The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 272 Spell Scroll N

The feeling of +2 in all attributes made Xu Lai instantly refreshed and his whole body felt full of strength.

Two points of constitution increased his health by 10 points and two points of physical defense, and also supplemented a lot of his physical strength and endurance.

The most important thing is that with the addition of the permanent life potion, Xu Lai's basic health value increased by 40 points, and with the blessing of the sacred blood bottle, it was 50 points.

Mana has also increased by 40 points due to the relationship between intelligence and permanent mana potions, which means that Xu Lai can release healing 4 times more, and can restore 2 more health points each time, which is equivalent to giving more to each person in an army. Restores 8 health points.

The other spells have little effect, and the Magic Arrow only does 20 more damage. Unfortunately, after he switches to the Forbidden Magic Ball, the Magic Arrow won't be able to be used.

In addition to attributes, Xu Lai also obtained a lot of magic scrolls, including Thunderbolt Lightning and Thunderbolt Ice, which were lower-level but had high damage.

There are also a few relatively precious high-level spell scrolls, which should be placed in the magic guild, at least level 3 or 4 strategic spells, otherwise these businessmen would be embarrassed to accept so much money from Xu Lai.

Master Level [Dispersion Technique]: Eliminate the influence of magic attached to all troops.

Advanced [Waterbending Magic]: Reduce the damage of water magic by 45%.

Advanced [Thunderbolt Ice]: Causes 450 points of water magic damage to the attacked target.

Advanced [Ice Magic Ring]: Causes 250 points of water magic damage to all targets in the designated area (except the central area).

Intermediate [Mirror Image Technique]: You can specify a troop to be copied, but the creature of the troop must be between level 1 and 6 and last for 150 minutes.

Note: Any damage taken by the copied creature will be dissipated directly and cannot act independently, but it has all the equipment, attack power, spellcasting ability and characteristics of the copied creature.

[Lingbo Microstep]: After use, the hero and his troops can have the ability to walk on water, which lasts for 240 minutes, consumes an additional 200% of physical strength, and reduces the speed by 50%.

Note: When the spell effect disappears and is still on the water, all troops will sink into the water.

Ultimate [Attack Acceleration]: After use, the base movement speed and base attack speed of your own heroes and their troops, as well as allied heroes and their troops, increase by 5 points.

Ultimate [Thunderbolt]: Causes 800 points of air magic damage to the attacked target.

[Eye of Perspective]: After using it on the field troops, it can display the probability of the field troops joining one's side under the current diplomacy bonus.

Advanced [Undead Killer]: Causes 85 points of damage to all undead units in the area, regardless of friend or foe.

The three merchants each prepared some spell scrolls, but unlike when they were at Kaunaston Castle, these scrolls were all water and air spells.

Several businessmen explained: "Because demons are generally resistant to fire, fire spells are very ineffective against them, so water and air spell scrolls have become more popular recently."

Not to mention, although these spells do not have earth elements, even if they do, because they are spell scrolls, they will not be affected by Xu Lai, only the mage who made the scrolls.

Moreover, the three of them did produce excellent products, including two level 4 spells and two ultimate spells, especially the ultimate thunderbolt and lightning, which even Xu Lai was afraid of because of its high damage.

Even after taking the permanent life potion, Xu Lai's health did not reach 800 points.

Of course, his current constitution is as high as 30 points. The resistance brought by his constitution alone can reduce a lot of damage, not counting the effects of rune pattern pants, resistance and other effects.

And even if Xu Lai is not equipped with the Forbidden Magic Ball, no matter how high the lightning damage is, it can still be blocked by the Magic Shield Amulet. This equipment does not count the damage, but only the number of attacks. Even if it is 1 point of damage, it will help you block it.

If someone were to tear up several such spell scrolls in front of Xu Lai, Xu Lai would probably have to burp on the spot.

Fortunately, the businessman also explained to Xu Lai that ordinary mages could not draw such high-level spell scrolls because they did not have expertise in the four series of spells.

In other words, the scrolls placed in front of Xu Lai were actually jointly produced by the nobles and mages of the Northern Empire.

The Northern Empire borders the Tower camp. There have always been many mages, and nobles are generally good at magic.

There are ordinary spell scrolls in normal circulation on the market. A thunderbolt can only do half or even less damage at most.

In this way, after Xu Lai's resistance and physique are weakened, it will take at least ten shots to kill him instantly.

It would be difficult for a god to tear up so many scrolls at the same time. It would be impossible for a god to not even give him time to drink medicine and receive treatment.

These are the treasures in the hands of the merchants. If they were not grateful to Xu Lai, they would not take them out easily.

Usually, they intercept these treasures and send them to big cities to wait for the large-scale auction to begin before selling them out.

In this situation, it would be nice to still have goods circulating, let alone wait for the auction, and simply take them out to make it cheaper for Xu Lai.

Xu Lai thought about it and found that this phenomenon should be relatively common.

According to the current situation, it should be difficult for merchants to circulate the goods they have hoarded, unless they are gold or silver mines, rare resources, or hard currencies such as gold and silver coins.

The things Xu comes here are basically similar to cash, they just require some time and effort to process.

