The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 258 Asset Realization

"Remember, you are free people, not slaves.

The wealth you gain through labor will belong to you after paying taxes, including farmland and houses. "

Xu Lai shouldn't actually say these words. These people in front of him have been sold out by Xu Lai, and their good impression of Xu Lai has no effect.

On the contrary, Xu Lai's words will definitely make Luo Mingru dissatisfied.

Although Luo Mingru is still smiling, he seems to have no feeling.

These big werewolves can say that Xu Lai is hypocritical, but Xu Lai thinks that he has a clear conscience.

They are all aliens. Living in human territory will definitely cause a lot of inconveniences and require a lot of tolerance.

If other human beings suffer a loss, they can file a complaint with the sheriff, the mayor of the town or the village chief, or if that doesn't work, they can file a complaint with the nobles or the king.

Although the chance is slim, as long as they can find someone, they will be happy regardless of the laws of the empire and their own reputation.

But if they are from a foreign race, no matter where they can go to complain, even the law will not support them.

Therefore, if they want to live a good life, they must either meet a good leader or they can only rebel.

Xu Lai said this in public today. If they encounter injustice in the future and Xu Lai is blamed for it, can he still ignore it at all?

As long as Xu Lai has the strength, even if he just writes a letter and says a few words for them, Luo Mingru will have to take it seriously.

In any case, Xu Lai used the power of these aliens to contain the orcs before abandoning them. This sentence can be regarded as an explanation for himself.

Luo Mingru still has no plans to upgrade the town for the time being. He said that he still has to discuss it with the mayor of Green Forest Town.

With the mayor's endorsement and Viscount Notting not handling affairs in the territory, it is understandable that Luo Mingru is anxious to upgrade the territory. After all, he has reported to the superiors.

Even the mayor didn't want to take the blame for nothing, so Luo Mingru turned around and stuffed a unit of crystal that Xu Lai gave him.

The land in Green Forest Town is pretty good, and Luo Mingru has introduced it to Xu Lai to some extent.

The entire Northern Empire becomes richer as you go toward the center.

The land here in Green Forest Town is already qualified as fertile land, and can increase the basic harvest by about 25%.

The specific number is high or low, depending on the fertility of the soil. The more fertile the place, such as the central circle of the empire and the rich southern region, the maximum increase can be about 200%.

In other words, without additional gains, such as Su Ya's resource manager attribute, the rich south and central regions will naturally have twice as much food as the grassland where Xu Lai is located.

Xu Lai's farm can produce 100 units of food, and his family's farm can produce 300 units of food.

Of course, it’s not just food. In fact, food doesn’t sell for much.

Take Green Forest Town as an example. The population directly belonging to the town is not large. Excluding the rations for self-use, all the townspeople together will probably save about 1,000 units of food.

If you sell these things for takeout, not counting chicken, duck, fish and other meat, you can earn dozens of gold coins, thanks to the fact that we are in a state of war.

They usually don't even have a third of it, and if they sell it for 10 gold coins, the whole town has to share it. They don't know if they can get two or three gold coins in a month.

Since they can't make money just growing food, of course they will grow more cash crops, such as cotton, mulberry trees and the like.

In addition to raising poultry and helping others, a family with two or three laborers can earn about 5 to 6 gold a month.

Moreover, plants in other worlds grow quickly, and another advantage is that they can grow whatever they need.

For example, when a war breaks out, major lords need to recruit a large number of soldiers, and there are fewer people farming, so there is a huge food gap.

Nowadays, all the major towns in the Northern Empire have been converted to food cultivation.

Xu Lai walked around the area, and while continuing to buy food, bedding and even pots and pans with people from other villages, he also inquired about various customs and customs, trying his best to integrate into this other world.

He didn't expect these ordinary villagers to know anything about other information. He just listened to the rumors and believed it three or four times.

After a busy day, Xu Lai returned to the temporary camp with a large amount of supplies.

Luo Mingru was a great help and provided a lot of tools, plus those brought from Kuba City and bought back by Xu Lai.

Next to Luo Mingru Village, a large temporary camp has almost been set up.

Although it is still very crude, he barely built a large pavilion similar to a pavilion with wood and straw.

In addition to barely covering the rain, there are no walls on all sides to block the wind.

There were dozens of pots and stoves set up, and each captain received the food from Harris, processed it in a unified way, and ate it in a unified manner, similar to the way it was at Datong Shop.

But every citizen who has worked hard all day has a warm smile on his face.

Xu Lai asked them if they were tired, and they shouted that they were not tired and it was not hard work.

Even the elves' faces were filled with joy of returning to the human world.

The Month of Gold Coins is coming to an end, and Xu Lai doesn't want to take them on a march at this time, so he can only temporarily settle them like this.

While having dinner together, Xu Lai also promised them that he would take them back to his own territory as soon as possible, allocate houses and land to everyone, and even said that he would allocate wives to young people.

