The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 274 The Archmage and the Wise Man’s Library

It's blurry when viewed from a distance, but still very clear when viewed up close.

Even if Xu Lai didn't gain much, he still wanted to kill those jackals and take a look, not just to take a look at the current situation.

There are too many wild monsters, and he has little time. He must use the most reasonable way to maximize experience points and resource acquisition.

Xu Lai silently excluded a nearby ore pile guarded by golden men and the Garden of Truth guarded by a large group of hellhounds.

The Golden Man is rougher and thicker than the Tin Woodman. The disadvantage is that it is equally slow. People with a little patience can completely wear these guys out by running and beating at the same time.

However, although the level of the Jinman was not bad, the ore pile he guarded was of little significance to Xu Lai.

Instead of wasting so much time and slowly wearing out these golden men, it is better to spend time on that group of archmages who are easy to kill and have a high probability of recruiting.

When he was in the grassland before, Xu Lai had already failed diplomatically with a group of great mages, but the number of that group of mages was not as large as here.

With the blessing of the Three Stars Lianzhu, there are more than 150 great mages in this group.

That's not all. Xu Lai counted carefully when he was at the top. There were more than 150 archmages in red robes, but there were more than a dozen people wearing green robes, which was the symbol of a magician.

The mage in the tower and his basic favorability point is 60 points, which is one level lower than the friendliness of his own clan. Similarly, Xu Lai is allowed to approach unless he takes the initiative to attack.

Before Xu Lai approached, he deliberately re-equipped the forbidden magic ball, so that even if diplomacy failed, the group of mages could only attack with passive energy rays.

The mage who has lost his ability to cast spells and is still being approached is absolutely no threat.

After Xu Lai asked his men to get into formation, he began to touch the leading magician.

Equipped with the forbidden magic ball, Xu Lai didn't want to tear up the scroll, so the clairvoyant eye couldn't be used.

"A large group of archmages admire you and are willing to join your army. Do you accept?"

"Accept it, of course I accept it."

This damn diplomacy finally started to have an effect, and Xu Lai's face went numb from smiling.

There are a total of 176 mages in this group, including 158 level 5 archmages and 18 level 6 magicians. Together with the library of wise men they guard, they all became Xu Lai's trophies.

Xu Lai knew about the Library of Wise Men. When he obtained the map from the merchant, Xu Lai asked about some of the more important outdoor buildings in the Lower North Empire.

In addition to the mountain fortress on Mount Norwalk, the Northern Empire also includes the Library of the Wise, three high-level magic temples, a lighthouse that illuminates the course and increases the speed of movement on the sea, as well as a Stone of Inspiration and a Temple of the Seven Dragons.

These important buildings all belong to the great lords. For example, the Alpine Fortress belongs to King Aled, and the Library of the Wise belongs to Marquis Adlon, who is also the upper noble of Viscount Nordin of White Rock City.

Similar to the relationship between Xu Lai and Count Aini, in theory, Xu Lai only needs to be loyal to Count Aini and the emperor. The rest of the people, regardless of their title, have nothing to do with him, and they have no control over Xu Lai.

However, due to the war, Adlon's soldiers stationed at the Wise Library have been withdrawn, so with the coming of the new January, the library attracted a group of archmages.

It was a joy to obtain the Archmage, but Xu Lai was even more delighted to be able to take the opportunity to visit a high-end building that had been strictly guarded by the nobles before.

From the businessman, Xu Lai inquired about the functions of these high-end buildings.

In addition to the lighthouse near the sea, the Wise Man's Library allows visitors who pass the Wise Man's test to receive a huge improvement of +2 in all attributes.

The three high-level magic temples allow visitors to learn three third-level spells for free, namely the amnesia spell of the water system, the powerful shield of the earth system, and the continuous fireball of the fire system.

The only thing Xu Lai could learn nearby was a high-level magic temple in the west of Green Forest Town, which recorded the earth-type Hercules Aegis.

The Stone of Inspiration is similar to the Garden of Truth. There is no access requirement. All visitors can gain two points of intelligence or two points of spiritual improvement from the Stone of Inspiration.

As for the Seven Dragons Temple, you can obtain the power of the seven dragons by sacrificing resources and directly upgrade it to a level.

It's a bit like the wisdom tree found at Xu Lai's door. The difference is that the needs of the wisdom tree are random, and there is a probability that it can help you upgrade for free.

Yesterday, Xu Laicai drank the potion and obtained an increase of 2 in all attributes. The cost was one hundred thousand gold coins and a huge favor.

If this favor is converted into the normal auction price in the auction house, then Xu Lai's 10 attributes, 30 points of life and 30 points of mana are worth at least 300,000 gold coins.

A full 300,000 gold coins. How could Marquis Adlon, who had occupied the Wise Man's Library, make it free for others to access.

It is said that before the devil was raging, the Marquis of Edron stationed a mixed infantry and bow legion here, numbering more than 3,000 people.

Xu Lai didn't know whether this rumor was true or not. Anyway, he could still see traces of a large group of people stationed here.