To sum it up, it's equivalent to Xu Lai helping these businessmen out of trouble. No wonder these guys sneak out in the middle of the night even though they know it's so dangerous.

After some transactions, Xu Lai not only advanced a large number of troops, but also harvested countless practical goods, and the key gold coins also increased instead of decreasing.

So it’s no wonder that people say war fortune is easy to make, but Xu Lai still went to the poorest orc’s hometown, and he couldn’t take everything he grabbed with him.

If there was an infinite space ring, Xu Lai would have really made a fortune during this trip, and he might be able to make a fortune worth tens of millions of gold coins.

This night was so busy that when Xu Lai went to bed, it was already past three o'clock in the middle of the night.

He had no choice but to take over not only the goods traded by the merchants, but also many residents who had been plundered by the demons.

The demons plundered along the way, and not counting the dead, there were still thousands alive.

A small number of people are willing to follow the mercenaries and merchants to the city, while others insist on going back. Even though some villages have been destroyed by demons, they still want to go back and see.

Xu Lai didn't bother to care about these and chose to let them go, but there were still a thousand people left who wanted to follow Xu Lai.

They had no choice. Their village was gone, their home was destroyed, and although the land was still there, who knew whether the devil would come back again.

They finally saw clearly that in such a situation, if they didn't follow a powerful lord, they would never have peace wherever they settled.

Those who have relatives defecting can also go to a tall city to hide. For the rest, they can only count on Xu Lai with a team of paladins and seraphs.

The reputations of Paladins and Angels have to be said to be very useful.

Compared to Xu Lai, Luo Mingru was also a lord, a lord of the Northern Empire. His territory was not too far away and was about to be upgraded to a town.

However, no one cared about Luo Mingru, who also had the idea of ​​recruiting and said he would give him preferential treatment.

Xu Lai said that he might take them to live on the grassland after a while. These people still firmly chose Xu Lai, even if they didn't even have a wooden house with him for the time being and could only sleep in Datong bunk.

But so what, with the Holy Knight and the Angel, there is peace of mind.

Therefore, in order to settle these people, Xu Lai, Harris and the others were busy for most of the night, making Luo Mingru on the side jealous to death.

Luo Mingru has been helping here, and Xu Lai can also see that he has many questions to ask, but Xu Lai is too sleepy and tired to bother him, and doesn't want to answer his questions.

The next day, Xu Lai was still able to get up very early, but Luo Mingru, who slept later than Xu Lai, barely got up at noon.

As soon as he got up, he hurriedly washed up, and hurried out of the village.

However, before approaching Xu Lai's temporary camp, Luo Mingru felt a chill in his heart and asked Harris, who was in charge of the affairs. Sure enough, Xu Lai and his troops had set off again.

After the battle last night, Luo Mingru originally wanted to be shameless and follow Xu Lai to level up, but he ran away instead.

"When did Mr. Xu leave?" Luo Mingru continued to ask unwillingly.

Harris rolled his eyes at Luo Mingru and said: "Our Lord Baron got up at 7 o'clock in the morning and washed up. After breakfast and arranging the troops, he set off on time at 8 o'clock.

They are heading south. If you chase them now, you might meet them when they come back in the evening. "

Luo Mingru opened his mouth and couldn't believe that such a powerful boss could only go to bed at three or four in the middle of the night and get up at 7 in the morning.

‘Sure enough, success is no luck. ’ Luo Mingru muttered to himself and hurried back to his village.

His village has also gained nearly a thousand people, and he has only been able to count everyone in the past two days. Unfortunately, he only has one general who can help him, and there are a lot of trivial matters every day.

At this time, Xu Lai had already replaced the forbidden magic ball and used the newly acquired spell scroll "Eye of Perspective" to make his second attempt today.

While having breakfast in the morning, Xu Lai combined the detailed maps given by the merchants and the reconnaissance maps of the three scouts, and decided to go to the south where the wild monster resources are most abundant.

In the new month, it is estimated that there are many people practicing in the wild, so he must first eat up the places with the best and most resources.

In the south of Green Forest Town, in addition to more wild monsters, the most important thing is that Xu Lai saw several groups of soldiers from his own camp.

In order to prevent others from getting there first, Xu Lai rushed over without stopping.

In the morning, I met a large group of holy dwarfs. Although these guys have average attributes, they are long-range units that can throw large iron balls. Their worth has doubled several times in an instant.

That was also the first time Xu Lai tried the clairvoyant eye. As a result, with a 40% chance bonus of intermediate diplomacy, the final diplomatic success rate was as high as 75%.

These dwarfs still rejected Xu Lai, not even giving him a chance to buy them with gold coins. When Xu Lai got angry, he threw them away.

The holy dwarfs guarded a building called the Magic Garden. Xu Lai led a group of people to capture the goblin in the garden for a long time, and finally coaxed fifteen gems from the goblin's pocket.

This is after the resources have tripled, otherwise the little goblin said that under normal circumstances, Xu Lai could only be given 500 gold coins or 5 gems at most.

After struggling for so long to get 15 gems, Xu Lai was so angry that he wanted to crush him to death. He still stimulated Xu Lai so much.

It's a pity that this thing can't be taken away. As soon as Xu Lai left the garden, the little fairy slipped through his fingers. (End of chapter)

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