There are many people in his Qingfeng Castle, but the population of young adults is not large, less than 30%. The rest are either the elderly and children or the women who were kidnapped.

But the group of people here are almost all young adults. Anyone with less strength and poor physical fitness has long been tortured to death by the orcs.

With the addition of this group of young adults, Xu Lai knew that there were only women left in many villages, including those in Stone Castle.

If Xu Lai has this condition, he can recruit these villages to join, and Qingfeng Castle will soon grow.

It was also for this reason that Xu Lai was unwilling to treat them as assets and sell them on the spot.

In fact, if he is willing to sell, those territories that have just transferred a large number of young and middle-aged people will definitely be willing to pay a large price to buy it.

These people are not aliens, they are all young and middle-aged men with strong physiques. If anyone wants to ask Xu Lai for 3 or 50 gold coins each, Xu Lai can twist his head off.

As long as it was just him and his own cavalry, it would be easy to return to Pingfeng Grassland. Even if he heard that demons were frequently seen recently, he would not be afraid if he really met Xu Lai.

In this way, Xu Lai and his troops stayed near Green Forest Town to rest and recuperate.

They have a marching tent, so they don't have to squeeze into the big bunk with Harris and the others. They can even find a lake to go fishing when they have nothing to do.

The rangers who were born as herdsmen, led by captains such as Joseph, washed their bodies together and fed refined fodder to their horses, including Xu Lai's.

During this period of time, the most difficult thing about wandering around with them in the wilderness was that these war horses generally lost weight seriously.

If we don't take a break and make up for it quickly, a large number of war horses may be downgraded.

Xu Lai seemed to have nothing to do, but he did not relax in the daily training. It was just that the previous cavalry training was changed to infantry training.

Although he still found time to fish for a while, that was only after he invited the Sheriff of Greenwood Town, Luo Mingru, and a businessman Luo Mingru found from who knows where.

The crops in Green Forest Town will not turn into gold coins by themselves. Similarly, when Luo Mingru and others hunt for treasures in the wild, they also need to be transferred through merchants.

Luo Mingru had been hanging around here for several months, and he was already acquainted with several larger chambers of commerce nearby. The person who was specially invited by Luo Mingru to fish with Xu Lai was the manager of a large chamber of commerce in Baishi City.

At first, people thought Xu Lai was too arrogant, but when Xu Lai took out tons of gold nuggets, the steward's eyes almost popped out, and he even shouted that he couldn't make the decision.

What Xu Lai wants to do most now is these things.

These gold nuggets have not been purified and contain a large amount of other metals and minerals.

The metal associated with gold is of course not without value, but Xu Lai cannot use it directly, and neither upgrading nor recruiting can directly replace it.

The key is that this thing takes up a lot of space, so Xu Lai wants to take action as soon as possible and exchange them all for gold coins.

It would be best to get some more gold coin boxes so that he can free up a lot of space.

Although the steward couldn't make the decision, he really didn't want to miss out on such a large deal.

At the moment, I obediently accompanied Xu Lai to fish for a while, carefully memorizing Xu Lai's requirements, and promised to invite the president of their chamber of commerce over tomorrow to trade with Xu Lai in person.

Tomorrow is the last day of this month. Since Xu Lai is resting, he will definitely have to wait a few more days.

In fact, he wanted to see what month it was next. If it was the month of monsters, it would be a good time to take this group of rangers to hunt for treasures, practice leveling, and visit all the noble cities.

Ask him to go to the Emerald City to find someone to trade with. Unless there is really no other way, it is impossible for him to go.

If one of them fails, he will have to be left there.

His troops here seem to be strong, but the number is too small after all. If they can't handle the demon army, why can't they handle Xu Lai's two hundred people?

Therefore, he would rather try his luck in one city after another and train monsters to upgrade.

If that doesn't work, he can buy more supply trucks and walk back with the large troops.

Anyway, he didn't want to touch the more dangerous things before he had new life-saving tools.

But it was a pity that the caravan steward said well, but the next day he made Xu Lai wait in vain.

It wasn't until evening that a mercenary was entrusted with sending a letter to Xu Lai.

It turned out that Xu Lai asked for too many things, and the items he used to trade were of high value, so the chamber of commerce boss needed time to raise them, and even had to find other chambers of commerce to cooperate, otherwise he might not be able to eat them.

No matter how barren the orcs were in the wilderness, Xu Lai robbed several towns, a large city, and several large-scale troops, leaving only the best part of them.

This wealth is really not something that the president of a small town's chamber of commerce can afford, even if Xu Lai only sells part of it.

In the letter, in addition to explaining the need to raise gold coins and unite other chambers of commerce to trade with Xu Lai, it also specifically mentioned recent security issues.

It is said that a village affiliated with White Rock City has been plundered by demons, so the president of the Chamber of Commerce plans to hire a team of mercenaries before trading. (End of chapter)

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