The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 256 Transaction

Xu Lai is willing to really give the money, and the mayor is already Amitabha, thank God.

He made him unhappy and immediately robbed you of Green Forest Town. Now he doesn't even have a place to complain.

In Baishi City, Viscount Nordin still left some people to guard the house. However, let’s not say whether we can count on those people to make the decision for Greenwood Town. Even if they did come, they would only give Xu Lai more experience.

The mayor of Greenwood Town left, and with him, the Sheriff, the security team, and the newly established militia of Greenwood Town also left.

A group of people fled back to the town, euphemistically saying they were going to prepare food and fodder for Xu Lai.

As for the town gate, whoever wants to guard it can guard it. They don't dare to stop it anyway.

"Boss, how about you come in and sit down?" Luo Mingru invited.

Xu took a look, shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't scare them. Your village is not far from here."

Luo Mingru swallowed and whispered: "It's not far, sir. If you want to take a look, can I help you lead the way?"

"Wait a minute, I'll buy the food first."

As expected, Green Forest Town did not dare to sell food to Xu Lai at a high price. There were 12,000 units of staple food in total, and the remaining chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, grass, soybeans and other feeds totaled 4,000 units.

With so much food, the people in Green Forest Town really put their heart into it, and they probably made all the money out of it.

There is nothing we can do if we don't dig it out. The mayor is really scared. There are 2 to 3,000 people outside, of all races, and they are all strong young adults.

What if you don’t have enough to eat and rush in to rob?

According to Xu Lai's previous experience in buying food in Prairie Town, this total of 16,000 units of food still cost 7,800 gold.

The grassland is a good place, no one buys feed, and meat is not very valuable, but the staple food is still relatively expensive, and the price has been raised because of the sudden war.

But the Northern Empire is now also fighting fiercely, and the nobles are also desperately searching for food and grass everywhere, and the price of food and grass has increased several times.

Unexpectedly, Green Forest Town was only willing to accept 500 gold coins from Xu Lai, which was not worth much more than the crystal Xu Lai threw to Luo Mingru.

The key is that Luo Mingru only told some information that was not considered confidential, but Green Forest Town actually took away more than 10,000 units of food.

Xu Lai certainly doesn't have to worry about the transportation and handling of these foods.

Based on their experience in the wilderness, Harris and others recommended some representatives from various races to temporarily manage them in groups.

There are more than 40 tents here when Xu comes here, which can be used to improvise.

In addition, Harris and others also brought a lot of supplies from Kuba City, and bought some daily necessities, bedding and other things from Green Forest Town, and they could barely settle down.

It really doesn't look like there are so many people just letting them wander around in the wild.

So Xu Lai went to the village where Luo Mingru was located. The village looked very simple. The fence at the entrance of the village was quite wide, but there were not many houses inside. The key was that there were few farmers.

"The price of food here is so cheap. How can the village grow if we don't recruit more locals?"

Xu Lai asked a very important question.

After Luo Mingru thought for a moment, he carefully replied: "It's not that I don't want to recruit people, but the rules of the Northern Empire only allow the recruitment of refugees.

The so-called refugees are those who have no house or land. Otherwise, even His Highness Aled himself cannot rob people from other nobles.

It is equivalent to saying that if I want to recruit people, in addition to providing more favorable policies than other villages or towns, I must also provide necessary land and real estate.

Moreover, even if I am willing to provide it, it is not good to publicize it in a big way, otherwise it will lower the favor of the local dignitaries. "

Xu Lai touched his chin and said, "What if I am willing to give you some people?"

Luo Mingru was overjoyed and said without hesitation: "Boss, just tell me what you want. As long as you don't fancy my six treasures, you can take whatever I have."

Xu Lai smiled slightly and said: "Besides those 6 rangers, you probably don't have any other treasures.

In this way, you also saw those people just now.

Except for the humans and elves, I plan to take away all the wolf-headed and lizard-men, and I plan to keep them all.

I believe you can also see that the levels of these wolf-headed and lizard-men are not bad. That is because when they were in the wilderness, the most elite ones were selected from a large group of fortress races.

Not to mention other things, many of those lizardmen were already equipped with bows and arrows in the wilderness. With some other equipment, they can directly become level 3 or even level 4 lizard archers.

I estimate that from these people, you can get at least more than 100 lizard man shooters and more than 100 large werewolf warriors.

The generals you promoted should also be good at shooting. When the time comes, you will bring the werewolf to protect the shooters and let your generals be responsible for the attack. Their strength will be much improved compared to now.

Finally, you can completely use the eliminated lizards and giant werewolves as farmers.

Although their hands and feet are not as convenient as humans, and their efficiency is not as high as that of humans, they can work long hours and have good endurance.

Anyway, I don't think they are any worse than human farmers when I use them. Maybe they are better at mining or something, and they can also work in water. "

Luo Mingru swallowed and said, "If it's such a good thing, why don't you take it back and use it yourself?"

Xu Lai squinted his eyes and said: "One is that it is more troublesome to upgrade them. They are all real people, and the experience points required for advancement are higher.

