastor Rose worked hard all night yesterday. I asked people not to disturb her for the time being and let her rest peacefully. Otherwise, I should take you to visit her."

Priests are level 4 professions in the empire's military tree. They are good at healing and auxiliary holy light spells. They are also the lowest level profession that the Holy See can independently preach.

Xu Lai was quite curious about the pastor, but he had not slept all night, so he could not force himself to see him.

The village chief's house in Lazi was quite big, with an extra living room than an ordinary home. Xu Lai also met Lazi's wife and his two daughters here.

To be honest, Lacy is the village chief after all, and he is also a level 4 warrior. He needs strength and financial resources, so it is not surprising that his wife Xu Lai is beautiful.

What surprised him was that Lacy's two daughters, one older and one younger, the older one was 15 years old and the younger one was only 8 years old. They were both good-looking and did not inherit Lacy's generous figure and big square face at all. .

The sisters also have a son, who is only 12 years old this year.

But this boy is not so happy. At the age of 12, he has to go out to herd with the boys in the village.

After drinking a cup of tea, Xu Lai saw Lazi who had left and returned. At this time, he had a scroll in his hand.

Xu Lai carefully took the scroll handed by Lacy and carefully spread it flat on the table. After the scroll was completely opened, Xu Lai understood all the information he wanted to know.

[Wanderer Camp]: Every month, a wanderer from a random camp (no hostile camp will appear) and a random level (level 0-9, the higher the level, the lower the probability) will come to this camp. The player will gain the right to recruit this wanderer.

Construction requirements: gold coins*500, and can only be built in camps.

Note: The blueprint disappears after use. This building cannot be built without the blueprint. It can be attached to the heart of the castle.

Xu Lai was moved by this drawing as soon as he saw it. He originally thought that a drawing that could only be used in the camp would not be very good, but he did not expect that it would be such a drawing.

This is a blueprint that has a chance of recruiting the highest level of troops. Although the higher the level, the lower the probability, but no matter how low it is, there is still a probability.

Xu Lai doesn't like gambling on luck. He believes that all behaviors of gambling on luck are the same as gambling, which he hates extremely.

However, the wanderer camp is guaranteed. Even if one level 0 creature such as a farmer is produced every month, it is still a good deal for Xu Lai who cannot increase manpower at this time.

Since the results are predictable, it's not gambling but investing.

"Okay, I'll accept this commission, but I also have something I'd like to ask Village Chief Lacy for help with."

Lacy said: "You are the hero who wants to end this troubled world. If you need our help, we will help you."

Xu Lai curled his lips and said that this troubled world was over. He just wanted to live in peace now.

"That's right, your drawing is of great help to me, so I want to withdraw the reward from this commission in advance.

Of course, I know this is unfair to you, so I am willing to pay you a deposit for this drawing. If I fail to complete the task, I will use this deposit to compensate for your loss. "

Lacy was stunned immediately, obviously he had never thought of such a way.

After thinking for a while, Lacy nodded and said: "That's okay. It cost me about 100 gold coins to get this blueprint. I won't talk about the difficult process in the middle. How about I pay 200 gold coins for this blueprint?"

This time it was Xu Lai's turn to be stunned. Of course, he didn't think it was expensive, but he didn't expect this drawing to be so cheap.

At the moment, Xu Lai silently counted 200 gold coins in his space backpack, and almost immediately took it out and handed it to Lacy.

Lazi took the gold coins speechlessly, stood up, held Xu Lai's hand and said, "I'll leave it to the hero."

Xu Lai said sheepishly: "Village Chief Lachi is too polite. Just call me Xu Lai. Don't call me a hero."

After getting the blueprint, Xu Lai actually wanted to rush to the camp immediately, but he finally saw a living person, so of course he wouldn't leave immediately.

He asked Lazi for help and asked the villagers to take out the excess seasonings such as oil, salt, tea and sugar at home, and he was willing to pay for them.

After eating bland fish and rice for a day without adding a little salt, Xu Lai felt that life was meaningless.

The process went smoothly, but what surprised Xu Lai was that he only took out one gold coin, but replaced it with a lot of seasonings, including a lot of rock salt and jaggery.

Prices in this world are so low that Xu Lai can't even imagine it.

But it’s not surprising if you think about it carefully. Food, as a basic material to sustain human survival, is growing so fast that prices cannot be raised even if they are high.

What's more, Xu Lai also looked carefully and the gold coins he took out should be pure gold.

Although a gold coin is not that big, only about ten grams, in modern society it is still worth thousands of dollars. If you use it to buy things like oil, salt, tea and sugar, you can easily buy hundreds or even thousands of kilograms.

With enough seasoning, Xu Lai was no longer interested in staying longer, and hurried back to his camp with Su Ya and the others.

Finding an open space in the camp next to the two tents, Xu Lai used 500 gold coins and the drawings of the homeless camp to build a homeless camp.

This camp was much more elaborate than Xu Lai's campfire. It also had a campfire in the middle, a large tent next to the campfire, and a circle of stones on the outermost periphery.

However, Xu Lai doesn't care about this homeless camp. He only cares about the homeless people who live there every month.

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