On the battlefield, Pierce was willing to sacrifice himself. Even Taloshi, who was surrounded by high-ranking guards, had to avoid his edge, so that the king's flag was cut off by Xu Lai.

Xu Lai's Holy Light Knights, of course, do not have the luxury equipment of Pierce. They only use level 8 whiteboards.

But two Holy Light Knights in Xu Lai activated Sacrifice, and when they activated, they were less than 20 meters away from Fiona.

A sudden charge broke out among the demons, and they suddenly rushed more than ten meters. When Fiona reacted, she immediately ran away.

However, there are demons behind her. The nearly 10,000 demons she brought with her have now become a burden and an obstacle on her way to escape.

The evil god kings waved their long whips angrily, but this time the whip was lashed at the teammates behind them.

After being whipped by the evil gods for a long time, the horned demons behind them had developed conditioned reflexes. They instinctively ducked back when the whip came, only to fall to the ground as soon as they touched the demons behind them.

Not only was Fiona scared, but these originally vicious evil god kings were also very scared.

However, the more she became afraid, the more chaotic she became. Fiona managed to calm down, stopped the guards who kept causing trouble, and dispatched more demons to stop them.

The fire spirits in the sky were summoned and were about to come back from the battle to rescue him.

However, there was a melee in the sky. Although Elvi had the help of 12 angels and the strong support of Xu Lai, she could barely remain undefeated.

The number and level of the fire elves exceeded that of the griffins, and they were able to remain undefeated because Elvi went on a killing spree among the fire elves, causing the captains of the fire elves to lose their sense of proportion.

Seraphs are immune to fire, and fire elves and fire elves are all fire-based attacks.

To be honest, when encountering flaming beings such as fire birds and fire phoenixes, Seraphs have to beware of their sharp teeth and sharp claws.

Facing the fire elves and the fire elves, even if Elwee gave them a beating, they would not be able to beat them.

If it weren't for these griffins, Elvi could kill these fire elves alone.

Therefore, when the fire elves saw Seraph, they were all as if they had encountered natural enemies, with no fighting spirit at all.

But it would be difficult for Elvy to kill them one by one. They can fly, and they are in the air. They can fly up, down, left and right.

Elvi's speed is much faster than the opponent. It's easy to catch one and kill him, but when you kill him, the others will fly away.

The most important thing is that without these griffons, these fire elves would have no need to take off at all.

Fire Elves can't beat Seraphs, but they can beat Battle Griffins.

Of course, the fighting griffins are not bad either. With higher morale and an additional level 3 offensive technique, their damage is no less than that of the fire elves.

The armor-breaking effect and the existence of the sacred blood bottle even make the Fire Elf a little more vulnerable.

With the ultimate defense blessing, the gryphon's defense is even much better than that of the fire elf. If it is a one-on-one challenge, a fire elf can't definitely win even if it has the help of the fire aegis.

But because of the existence of the Fire Aegis, the rebound caused by the Griffin's high attack is no less than the damage caused by the Fire Elf to itself.

As for the fire elves, they are just a make-up. Not to mention the royal griffins, the combat griffins one level below them can also easily handle them.

The battle loss ratio between the two sides was basically maintained at one to three. As the fire elves' morale dropped and entered a negative state, the morale of the gryphons could be improved to one to four.

After fighting in the air for several minutes, more than 10 griffins were killed.

Looking at it, it was already the unit with the highest loss rate among Xu Lai's troops. How could Elvi not be angry.

So the fire elf wanted to run away, but how could Elvi let him go so easily? The three pairs of wings shook, and they crashed into the group of fire elves at a speed far exceeding that of the fire elf.

The rest of the angels and griffons also tightly entangled the fire elves who were trying to escape, even if they were constantly bounced by the fire shield.

On the ground, although the conspicuous fire elves were vaguely visible, there was also a terrifying Seraph mixed in among the fire elves, which shocked Fiona.

She quickly gave orders to the fire elves, but the commander of the fire elves had already been killed by Elvi, which caused a huge problem in Fiona's order delivery.

But that was already the end of the story. Relying on sacrifice and invincibility, Xu Lai had already led people to rush in front of Fiona.

The golden invincible shield was already flashing rapidly, so Xu Lai did not dare to delay and rushed over at the lead.

There are no decent warriors around Fiona anymore, and the few Evil God Kings are greeted by Holy Light Knights.

Xu Lai's battle flag used its power to stab Fiona fiercely.

Fiona, a devil who comes from an environment like hell, is not someone to be trifled with.

It’s just that after becoming a lord, Fiona hasn’t done anything in person for a long time.

Fortunately, she had changed into a complete set of physical equipment today, otherwise Xu Lai's shot would have been so fast and heavy with the power of his charge that it would have been impossible to stop it with ordinary weapons.

There was a clang, and Fiona blocked Xu Lai's lance with a large metal shield with a strange snake head.

Xu Lai's strength value is not low. After many increases, it has reached 25 points. Although his horse speed has not been completely increased, it has been increased a lot. The power of this gun can basically reach about 30 points.

However, this female devil did not flinch at all. She even held the shield with one arm.