The other two were all from the fortress, and I took them with me, which had a greater impact on morale.

Finally, although the Fortress camp and the Empire have a neutral relationship, with the current situation of the Empire, no one can say whether the Fortress will launch a war against the Empire.

Even if the fortress camp remains stable, the people of the empire are not willing to live together with other races.

You are different. Your subordinates are all recruited soldiers and farmers. Although it has an impact on morale, it will not affect the favorability and stability of the people in your territory. "

It was okay that they were allied troops before. The fortress belonged to the neutral camp and Xu Lai could carry them, but he had to accept the morale penalty of crossing the camp.

"Boss, how about we discuss it later!"

Xu Lai smiled and said: "Okay, if you have other good things, I can also trade them and exchange them.

By the way, I also have some architectural drawings here, some manor drawings, gunner training camp drawings, and yes, there are also shooter towers.

It's a pity that the local aboriginal nobles have already built their own castles, and the heroes' territories have not been built much. I don't know when I will be able to sell these drawings. "

Xu Lai destroyed cities and towns in the barbaric land. Those things like wood and stones were not of high value and occupied a lot of land. Of course Xu Lai couldn't take them away.

But things like the shattered heart of the castle and the architectural drawings of the destroyed building were all of high value.

"Oh, by the way, I remember that those orcs also released a lot of equipment, including a life amulet that increased health by 150 points. I don't know if it's worth it."

Luo Mingru looked at Xu Lai with increasingly sad eyes.

He knew that Xu Lai was deliberately stimulating him, but he was stimulated.

He really couldn't help but be irritated. First of all, if it was as Xu said, then even if he lost 6 rangers, his strength would not decrease but increase.

Of course, in terms of maneuverability, it is much worse.

However, Luo Mingru's mobility is of no use now. The combat power he needs now is mainly to defend the village and clear out the wild monsters every month.

And now I heard that the devil has sent countless squads to plunder the population everywhere, so he needs strong strength to guard the villages and even Green Forest Town.

Secondly, what Xu Lai provided was exactly what he needed most.

In the construction territory, in addition to some upgraded basic buildings, there are many buildings that need to be constructed through drawings.

Moreover, in each territory, depending on the location, the buildings obtained by upgrading are also very different.

For example, crossbow towers are rarely produced in grassland towns, and lords must purchase additional drawings of crossbow towers to build them.

Luo Mingru took a fancy to the spearman camp and shooter tower that Xu Lai just mentioned. He didn't know what kind of buildings his village would have after it was upgraded, but he knew there wouldn't be many.

There are many mineral deposits in the north, and the probability of building a crossbow tower is higher in the buildings here. There are many trees in the south, and the probability of building an archer tower is higher.

There are distinctive griffons in the east, and Pingfeng Grassland is in the west, with the largest number of small and medium-sized nobles in the entire empire. The probability of knights is very high.

Finally, the Northern Empire where Luo Mingru was located was not like a grassland full of undeveloped wilderness.

In the Northern Empire, wild monsters can be sold as resources. Even if he only robs wild monsters near villages and small towns, the treasure boxes he opens are only the lowest level treasures.

Magic equipment must be made by mages and craftsmen. Where do these foreign heroes come from?

It can be said that everything Xu Lai said is at the forefront of Luo Mingru's heart.

He could endure the same two things, but how could he tolerate so many bombings at once.

What's more, Xu Lai hasn't taken out all the good stuff yet.

At least Luo Mingru knew that if Xu Lai could obtain so many architectural drawings, there would definitely be one thing missing.

"Boss, I don't want anything else. If you are willing to sell me two more village-level castle hearts, then you can take these 6 rangers!"

Xu Lai squinted his eyes, thought for a while and said: "My hero was also promoted from a ranger. I know very well how much it costs to recruit a ranger.

Of course, if I buy the Ranger, I definitely can’t pay the recruitment price.

The Ranger does not even have a serious outdoor building, and its scarcity is higher than that of the Knight, so a certain premium is inevitable.

In addition, since I am asking for something from you, I will give you a higher price, 10,000 gold coins per person. I should not bully you! "

In fact, although the ranger does not have outdoor buildings, it can be advanced through the cavalry. The cost of advancement along the way is only more than 2,000 gold coins.

Including the value of experience points, recruiting a ranger costs 4,000 gold coins, which is as high as the sky. Xu Lai counts 10,000 gold coins each. After doubling, the price is still 50% higher.

However, although the money is a lot, it is still not easy to buy. High-level soldiers are definitely an extremely scarce commodity in the market, especially during the war.

Even if Xu Lai wanted to buy it, there was no way to buy it. Secondly, even if there was a market, he couldn't really buy it with 10,000 gold coins.

The price he calculated for Luo Mingru could only be regarded as not bullying others, because the heart of the castle was harder to buy than soldiers, and in terms of scarcity, Xu Lai did not bully him.

Luo Mingru knew what Xu Lai wanted to say, so he also took out something from his backpack.

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