On a day like today, Luo Mingru originally wanted to lead the team out to play in the autumn wind.

It's just that the cavalry and archery unit that could bully wild monsters before was traded to Xu Lai, and it coincided with the three-star moon.

There are thousands of low-level monsters outside, but there are only a few high-level monsters. However, Luo Mingru, who only has a team of shooters, is not going to fight against the high-level monsters.

So after walking around for a while, I had no choice but to go home in a dull mood, planning to follow Xu Lai's example and select some troops from among the werewolves and lizardmen.

The werewolves in the fortress are capable of fighting and resisting, and the lizardmen are not only capable of long-range attacks, they can also be petrified from a distance. The key is that their bodies are also extremely strong and durable.

I don't want the devil's army to appear first before the troops are recruited.

Xu Lai frowned: "Don't be anxious, be more careful."

He had just recovered three maps from the scouts, and he had returned from the north. The three scouts did not report anything about demons, and he did not encounter them either.

Therefore, even if there is a demon, it should still be some distance away from Greenwood Town.

Although Xu Lai now has two regiments, cavalry and infantry, he always likes to obtain the most detailed information possible before making a decision.

Under Xu Lai's stern gaze, Luo Mingru calmed down little by little.

He looked at the two people he brought and said, "Steward Allen came to me just now and said that when the caravan rushed to Greenwood Town, it discovered the demon's army.

Their president asked him and Captain Cage to come and ask you for help. "

After Luo Mingru briefly listened to the situation, he immediately brought Allen over to see Xu Lai. He was not very clear about the details. He just heard from Allen that there seemed to be many troops in Hell.

Allen was the steward of the caravan who agreed to trade with Xu Lai. He was originally a very clever person, but now he stammered and his words did not match his words. He must have been frightened.

Cage on the side frowned when he heard this, pushed away Allen who didn't know what he was talking about, and said:

"Lord Baron, I'm offended. I'm a mercenary hired by the White Rock Chamber of Commerce.

While our mercenary group was escorting the White Rock Chamber of Commerce and several other chambers of commerce to Greenwood Town, we discovered the troops of the Hell camp during reconnaissance.

Our group leader and president were worried that the demonic army would rob us, so they sent us to ask for help. "

Xu Lai frowned and said, "You just said that it was only discovered by investigation. In other words, you did not encounter the demon army?"

Cage said: "This matter is very important. Please believe us, Lord Baron. We cannot lie to you on this matter.

Hell's troops didn't even bother to hide, and the smell of sulfur could be smelled ten miles away. "

Xu Lai raised his hand to stop him: "You misunderstood, I don't suspect you are lying, but I want to know the details.

It's impossible for me to do my best to rescue the troops of the Hell camp just because you said that, what if there are also troops of the Hell camp near Green Forest Town.

If you encounter a huge number of demonic troops, should I still lead my own troops to die? "

Cage was speechless for a moment, but time waited for no one. He thought for a while and said: "I heard that your knight force is very strong, Lord Baron. If you are worried about this situation, it is better to bring only the knights to support.

The Baishi Chamber of Commerce happened to unite with several chambers of commerce, each with its own mercenary group, and we agreed to act collectively.

The demon army may not be able to defeat us, but if you are the icing on the cake, we will definitely win.

Even if we are defeated, you can retreat calmly, right? "

Xu Lai was silent. He actually didn't want to go out because all seven Holy Light Knights had used their sacred armor today. If something unexpected happened, serious battle damage might occur.

But what Cage said makes sense. The key is that if these people don't save him, no one will dare to trade with him for a long time in the future.

Besides, after defeating those mercenaries, no one can guarantee that the demons will leave.

If they continue to come to Green Forest Town, Xu Lai will probably still have to fight them.

Why not take advantage of this opportunity today to explore the reality of the demons?

The key is that Xu Lai's paladins have not used the Holy Shield Technique yet, so even if there is a little accident, there is no need to worry too much.

If it was too powerful, he could retreat calmly while these mercenaries were holding the demon back.

"Well, you know how to ride a horse."

Cage looked happy and said, "No problem, I can still ride."

Xu Lai nodded, and then said to Allen, who opened his mouth for a long time but said nothing: "Alan has worked hard in charge, so let's stay at Village Chief Luo's house for now."

Allen's anxious heart was immediately relieved, and he kept thanking Xu Lai without hesitation.

Xu Lai waved his hand, and Tahan, who had been guarding him, immediately understood and went to assemble the troops.

Elvi, who was wearing a cloak, also walked away silently. Xu Lai didn't want to take her there, but after being stopped by her look, he simply couldn't say the next words.

Just as Xu Lai was preparing, Luo Mingru quietly said to Xu Lai: "That, boss."

"What? Is there anything else going on with Village Chief Luo?"

