The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 260 The Three-Star Moon

The flag of the Qingfeng Knights is naturally the only giant beast killer.

However, Xu Lai still went to Green Forest Town and asked the tailors in Green Forest Town to make a few more flags for him, which were awarded to Tahan, Yan Feng and Joseph respectively.

These flags have no strategic properties, they are just symbols.

Even Xu Lai himself has one, an ordinary flag with yellow characters on a red background and the name "Qingfeng Knights" in five characters.

In addition to these 47 cavalry, the remaining 260 people are all infantry.

Ed, the Pegasus knight, was driven by Xu Lai to become the leader of the infantry regiment.

There is no way, Xu Lai really has no one available. Among this group of people, those with the best attributes and the highest occupations are all elf peons.

These five elf laborers have their own professions, two level 5 druids with sealed spellcasting abilities, a level 5 elf sword dancer, a level 5 great elf, and a level 6 polar shooter. .

Xu Lai paid for the gold coins for the remaining dozen who had no professions. It turned out that the highest one could be promoted to level 6 Archdruid. This was so exaggerated that Xu Lai couldn't believe that he was an elf commoner before.

And the identity of this elf civilian is indeed not simple.

This elf named Eric Viklen looks very young, but he is actually an elf bard who is over 300 years old.

Compared with the 500-year mandate of the elves, Eric is equivalent to 60 years of human age.

Although bards look like those who sell songs everywhere, they actually require strong spellcasting ability. Therefore, it is not surprising that they can be directly promoted to level 6 archdruid after switching to a combat profession.

Of course, he only has a few spells and spell-casting abilities of the Arch Druid, and there is still a gap between him and the real Arch Druid.

The other two druids, who have temporarily lost their ability to cast spells, are experienced and can temporarily serve as the old-timer's teachers.

With so many high-level professions, they must hold leadership positions in the infantry regiment. In addition, Xu Lai really didn't have the manpower to send out, and at most he could only be Yu Lan.

But Yu Lan was only willing to stay in the infantry regiment at most. She didn't even want to be a captain. She looked like she didn't want to care about anything and just wanted to serve Xu Lai.

Xu Lai immediately surrendered as soon as she acted sweetly in bed.

He forcefully snatched Ed out from the Pegasus Knights team and pushed him over to become the leader of a group of infantrymen.

The key is that Xu Lai doesn't plan to use this group of infantry yet, but just wants them to stay behind and be responsible for protecting Xu Lai's own people.

When you take them out, you must bring a lot of food and grass.

Secondly, Xu Lai has adapted to the feeling of cavalry coming and going like the wind. Xu Lai still thinks that these newly added nomads are slow.

But their speed is actually not slow, because although the knight is a level 3 nomad, the war horse is a level 5 war horse.

In addition, these herdsmen generally have a high level of riding skills, usually at level 4 or 5, which is only a little lower than the first batch of people selected before who have now advanced to the ranger level.

This group of level 3 nomads can be regarded as level 5 cavalry at speed, and their combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of level 4 trainee knights. They just need to get used to their current status.

The three-star moon made Xu Lai, who had been resting for two days, suddenly become excited and no longer had the patience to wait in the temporary camp.

Just as the new month came, the intermediate Eagle Eye Technique brought him three level 5 elite scouts.

Even the number of free soldiers from specializations can be tripled, which was an unexpected surprise for Xu Lai.

It just so happened that the mobility and detection capabilities of the three elite scouts were far superior to those of the scouts, and they also had the life-saving trick of becoming invisible.

So Xu Lai simply assigned these three scouts to the three directions of southeast and west.

As for the north, Xu Lai, who had already been idle for a long time, wanted to personally take his Qingfeng regiment out for a sweep.

Although he had used an escape route to escape from the wilderness before, his escape could not change the fact that Xu Lai was defeated.

The morale that I finally saved for winning streaks has been lost again. We are not in a wilderness now, and the extra morale bonus from fighting the orcs is not used.

Xu Lai needed more continuous victories to boost the morale of his troops.

Fortunately, he had completely cleared out the people in the fortress in the past two days, otherwise the morale would have dropped even more.

A string of three stars is good news for most towns.

All harvests will be tripled, and cities with mineral deposits will make double the profits. Qingfeng Castle in Xu Lai has a stone mine and a crystal mine.

It's a pity that the gold mine discovered in the wilderness was just a barren gold mine without natural treasures like Aber Crystal.

However, it is very unfortunate news for businessmen, mercenaries, farmers visiting relatives, etc. who need to go out.

Xu Lai relied on a simple map he bought from Green Forest Town and rushed north in excitement. Along the way, he easily wiped out a skeleton army of more than a thousand people, more than 600 stone men.

You know, it's only been seven or eight hours, and these wild creatures haven't had time to close up yet.

