The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 22 The direction of advancement for farmers

Intermediate offensive technique: Increases the damage caused by melee physical attacks by 20% of the entire army, and activates the additional effect of the offensive technique: 1. When the hero personally kills (melee) the opponent, the morale is temporarily +1.

Primary Pathfinding: Reduce the impact of terrain on the marching speed of troops by 25%.

This time Xu Lai did not hesitate too much and decisively chose the intermediate offensive technique.

Just kidding, pathfinding can reduce the impact of terrain on the marching speed of troops, which means that it can increase the movement speed a little in areas where it is difficult for humans to travel, such as Gobi, desert, swamp, etc.

It cannot be said that it has no effect. The marching speed of an army plays a great role at any time. This is an important issue related to offensive initiative and whether one can save one's life.

The key is that Xu Lai has nothing to do and doesn't intend to run to these places. Even if he wants to run, it will be too late to be promoted by then. Anyway, it will have no effect on him now.

The offensive skills are different. The farmers' basic attacks are too weak and may not improve much, but the trainee shooters and marksmen also have melee capabilities.

The daggers on their waists are not for decoration. When someone really gets close, their melee capabilities are at least several times that of the peasants.

With the blessing of offensive skills, Xu Lai might be able to use them as half melee professionals.

As for the additional effects of the intermediate offensive technique, Xu Lai didn't expect it anyway. If he really had a chance to increase his temporary morale, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Especially after today's battle, Xu Lai gained a lot of experience in using long-pole weapons. Although it has not been upgraded, these experiences are definitely imprinted in his mind.

This speed of accumulation is much more satisfying than when I was in school, when knowledge passed through my head quickly.

After selecting the intermediate offensive technique, another reward prompt appears:

Primary Wisdom: Allows heroes to directly copy and learn level 3 strategic spells (level 1-2 spells can be learned without Wisdom)

Primary resistance: There is a 5% chance that you and your troops will not be affected by the enemy's magic. If the resistance fails, the spell damage will be reduced by 5% (friendly parties will not be affected).

Different from before, this time there are two brand new abilities and no upgraded specializations.

Moreover, these two abilities are related to spells. However, Xu Lai doesn't even know where to learn spells or how to learn them. What's more, even if he can learn them, he doesn't feel that he should be able to use third-level tactical magic for the time being.

However, this choice gave him another piece of information. Magic and magic are also different, and there is also a concept of so-called tactical magic.

Resistance has a 5% probability of making yourself and your troops immune to the enemy's spells. In other words, there is a 5% probability of magic immunity.

Even if the immunity fails, it can offset 5% of the damage. It is a very practical ability after all, and you will not suffer any loss if you learn it.

At this point, he has received all the rewards for his two level upgrades, but he was not the only one who received an upgrade in the previous battle.

Among the archer team, two trainee archers have obtained advanced qualifications, and they still have to choose one of three archers, crossbowmen and horse archers.

This is easy to say. In order to maintain the consistency of the team, Xu Lai still chose the shooter profession. It was just a bit distressing to spend 100 gold coins.

But unexpectedly, 3 of the 9 peasant troops were promoted.

Farmers were originally a level 0 non-combat profession, and after joining together to kill so many level 1 prairie wolves, it was normal for them to be eligible for promotion.

Their promotion is not expensive. They only need to spend 10 gold coins to promote them to level 1 militia.

What Xu Lai is struggling with now is not the 10 gold coins, but the worry that after becoming militiamen, these farmers will be like the trainee shooters and will no longer be able to engage in productive labor.

If that was the case, Xu Lai felt that this was a reverse advancement, at least until there were stable channels for farmers to obtain it, he would not be able to do this.

But he does need some stable front-row strength to protect his shooters.

Two more level 3 shooters have been added, and his long-range firepower has been slightly improved by another level.

It doesn't take too much. Just three or five people in the front row can help him firmly attract some enemies, allowing his long-range firepower to be output for a while longer, causing more damage.

After thinking about it, Xu Lai asked Su Ya again, and Su Ya did not disappoint him and answered the question comprehensively.

Su Yaben is a general born from a farmer. Talented managers can increase farmers' work efficiency by 20%, and farmer leaders can comprehensively improve the attributes of farmers' troops.

If even she didn't understand farmers, Xu Lai really couldn't find anyone who knew them better.

"Militia and militia are both citizens and soldiers. Of course they can engage in productive labor. The master does not need to worry." Su Ya smiled lightly and responded to Xu Lai's question.

"However, if the master promotes them to militia, it will effectively cut off the possibility of them engaging in other professions. If they want to advance in the future, they can only continue to advance in the warrior sequence."

"Possibility of other professions? You mean, besides becoming militiamen, they can also engage in other professions?"

Su Ya nodded affirmatively and said: "Of course, farmers are a very special group. They are both production units, combat units, and the starting point of all professions.

Now that they have accumulated enough combat experience, they can transfer to combat professions, starting from the militia path and becoming infantry, archers or knights.

But if they accumulate enough production occupations, they can also switch to life occupations such as blacksmith, architect, merchant, etc.

If you have spare money, you can send them to places such as libraries to learn knowledge, and you can also transfer them to apprentices, which is the basis of legal professions. They can later be transferred to mage or priest. "

Xu Lai smiled bitterly. He originally thought that farmers were just a basic unit, but he didn't expect that farmers, who he didn't care about the least, were the profession with the most opportunities and the most talk.

After understanding this, Xu Lai asked: "Then if I advance them into militia, will it affect their work and production efficiency?"

Su Ya shook her head and said: "Not only will it not affect it, but it will also increase efficiency due to the increase in strength, agility and physique."

Xu Lai nodded and said, "I'm relieved now, so let's get promoted."

After all, Xu Lai spent 30 gold coins and promoted three first-level militiamen.

Level 1 militiamen and level 1 trainee infantry are both level 1 professions, but there is a big gap in their combat effectiveness.

The first-level militiamen only changed their clothes into ordinary thick clothes, which had a slight defensive effect. The pitchforks in their hands were replaced by the same simple spears as Xu Lai, which increased the damage.

At the same time, due to the increase in physical fitness, the health value has slightly increased. Apart from the addition of a level 1 pole weapon skill, there is nothing else.

The chapter is posted backwards, sorry.

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