Luo Mingru swallowed his saliva and said, "Boss, I also want to go and have a look. Can you do it?"

Xu Lai frowned and said, "I can't guarantee your safety."

Luo Mingru gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not a child, and I have to be taken care of by the bosses wherever I can.

As long as the boss is willing to take me with him, life and death will depend on fate and wealth. I don’t want to stay in this small village all my life. "

The mercenary captain named Cage had already gone to replace the horse. Xu Lai could not let him lead the way with a low-level war horse with poor physical strength.

"Is it the mayor of Green Forest Town who refuses to let you upgrade the village?"

Luo Mingru smiled bitterly and said: "The boss really hit the nail on the head. Maybe he is worried that after my village is upgraded, I will no longer listen to his greetings. It has been quite uneven recently.

So I want to see the big scene and think carefully about whether I should take the gamble. "

Xu Lai sighed and did not embarrass him, saying: "My cavalry team will follow Cage. As long as you can ensure that you can keep up with Cage's speed, I can take you."

Luo Mingru nodded excitedly and said: "Don't worry, boss, although my riding skills are not high yet, my war horse is the best one I can buy.

Well, although I can't compare with these war horses of yours, I still have equipment, so I won't be slower than him! "

Xu Lai nodded and said: "Then keep up, remember the positions of the stars in the sky, and if you fall behind, follow the stars and run back.

If the situation is not right, I may not be able to greet you. In short, you can run away according to the situation and don't worry about us. "

Luo Mingru rubbed his eyes and said, "Thank you, boss."

Xu Lai frowned slightly and moved away from the other party imperceptibly. Anyway, it was just a matter of course. He didn't feel that he had done anything that moved the other party.

Soon the troops were assembled, and Xu Lai took out three night vision props, one for Elwee, one for Xu Lai, and one for Yan Feng who was investigating in front. The others brought torches or magic lamps.

Cage and the others rode very fast all the way, not daring to delay at all. They had changed to faster horses when they left, so they should have arrived at the battlefield faster than when they came.

But even so, Xu Lai and the others rode for nearly an hour, and the direction was not straight towards Baishi City, otherwise it would not have been so long.

Cage's answer was that it was necessary to gather the power of multiple chambers of commerce. It was also caused by rumors about demons everywhere, which made the major chambers of commerce afraid to act alone, or even to act during the day.

Who knows, no one has encountered the devil during the day, but at night people come out to do activities.

Xu Lai didn't fully believe this man named Cage. Although he came with Allen, Xu Lai also kept Allen.

But Xu Lai inquired carefully and found out that there is a kind of demon in hell called a succubus.

This thing's fighting ability is not very good. It is obviously a mid-level to high-level demon in hell, but it is often a character with an average background. Demons two levels below them can bully them.

However, this thing is a mage and has the ability to change body shape. What he is best at is transforming into a human being and then using his unique charm ability to control the opponent.

It is said that the Emerald City of Aled, King of the North, was because the city lord who stayed behind was deceived by the succubus, so he directly opened the city gate and let in the devil's elite, and covered them to build the gate to hell.

Xu Lai didn't know whether this rumor was credible or not. In short, there was no basis for it, and Xu Lai had always been a cautious character.

On the surface, Yan Feng was sent to conduct reconnaissance, but in reality, Elwe was secretly following Xu Lai and the others from the sky.

Xu Lai did not bring the royal griffon this time. At night, the royal griffon without night vision was of little use.

However, equipped with night vision goggles, Elvi could return to report the situation to Xu Lai at any time.

Of course, as long as there is no trap, she will not expose herself rashly.

It was late at night, even if Xu Lai had intermediate eagle eye skills and night vision goggles, he couldn't see anything clearly when he looked up, let alone the Seraph flying extremely high.

About forty minutes later, Yan Feng sent Yinyi back to report that he had discovered the Hell Troops.

Hell's troops are currently fighting humans, but the fighting troops only have a kind of jumping monsters, and little devils who play similar roles to the empire's farmers in hell.

Xu Lai knew these two creatures very well.

The former is called the Demon Infant in hell. It can absorb the magic power of mages, but its own combat effectiveness is extremely poor. It is a small demon that can only parasitize powerful demons.

Because it moves by jumping, it is also called a little monster or a jumping monster in the empire.

The little devil is even more rubbish, with a ball-like body, arms about the same size as a human baby, fighting with a pair of small forks, and a pair of tiny bat wings.

It's garbage that can fly, but can't fly more than 1.5 meters, and can stab people, but can't even pierce the skin of ordinary soldiers.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, as long as they are basically normal humans, they will not be afraid of this little devil.

Xu Lai was very confused. Since the demon army dared to attack these mercenaries, why did they only send these two garbage troops? Is it to seek death? (End of chapter)

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