1375 health points, which is not too much, not too much.

If there are more, a unit like the Battle Griffin, which has a base health value of less than 200 and only 180 points, can only resurrect a little more than 7 units.

But civilians with only 7 or 80 basic life points can be resurrected more than 10 times.

However, the farmers Xu Lai picked out were all veteran-level, with better attributes than the first-level militiamen. Their average physical constitution was close to 8 points, which meant they had close to 100 points of life.

After comprehensive consideration, Xu Lai gave up all units.

First of all, these were all recently acquired through diplomacy. Even if they cost money, Xu Lai has no feelings for them.

The others had more or less fought alongside him, Xu Lai, and they were real living people. Asking Xu Lai to abandon them and resurrect the troops was something he really couldn't do.

Of course, even if he is willing to be resurrected, not everyone can be resurrected.

The first is the corpse, which must at least be well preserved and found.

Many griffins had no idea where they died. They could not be found before the battle was settled. After the battle was settled, they turned into light and disappeared, making it impossible to find them.

Human corpses will not disappear, but what can I say? Although your corpse is retained, it should remain basically intact.

Otherwise, even if a person who is missing arms and legs can be resurrected, he will be resurrected with missing arms and legs.

And if something like a head is lost, it is even less likely to be resurrected. I have never heard of anyone surviving without a head.

Even if your heart is broken, as long as the flesh is basically still there, it can be restored through the power of resurrection.

But if no meat can be found, the unintentional person will definitely not be able to be resurrected.

Therefore, when experienced demons kill enemies, especially some important enemies, they usually habitually destroy the opponent's corpse.

In the end, the four civilians who were temporarily recruited and sacrificed, as well as Joseph's two rangers and Ed's three infantrymen were resurrected.

Except for the civilians, none of the rangers and infantry were able to be resurrected. Xu Lai treated Joseph and Ed fairly.

The people under their command are all warriors. They get more than civilians and eat better than civilians. They should bear more responsibilities.

On the contrary, it was the civilians who came forward voluntarily, and Xu Lai should resurrect them both emotionally and rationally.

Of course, others are not without opportunities.

According to what High Priest Ryan said before, it usually takes about 24 hours for people in this world to completely lose their vitality.

Depending on the prevailing weather conditions, this time may be extended or shortened.

Xu Lai had previously saved a group of knights by freezing corpses.

Xu Lai later used a space backpack to resurrect several griffins, but he did not forget what High Priest Ryan told him before, that different dimensions would kill the vitality in the corpse.

It doesn't matter what a griffon is, they are recruited anyway and have no soul.

It is joyful to be resurrected, but it would be the same without resurrection.

The aboriginal people, Xu Lai, didn't dare to put them in the space backpack, so they still used the old method, finding a special tent for these corpses, and letting the archmage take turns to use freezing rays in the tent.

After 12 o'clock today, Xu Lai asked the archangels to try to resurrect him again.

As the winner, Xu Lai has the right to clean the battlefield.

The corpses of one's own side were carried into the camp for freezing. The corpses of the demons were of course piled up and burned on fire.

Those fire elves and fire elves are easy to deal with. After they die, there will be some ashes left. If there is a wind on the battlefield, these guys will be blown away before they can be resurrected.

Especially those who flew to the sky to fight, almost 100% of their bodies were gone.

As for the corpses of those monsters and horned demons, Xu Lai couldn't keep them.

Otherwise, any demon passing by can turn them into a horned demon again as long as they have the Evil God King with them.

Fortunately, after the battle was settled, most of the demons disappeared, and Xu Lai only had a few thousand corpses to deal with.

But the trouble is, those who died directly on the battlefield can be said to be fine, but more than half of the demon corpses were left on the way to escape.

The corpses of demons and undead are two types of corpses that must be dealt with in this world.

If the former lasts for a long time, there is a chance that new demons will be born on the corpse, while the latter will be resurrected if the time lasts for a long time.

There is no probability, the undead are immortal, so they will definitely be resurrected.

Unless the corpse is burned or a priest is asked to evolve, they will continue to rise after being buried in the ground, it just depends on the length of time.

Of course, even if the person behind him got up again, even if he was born with consciousness again, he would have nothing to do with the previous undead spirit.

Xu Lai doesn't have to do it himself when it comes to disposing of the corpse. He can just arrange it for Harris and the others.

Of course, the people from Greenwood Town will also be involved in this matter.

Although Xu Lai was certain that this demon was here to take revenge on him.

But if Xu Lai had not interfered with the arrest before, he would not have been resented by the devil, and naturally he would not have come to seek revenge.

If Xu Lai hadn't intervened, according to Fiona's progress, even if they didn't round up Greenwood Town the night before yesterday, they would probably have arrived last night.

In any case, Xu Lai must have prevented the disaster for Green Forest Town and nearby towns, so it was natural for him to give orders to the people of Green Forest Town.

