The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 2 Imperial Hero Xu Lai

Chapter 2 Imperial Hero—Xu Lai

"I choose to be a knight."

Today, Xu Lai has no body at all and cannot speak. The words he spoke subconsciously are actually just a thought in the spiritual world.

But after this thought came to his mind, Xu Lai felt that his whole body was enveloped in a warm light.

A moment later, he had used up his body again, but when he opened his eyes, what he saw was a completely unfamiliar world.

There are no high-rise buildings here, instead there are endless fields, and the weeds are probably as high as half a person.

The sky is blue and stretches as far as the eye can see.

The air is fresh, take a deep breath, and be filled with the smell of green grass.

Looking down, there are ten farmers in front of them who are wearing linen clothes and holding long forks or sickles. You can tell them apart at a glance.

Beside him were ten archers with long bows in their hands, two quivers on their backs, and a short sword at their waists.

For some reason, Xu Lai could clearly understand their identities as soon as he saw them.

The former is a peasant of no rank, with almost no fighting skills. The thin layer of linen clothes on his body can only cover his shame, and has no protective ability at all.

The latter is the second-level unit randomly obtained by that team. It is a trainee shooter. He wears two layers of thick clothes and may have certain defensive capabilities.

Xu Lai is relatively lucky. After choosing the imperial camp, he has a lot of basic knowledge about the imperial camp in his mind.

As the former overlord of the world, the Empire was split into two camps, but most of its arms were still the same. This allowed both the Empire and the Tower to have the largest number of arms trees.

Compared with the tower, the empire does not have puppet-type troops, and the tower does not have priest-type troops.

In the regular army, the empire has three types of level 2 soldiers, namely level 2 infantry with swords and shields, level 2 trainee marksmen with long-range capabilities, and level 2 rogues.

Infantrymen hold swords and shields and wear leather armor. Their offensive and defensive capabilities, and even their lives, are stronger than those of trainee archers.

The rogues are equipped with leather armor and daggers, but they are extremely fast. After being promoted to level 4 scouts, even without horses, they will not be much slower than the light cavalry with horses.

Xu Lai's luck is that the team of ten warriors he was born with are trainee shooters with long-range attack capabilities.

The farmers and shooters all stood aside quietly, lining up rigorously without any unnecessary movements, just like robots.

Xu Lai knew that this was because they did not have complete personalities. The only difference from robots was that they had real flesh and blood bodies.

In addition to these two teams, Xu Lai's own changes are also particularly obvious.

There is a docile war horse under his crotch. Although he does not have the metal armor he saw before, he is also covered with a thick knight's robe, and his feet are long boots that can cover the entire calf.

It was not obvious to perceive others, but when thinking of himself, Xu Lai suddenly got some information in his mind.

[Imperial Hero—Xu Lai]

Race: Human (human unit morale +1)

Faction: Empire (imperial unit morale +3)

Talent: Not mastered

Occupation: Knight

Grade 1

Personal attributes:

Strength: 11 (each point adds 1 point of attack power, increases one's own weight by 10 points, affects the effect of personal skills in the power system)

Physique: 12 (each point adds 1 point of defense, increases one's own health by 5 points, affects the effect of personal skills in the physique system)

Agility: 10 (every 3 points increases one's own movement speed by 1 point, attack speed by 1 point, reduces the negative effects caused by 1% of the weight, and affects the effects of personal skills in the agility department)

Intelligence: 10 (each point increases one's own mana by 10 points, increases the speed of learning knowledge and spells, and affects the effects of personal skills in the intelligence department)

Spirit: 10 (affects the effect of one's own spells (skills), increases the duration of one's own spells (skills), and increases one's own spell resistance)

Equipment: 1. Empire standard one-handed sword, damage 10, length 75, load 5

2. Knight's buckler, range: 50, durability 100, load 5

3. Simple spear, damage 12, length 150, load 10

4. Knight robe, body defense +10, leg defense +5, weight bearing 10

5. Knight boots, leg defense +6, weight bearing 3

Mount: Normal horse, speed 50, load 300 (more than 300 will enter overload state, seriously affecting the horse's speed)

Treasure: Banner of Knight’s Valor, whole army’s morale +1

Troops: Farmers (level 0)*10, each consumes 1 unit of food per day, and has skills such as farming, construction, logging, and fishing.

Trainee Archer (Level 2)*10, each consumes 1 unit of food per day, and can attack enemies from a distance.

Morale: 64+3

Skills: Riding: Level 1, affects the level of horses allowed to be controlled, and increases riding speed and control. (Agility department)

One-handed weapons: Level 1, affects the control and damage of one-handed weapons (strength system)

Shield use: Level 1, affects the damage of the shield, increases the shield's blocking speed and coverage, and increases the damage of shield-type skills. (Agility department)

Pole weapon: Level 1, affects the control and damage of one-handed weapons (strength system)

Specialization: Elementary Leadership: Army Morale +2

Primary offensive technique: Increases the damage caused by melee physical attacks by 10% of the entire army.

Item: General Order. After use, ordinary warriors can be upgraded to generals with complete personalities who can independently go on expeditions and make decisions.

(Note: Using it on your own warrior will increase loyalty by 100, and using it on friendly warriors will increase friendship by 100 points)

After the Castle Heart (camp level) is buried underground, camp-level buildings can be built around the Castle Heart. Collect 3 Castle Hearts (camp level) to synthesize a Castle Heart (village level).

Backpack: gold coins*1000, food*300, general order*1

Although there was a lot of information, it was instantly reflected in Xu Lai's mind. Along with it, the skills of using one-handed weapons, riding skills, pole weapons and shields entered his body.

With a gentle "hush", the horse under his crotch slowly walked forward as if he had a tacit understanding.

After the clatter of horse hooves, the trainee shooters walked neatly and in standard steps. The farmers in the front row also walked forward consciously.

The mount on Xu Lai's crotch is not a big horse, and it is not much different from the ones he has seen in zoos and amusement parks.

At that time, the only time he rode a horse in an amusement park was when a staff member led him all the way, but now he can control this ordinary horse as he pleases.

Looking around, he should be in a grassland area. There are no signs at a glance, let alone villages or homes.

And regardless of the 20 people following him, these guys are all silent monsters. Xu Lai doesn't even need to use orders to control them. As long as he has an idea in his mind, they can execute it automatically.

But the 20 monsters who only immersed themselves in action and did not speak at all, like 20 living dead, made Xu Lai even more panicked.

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