The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 225 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

Jebadas wanted to retreat, but Xu Lai didn't stop him.

This guy marched very strategically. Even if he retreated, it would not be an all-out retreat, but an orderly retreat in waves with cover.

He did not retreat to the original camp, but went around to the other side of the town, joined the ogres, and then retreated.

Xu Lai blinded 5 of them, directly scrapping Gebadas' siege plan.

However, after joining the ogres, Gebadas did not continue to retreat, but led the army to the stone mine.

Just like Xu Lai thought, Gebadas also took a fancy to the terrain of this place.

Not to mention being condescending, you can also take the initiative on the battlefield.

It would be best if Mercury Town can be snatched back. If it is impossible to snatch it back, Gebadas hopes to at least trap Xu Lai's highly mobile cavalry.

There is no usable terrain around the small town. There are seventeen or eight big-eared monster canteens built in the city, which may be able to barely provide for the lives of these thousands of people, but where is such a large space?

Besides, as long as Jebadas cuts off the water source outside, he probably won't be able to feed so many people with the little well water reserves in Mercury Town.

Therefore, Jebadas never worried about whether he could capture Mercury Town. He was only worried that Xu Lai would not care about the life or death of Mercury Town.

Without any scruples, this cavalry team of only a hundred people can really easily outfox enemies ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times more.

"TMD, this guy can also do magic. Why are there such powerful heroes on the human side?"

Jebadas glanced around, and all the heroes he glanced at lowered their heads.

After contacting Tatarod, Gebadas also learned Xu Lai's identity. It is said that the great prophet personally deduced it.

It was impossible for Gebadas to doubt the Great Prophet's inference, but it had only been a short time since the heroes came to this world. It had only been three months, so why did a level 19 hero appear on the human side?

Even though it was easy for the heroes to level up in the early stage, Jack and Andy, who he focused on, were only around level 10.

Now, of the two heroes he took care of, one has become a dead soul under the gun, and the other has escaped to an unknown place.

Now he only has a few level 2 and 3 heroes who have been helping him handle official documents. The only one who can do anything is the level 9 orc hero who helps him look after Thunderbird and Dapeng.

Several heroes did not dare to speak. Fortunately, at this time, the ogre priest came over.

"What about the cavemen?"

Jebadas said without thinking: "Kill them all and eat meat. There is a shortage of resources everywhere now. We may have to stay here for a while."

"Stay for a while? Are you crazy? Why don't you take down Mercury Town in one go!"

Uncharacteristically, Jebadas gave the ogre priest a cold look.

The ogre priest felt a chill in his heart, and he could clearly see the strong murderous intent in the other party's eyes.

After swallowing, the ogre priest said: "The high priest asked us to go out of the city for support, but I brought out all the combat forces in Kuba City.

If I don't go back, I'm worried something will happen to Kuba City. "

Jebadas said coldly:

"So what? With these troops under your command, which will be locked up in battle, can they be helpful to Kuba City even if they return to the city?

The top priority now is to stay here and watch this cavalry and this town die.

Only if we have the power to take down Mercury Town in a short time, the human hero will have any scruples.

We won't be able to completely let go until Talosi's wolf cavalry brigade comes to support us. "

The ogre priest said: "How can you be sure that General Taloshi will definitely send a wolf cavalry brigade to support?

What if it doesn’t come, or if it’s delayed until a week or two later, or even when the golden month has passed? "

Jebadas said confidently: "Because his precious son and his personal guard Wolf Cavalry were defeated by that human hero.

In addition to his defeat on the frontline battlefield, he should have been defeated by this human hero.

I was on the battlefield today and saw the royal flag given by His Highness the Beast King.

It's a pity that Behemoth on the King's Flag has become someone else's symbol of honor. "

The ogre high priest has a straight-line magical connection with the Augus shaman on the front line, so the ogre priest in front of him has a better understanding of Taloshi's situation.

After being silent for a while, he said: "At that time, this human hero was leading the legendary Temple Knights.

You know, those knights are so terrifying that even my king's Frost Wolf Guards are no match for them. "

Jebadas snorted and said: "Haha, no one knows what the human race is doing now.

No matter how powerful the Temple Knights are, no matter how many they have, Talosi has the largest wolf cavalry regiment with strongholds under his command.

After being defeated twice in succession at the hands of a hero descended from heaven, how could he have the dignity to be the commander-in-chief?

Therefore, Talosi will definitely send heavy troops this time, and maybe he will come in person.

Not to mention that he released such a strong cavalry unit from his defense zone.

Talosi will be responsible for any consequences caused by this cavalry in the wilderness. Can he remain indifferent? Does he dare to remain indifferent? "

"But the morale of the soldiers is not high. Even after defeating the cavemen, they did not recover much."

In this battle, the ogres did not suffer much loss. They just lost about ten points of morale due to the defeat. The total morale remained above 50 points.