In addition to people from Green Forest Town and Xu Lai himself, many people came today, who were discovered when the cavalry was chasing the demon.

They were all mercenaries that Xu Lai had rescued that night. They brought their wives, children, and children over to join Xu Lai.

For these people, Xu Lai would of course not refuse anyone who came, but he really had no place to settle down, so he had to trouble the mayor of Green Forest Town.

Fortunately, these mercenaries were not many in number. In addition to the three people who had been resurrected by Xu Lai, Cage, the mercenary captain who Xu Lai admired more, also came.

For all the mercenaries who defected to Xu Lai, Xu Lai first paid each of them a settlement fee of 50 gold coins, but Joseph and the others were different.

The appointment and advancement of Joseph and others were all taken care of by Xu Lai, not to mention that these mercenaries all brought their families to join Xu Lai.

50 gold for ordinary mercenaries, and 100 gold for the other two mercenaries who were resurrected by Xu Lai and appointed as captains by him.

The general person in charge of the mercenaries, Cage, who was promoted to the leader of the mercenary group, received a settlement allowance of 200 gold.

In the end, he was also resurrected by Xu Lai, but was appointed by Xu Lai as his mage advisor, and Xu Lai paid 500 gold.

You know, when Xu Lai recruited the witch Yu Lan, he only spent 500 gold.

But this mage mercenary named Nofa is indeed a battle mage.

In addition to being proficient in various combat spells and spell-casting techniques, he is also proficient in the Eye of True Sight, the Eye of Detection and other detection and anti-stealth spells.

The most important thing is that, like other mercenaries, he is good at riding horses and can travel long distances.

Xu Lai now even has level 7 magisters, or two. Xu Lai spent money to upgrade these two things. They have four level 4 spells, one for each system of air, fire, water, and earth.

Of course, level 4 spells are not easy to cast. Unlike Xu Lai and others who cast strategic spells, they only need to open the spell book and provide enough mana.

Their level 4 spells require an extremely long casting time, and their power is not as exaggerated as strategic spells.

Although it is weaker than strategic spells, it is a level 4 spell after all, and its power cannot be underestimated.

However, Xu Lai still didn't want to use them, because Xu Lai was used to leading cavalry himself, and he really couldn't bear to lead these slow troops.

It's different with Nofa. Although this guy's riding skill level is only level 4, with a better horse, he won't be unable to keep up.

In addition, Nofa himself can wear equipment, which not even Yu Lan can match.

A mage with equipment and a blank slate mage are completely different concepts.

The only shortcoming of Nofa is that as a mage consultant, his theoretical knowledge of magic is seriously insufficient.

But it doesn't matter, Xu Lai is a knight, he can't and doesn't want to take the mage route.

Therefore, Xu Lai was willing to pay for the 500 gold coins, even if he kept refusing.

They relied on Xu Lai to save them, and Nofa and the others were really embarrassed to accept Xu Lai's money.

However, Xu Lai imposed it on them, and since they really needed money to accommodate their relatives, they had to accept it in the end.

Although several thousand gold coins were spent on these mercenaries, the money was really not much, and it was not worth mentioning compared to the cost of a major advancement of one's own troops.

But after paying for the advanced fee, Xu Lai's small treasury was almost dry, and the remaining gold coins couldn't last long.

Therefore, although Cage and the others had just arrived, they were entrusted with an important task by Xu Lai.

"Of course we can help you find those three merchants, but in such a short time, they probably haven't had time to sell the goods in their hands, and I guess they won't be able to shell out too many gold coins."

The three businessmen came from three different cities, and it was more than enough for the three cities to digest Xu Lai's goods.

But that will take time after all, and it won’t happen overnight.

Especially in the current environment, almost all caravans have stopped their activities, for fear of running into the devil's team as soon as they go out.

"I know that, but they just lost a lot of money and they should be in urgent need of blood.

Just tell them that they can bring other businessmen over. No matter who I successfully trade with, I will give them a large commission.

Moreover, this time I am selling equipment and rare resources. Now is the war period, so the demand for equipment from the major lords must be very high. "

The person responsible for cleaning the battlefield naturally gained control of all the spoils.

It is none of Xu Lai's business whether others can dispose of the demon's body, whether it is burning or purifying it.

The only thing he wanted was the equipment on those demons.

Xu Lai had no intention of keeping the spoils for himself, and Luo Mingru's losses were not small either.

Although only a few big werewolves died, a dozen lizard shooters died. In addition, several sharpshooters died, and the casualties were only slightly less than Xu Lai.

The problem is that Xu Lai can be resurrected, and the base is huge. Luo Mingru only has a few people in total.

Fang Yang and the others just came here to make up the numbers. They gained a lot of experience by relying on Xu Lai. It doesn't matter whether they make up for it or not. (End of chapter)

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