Thousands of skeleton soldiers are acceptable. After all, the basic level is too low, and ordinary farmers will not be afraid of skeleton soldiers.

However, Stone Man is a serious third-level soldier. In addition to his slow movement ability, his health and defense are among the best among fourth-level soldiers.

It is worth mentioning that the more than 600 stone men, and even some tin men among them, surrendered to Xu Lai without even being beaten.

They actually wanted to join Xu Lai's camp.

If it was free, Xu Lai would reluctantly take it back. It would be good to keep it at home to guard the door. After all, the Stone Man and the Tin Man are all puppet troops.

The meaning of puppets is that they are not living people, do not need to eat, are not affected by morale, and their characteristics can greatly reduce magic damage.

Xu Lai took some trouble to take them back, then used the Gate of Time and Space to take them back together, and just find an open space to place them.

The key is that they have to charge, so Xu Lai sent out the rangers, nomads and so on in a rage.

With Xu Lai's blessing, their attack power is comparable to that of level 5 or 6 wild monsters, and they can bully the stone men without any problem.

It's just that the speed is a bit slow, and the stone man and the tin man have high attack power, so if they fight back, it will still hurt.

Of course, Xu Lai has 7 Holy Light Knights and 44 Paladins. If Xu Lai is included, there are 52 units that can heal.

If one person looked at two people, there would be no casualties, so they just used stone men to sharpen their knives.

Another disadvantage of having a large number is that more time is wasted killing monsters.

The whole morning passed, and Xu Lai and the others basically stayed in the state of watching a show.

Xu Lai himself was not interested in first- and second-level skeletons, but his experience bar was on the verge of upgrading, so he patiently honed his one-handed weapon skills with a shield in one hand and an ax in the other.

Not to mention, this set of equipment and this set of playing methods are more than enough to bully wild monsters.

Whether it is a low-level skeleton soldier or a mid-level tin man, if you use a shield to block their attacks, and then quickly hit them with an axe, you can go wild without any damage, as long as the shield's defense is high enough and durable enough.

Even the long-range shooters encountered in the afternoon, including more than 500 flame throwers and 100 Gog, all the fireballs exploded on the shield.

If this were a real demon, unless Xu Lai's shield could cover his entire body, he would definitely hit the exposed areas.

There are a large number of flame throwers, and they occupy a relatively large area. In addition, they are currently enemies of humans and will actively attack, so the warning distance will be very high.

If there was a caravan passing by nearby and a full 700 fireballs were thrown at them, all the caravan guards would have been killed before they got close, so they had only one option: escape.

A caravan carrying goods will definitely not be able to run very fast, so even if the flame throwers are relatively low-level and not very fast, they are still a very threatening group of monsters.

But they unfortunately encountered Xu Lai. Xu Lai's troops were so mobile that the fireball hit rate of the flame throwers was extremely poor.

In addition, they have not upgraded to Magog after all, and the fireball is still single-target. As long as it cannot hit anyone, it will definitely not cause damage.

Xu Lai first asked Yan Feng to lead the team to eliminate the Goges among the group of flame throwers, and then asked the rangers and nomads to take action.

Because they need to constantly use the mobility of their war horses to sprint back and forth, this group of more than 600 long-range troops is more difficult to deal with than the two wild monsters in the morning.

The good news is that since monsters are random, they don't just merge randomly.

Otherwise, after such a long time, this group of flame throwers may have formed a huge scale of one to two thousand, two to three thousand.

In that case, even Xu Lai would have to retreat, not because he couldn't defeat him, but because he couldn't afford it.

If a wild monster dies, it will be dead, and no one will feel sorry for it, but Xu Lai will feel bad if one of his own dies.

In addition, with the increase in the number of wild monsters, a lot of experience is naturally given, which is especially helpful to low-level troops such as nomads.

After clearing out the group of flamethrowers at three or four in the afternoon, the last dozen or so nomads were promoted to rangers.

Because Xu Lai personally participated in the battle and killed the most wild monsters, he was finally qualified to upgrade with the bonus from the battle settlement.

Being able to upgrade this time still took a lot of advantage of Jebadas, but this time the experience bar has returned to zero again, and it will be difficult to increase it again.

Not surprisingly, with this upgrade, attribute points were added to his physique, which also successfully raised his health points to over 700 points, a total of 701.25.

The two specialties that appeared made Xu Lai hesitate for a while.

[Advanced Logistics Technique]: Increases the movement speed and supply speed of the entire army by 30%, and activates the additional logistics effect 2. Recovery.

Recovery: During non-combat periods, the recovery speed is increased by 10%; while stationed, the recovery speed is increased by 20%.

[Master Offensive Technique]: Increases the damage caused by melee physical attacks by 40% of the entire army, and activates the additional effect of the offensive technique. 3. The troops led by oneself ignore 15% of the target's defense.

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