The long whip in the other hand can also be used to block and swing at Xu Lai's body with a snap.

The golden shield flashed away, and the last second of invincibility also disappeared. Although Joseph and others kept coming behind her, evil gods and three-headed hell dogs kept coming around Fiona.

The longer the melee between the two sides lasts, the more dangerous Xu Lai's side will be. After all, they have rushed into the heart of the enemy.

Xu Lai wanted a quick victory, and Fiona had the same idea.

Although a steady stream of demons came to her side to rescue her, her own morale was getting lower and lower, and she was on the verge of collapse at any time.

What's more, with no one to stop them, the group of shameless paladins who can increase each other's health are approaching again.

These Paladins are really annoying. They have high defense and thick blood and can increase their own blood. When encountering ordinary monsters, their weak attack power is still a disadvantage, but when fighting against demons and undead, the damage caused by punishment will explode.

Basically, as long as the mana of the Paladins is not exhausted, these knights are immortal and invincible warriors. Demons and bone dragons of the same level cannot defeat them, even if they are not charging.

But demons can teleport, bone dragons can fly, and Fiona is surrounded by a group of horned demons and evil gods. How can she stop these murderous gods?

Both sides wanted to fight quickly, so Xu Lai abandoned the battle flag and recovered it into the space backpack.

Fiona probably guessed that Xu Lai was the leader of this army. She knew that the human knights who believed in the God of War were always at the forefront.

Since this guy can possess a Paladin, he must be a devout believer in the God of War. The one who rushes to the front, still holds the battle flag, and can cast spells must be the commander of this army.

As long as she takes down Xu Lai, she can turn defeat into victory and make a stunning comeback.

"Your biggest mistake was that you should not have removed the forbidden magic treasure."

After saying that, Fiona's long whip suddenly sprouted more than a dozen fire snakes.

The spells attached to the equipment will not be affected by spell shock.

Xu didn't even look at these fire snakes. He took advantage of Fiona's spell casting and struck the woman's shoulder with the Blade of Destruction.

The fierce attack of the fire snake was completely blocked by the magic shield amulet.

But the corrosive effect of the Blade of Destruction was left on Fiona.

Fiona was equipped with luxurious equipment and her defense was not low to begin with, but Xu Lai had master-level offensive skills and armor-piercing damage. Now, 20 points of armor were corroded away. This sword caused at least 7 or 80 points of damage.

Even if she wears a high-end life amulet, Fiona, as a devil, only has less than 700 health points.

One tenth or more of it was cut off by this knife, and even the hand that wielded the whip started to shake.

Although the attack of the fire snake was resisted, the fire snake did not disappear, but turned into flame and attached to the whip.

With a snap, this time it hit Xu Lai hard, and even the magical armor could not withstand the fire damage attached to the whip.

With the ultimate defense technique, physical damage has no effect on Xu Lai.

Fiona's long whip does a lot of damage, but even with various bonuses, it's only about 160 points of damage. Half of it is removed by the ultimate defense spell, and the remaining half is difficult to break through the defense.

Even if Xu Lai does not count the defense skills, the defense power increased by morale, the magical armor plus physical defense alone exceeds 80 points, and with these, there are more than 100 points of physical defense.

A physical attack equivalent to less than 200 points cannot harm him at all. Otherwise, Xu Lai wouldn't be so brave. Does he really think he is not afraid of death?

However, the flames attached to the whip were spell damage and were not affected by defensive spells. After being weakened by the resistance, it still burned nearly 30 points of Xu Lai's health.

After being whipped, Xu Lai was not polite and stabbed him with his backhand, but Fiona, who was more skilled, blocked it with her shield.

The defense and durability of this snake-head shield are very terrifying. Xu Lai's battle flag and the Blade of Destruction failed to cause decent damage to it. Apart from some paint peeling off, no damage can be seen on the surface.

But Xu Lai was not fighting alone. The Holy Light Knights on his left and right had killed all the guards around Fiona, slashing them with their swords one on the left and the other on the right.

Fiona kept retreating, while the three of them advanced together. In order to hide herself, Fiona didn't even dare to ride the hell horse.

Now under the condescending double-teaming of the three knights, he was soon overwhelmed and unable to resist.

Although the long whip has a long attack range, it is really not suitable for blocking operations.

No matter how strong the snake-head shield was, it could only block one side of her damage.

The Holy Light Knight with the blessing of punishment could chop out Fiona's decades-old aunt with one sword, so she focused on defending against the two knights and neglected to defend Xu Lai.

In fact, it cannot be regarded as neglect, it is just the lesser of two harms.

Anyway, the effects of the Blade of Destruction cannot be superimposed.

However, Fiona, who was blocking and filling herself with potion, suddenly felt numb all over.

But he didn't know when Xu Lai, who was riding on the horse just now, jumped to the ground.

Xu Lai, who is relatively tall among humans, still needs to look up when facing this devil from hell.

But his storm ax can kill without raising his head.

The higher damage and occasional paralysis not only made Fiona unable to block, but even the hand that filled the potion was suspended.

Therefore, Fiona was lucky enough to witness the scene where her head was chopped off with an axe.

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