Xu Lai quickly climbed up the stairs and pushed open the door of the Wise Man's Library with both hands.

"The visitor's level has not reached level 24 and he has intermediate diplomacy skills. The requirement for level 4 visits is reduced."

After obtaining such information, Xu Lai opened the door and met the library administrator.

The administrator asked Xu Lai to enter the Wise Man Library. Although he didn't stay long, he could learn a lot and increase his attributes by 10 points.

When leaving, the administrator said to Xu Lai: "Everyone can only enter the Wise Man Library once. After leaving, you cannot come in again."

Xu Lai was not surprised by this. The Garden of Truth and other things he visited before could only be visited once. Even the alchemical potions he had taken could only be taken once.

If one could keep taking potions, those nobles who had accumulated wealth for who knows how many years would probably be able to keep drinking potions until their full attributes reached 99.

After only one day and one night in the wild, Xu Lai's attributes had changed tremendously. All attributes increased by 4 points, which was equivalent to an increase of 20 levels.

After walking out of the Wise Man's Library, Xu Lai once had the desire to destroy the library, but unfortunately he did not have this ability.

He even regretted recruiting the group of mages at the door, otherwise he would have kept them guarding him. I believe it would be impossible for ordinary people to get in.

But soon, Xu Lai felt relieved. He couldn't occupy this building anyway. He just took advantage of it. It was Marquis Edlon who should be anxious.

The most important thing is that the so-called test of the Wise Man's Library is actually level. The requirements are not low, and only those who have reached level 24 are allowed to enter.

Although first-level diplomacy can be reduced by two levels, if you want to enter, even if you have ultimate diplomacy, you must be at least level 14.

I am afraid that the vast majority of heroes cannot meet these two conditions, and even those indigenous nobles are estimated to have very few who can meet these conditions.

Since others couldn't get in at all, Xu Lai felt much more relaxed. After all, he had spent a lot of money to improve his attributes.

A large number of attribute improvements have improved Xu Lai's physical fitness to a huge level.

The most obvious feeling is strength. 4 points of strength will at least allow him to carry 40 kilograms more items.

The original battle flag is now waved in my hand, and I almost feel no burden at all.

Coupled with the increased endurance and recovery ability from his improved physique, Xu Lai's ability to continue fighting has at least been improved by another level.

Not to mention the improvement in agility, body coordination, dynamic vision, shooting speed, extreme running speed, balance ability, etc. have all been significantly enhanced.

The intelligence and mental performance are also very obvious. At least Xu Lai's energy is very strong now, and his memory is the most obvious. Not only when he was a child, but even his own memories as an infant can be gradually recalled.

The range of mental control has also been greatly improved. 27 mental points are enough to allow him to take over the bodies of recruited soldiers within one or two kilometers, including Tahan and the others.

"Come on, let's go back."

If you continue to move forward, you will be close to Adlon's castle. As a well-known and powerful noble in the Northern Empire, Adlon still has many soldiers in the castle.

Xu Lai didn't want to have any conflict with them. The most important thing was that the wild monsters near the castle should have been cleared away.

Otherwise, there are countless subsidiary towns and villages near the castle. If the wild monsters are not cleared away, food will not be delivered to these towns and villages. The hundreds of thousands of people in the castle will eat and drink whatever they want every day.

He said he was going back, but he was not going back to Greenwood Town, but taking a direct detour to the west of Greenwood Town.

However, compared to when they came, there were more mages when they left, which seriously slowed down Xu Lai's marching speed.

[Archmage]: A level 5 mage unit in the tower camp. Each person consumes one unit of food per day and has 720 mana points.

Characteristics 1. Spell-casting unit. The Archmage can release designated spells by consuming mana.

Feature 2. Melee spellcasting. The Archmage can release spells remotely. The powerful concentration ability also allows the Archmage to still use spells to counterattack (without reducing damage) after being approached by the enemy.

Feature 3. Joint casting. Archmages can cast spells together with mage heroes (including priests) to increase spell power and reduce spell consumption.

If the hero is a physical profession (knight, devil, etc.), every time the hero unit casts a spell, the Archmage can save 1 point of mana consumption for the hero. This effect cannot be superimposed and will be overwritten by the characteristics of the Mage and Magister.

Feature 4. Energy ray. The Archmage uses energy rays to attack by default, causing 6*mental spell damage to the enemy (can be enhanced by archery).

Spell List: Fire Ray, Enhanced Fire Ray, Freeze Ray, Enhanced Freeze Ray, Lightning Strike, Enhanced...

[Mage]: A level 6 mage unit in the tower camp. Each person consumes one unit of food per day and has 1500 mana points.

Characteristics 1. Same as the Archmage.

Characteristic 2. Same as the Archmage.

Characteristic 3. Same as the Archmage (joint casting reduces the mana consumption of the hero unit by 2 points)

Characteristic 4. Same as the Archmage, the damage is increased to 7*mental value.

Mage list: All level 3 spells.

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