However, Jebadas' orc army suffered heavy losses due to two blindnesses. After breaking through the city gate and fighting hand-to-hand, the narrow terrain at the city gate prevented a large-scale deployment of troops, so the losses were still considerable.

The legion that originally numbered more than 10,000 people, after the first battle, only less than 6,000 people remained.

Although some wounded soldiers escaped, it was obvious that those wounded soldiers could not come to join them.

If it weren't for this reason, Gebadas wouldn't have insisted on dragging the ogre's troops here.

How could he be sure to attack the city with his troops, which now numbered less than 6,000 and whose morale was extremely low?

We can't even be sure of siege, let alone a quick victory.

If he couldn't win quickly, how could he imprison Xu Lai?

At Xu Lai's speed, it is easy to travel thousands of kilometers back and forth in one day.

The ogre priest stopped talking. He really couldn't find any other excuse to refute.

But he was unwilling to leave like this.

Kuba City's troops were all deployed to the front line. Their defensive capabilities were originally poor, but most of them were brought to the gates of Mercury City. Now Kuba City's troops are extremely weak.

Losing a Mercury Town is nothing. No matter how important Mercury Town is, it is just a town.

Kuba City is a true base camp city and one of the only three major cities of the bloodthirsty tribe.

Maybe losing a city is nothing to Jebadas and the stronghold camp.

But losing this city was an unbearable blow to the bloodthirsty tribe.

The ogre priest refused to leave, and Gebadas ignored him. Anyway, he was the highest-ranking military officer present and a legitimate military commander.

Unless the ogre priest wants to resist the order, he cannot take away any ogre warrior.

In a barbaric country like the stronghold, the price of disobedience is something no family can afford.

"Go, do whatever you have to do.

Morale is so low, why not train the troops?

It's past noon now, why don't you hurry up and arrange meals for the soldiers? "

If the ogre priest didn't leave, Gebadas could give him face, but other officers and heroes also came here to watch the fun, but they pissed off Gebadas.

However, not long after these officers left, the hero commanding the Bird Force hurriedly reported:

"Commander, it's not good, I think that group of griffins seems to have flown in the direction of Kuba City!"

Jebadas was startled and quickly stood up to look. Fortunately, the ogre's priest had already left.

Staring at the hero fiercely, Gebadas said solemnly: "In the future, don't shout about such important military information in public!"

The hero was stunned and said: "I know, I know the commander."

Gebadas nodded and said: "Go down, monitor the movements of the human hero and his cavalry, and report to me at any time."

The orc hero nodded, and then asked in shock: "Where are those griffins?"

Gebadas said: "Don't worry about them, they will go wherever they like, just keep an eye on the human hero."

Whenever Xu Lai moves, Jebadas will move.

As long as Xu Lai still cares about the life and death of those human beings, Xu Lai will not be able to run too far.

It would be best if Xu Lai chose to attack his military formation while the morale of his army was low.

He still has so many orc warriors under his command. Even if he trades a hundred warriors for one knight, he will still make a lot of money.

Just as Jebadas guessed, Xu Lai still didn't make the slightest move after Elvi led the griffons away.

He went into the city to have dinner with Harris and others, and also personally buried hundreds of lizard warriors and human shooters who died in the battle to defend the city with everyone.

Even after lunch, Xu Lai took time to take a nap for an hour.

It wasn't until Yu Lan came over to tell him that the orc army on Ore Mountain was divided into two, and the ogre troops were heading down the mountain towards Kuba City, that he gave the order to assemble the troops.

Xu Lai was not afraid that the ogres would run away first. What he was afraid of was that the ogres would not run away.

As long as they run, can they still be faster than Xu Lai's cavalry?

Sure enough, after Xu Lai gathered his troops, he caught up with the ogre troops not long after.

I don’t know who led the ogre troops in front of me. Anyway, they were sparse and there was no formation at all.

Not only do they have no formation, they don't even have the same speed.

The high-level ogres were running fast, and the low-level ogres were almost falling behind. The entire team formed a long queue.

Xu Lai can cut this army into countless segments with a casual charge without any risk.

He did the same thing. Wouldn't it be a waste not to take the experience that fell from the sky?

The ogres lined up in a straight line were unable to stop Xu Lai's penetration.

Without a thick formation and no spears, what could these ogres do to stop their horses.

As long as the horse doesn't stop, no one can stop Xu Lai and the others.

In this way, Xu Lai intervened more than ten times and after killing hundreds of ogres, the army completely collapsed and scattered.

On the top of the mountain, Jebadas, who had just been woken up, had almost broken teeth.

He glanced angrily: "Why did you let those fools leave? Why didn't they wake me up when they left?"

A lieutenant replied tremblingly: "Their priest said that you asked them to leave.

Before the priest left, he specifically asked us not to disturb your rest! "

Jebadas's eyes darkened and he was so angry that he almost couldn't speak.

After a while, Jebadas witnessed the collapse of all the ogre troops at the foot of the mountain, and finally said feebly:

"Clean up the team and let's withdraw." (End of Chapter)

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