The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 290 Silver and Gold

Xu Lai felt a sense of accomplishment every time he killed these aboriginal heroes.

I had killed several advent heroes in the wilderness before, but in the end I didn't catch any of them.

However, Xu Lai bought some good equipment for the several aboriginal heroes he killed, even the lowest-level wolf-riding hero.

Although Xu Lai didn't use much of Gebadas' equipment, he had to admit that his equipment was not bad either.

The key is that orcs are notoriously poor. As a half-orc, Gebadas has a lower status, but he still has such good equipment.

Fiona is the one who has gained Xu Lai the most among the several indigenous heroes.

After cleaning the female devil's equipment from head to toe, Xu Lai also gave the body to Elvi.

Not to mention, Elvi was particularly happy for Xu Lai's gift.

She used the flaming sword to burn the female devil bit by bit, making Xu Lai feel pity secretly.

It is said that this female devil's figure is really good, but her skin is dark red, which is not in line with the preferences of normal people.

Xu Lai originally wanted to leave the female devil's head to Elvie to burn, but he guessed that it might have other values, so he kept it for now.

One thing that was a pity was that Xu Lai stripped off all the female devil's equipment from head to toe, but Xu Lai couldn't find any of the scrolls.

Even the items hidden in the space backpacks of the heroes will be dropped after being killed.

This female devil didn't know where she got the space equipment. She didn't drop it after she died. Even Xu Lai couldn't even find the equipment.

However, the things on the female devil's body were enough to make up for Xu Lai's losses, not to mention the thousands of pieces of equipment of various levels that he had also collected.

Hell is not a good place, and there are only a few more supplies than the wilderness and the Corrupted Land.

But the empire is rich in products. The demons invaded for more than half a year, and it is said that they have captured most of the Western Empire and one-third of the tower cities.

Although the Northern Empire only occupies a few cities, these are large cities that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The demons who had plundered an unknown amount of resources had their equipment changed drastically. Except for the horned demon who was pulled up on the battlefield, most of the others had complete equipment.

Although most of these equipment have been recast in order to adapt to the devil's size, and most of them are based on blank slates.

But even if you sell the materials, it's still a huge sum of money.

The prerequisite is still to sell it. At this time, it is really not easy to find a powerful businessman to take over.

After dividing the spoils, Xu Lai was going to have a good rest. He hadn't slept properly for many days in a row, and he couldn't bear it when the gods came.

Fortunately, he didn't encounter any trouble at night, allowing him to sleep for more than ten hours. In the morning, he woke up with a clear mind to open the treasure chest and level up.

The day before yesterday, I also harvested 3 silver treasure chests and a gold treasure chest during a sweep in the wild.

Before upgrading, Xu Lai opened these treasure chests first.

The silver treasure chest can no longer bring him surprises. The gold treasure chest can reveal super treasures. Xu Lai is still looking forward to it.

[Silver Treasure Chest]: 1. You can get 3,000 gold coins from it.

2. You can get 5000 experience points from it.

3. Obtain the high-level treasure Vulcan Sword.

4. Obtain the one-time prop "Book of Energy". After being used by heroes below level 25 (including level 25), the level will immediately increase by one level.

The advantage of the silver treasure chest compared to the bronze and black iron treasure chests is that in addition to more gold coins and experience points, it also provides props for Xu Lai to choose from.

Originally, Xu Lai had no expectations for the Silver Treasure Chest. After all, he was no longer the poor hero without any good things.

However, the first silver treasure box opened today gave Xu Lai a surprise.

As a permanent treasure, the Vulcan Sword is definitely worth more than a one-time item.

The problem is that everything depends on supply and demand.

Xu Lai already has enough weapons, including the Vanguard's Behemoth Killer, the Blade of Destruction, the Storm Axe, the Tree Elf's Bow, and even for throwing weapons, he has a large bag of armor-piercing throwing axes.

Therefore, the Vulcan Sword is not necessary for Xu Lai.

On the contrary, it was the Book of Energy, which happened to be stuck at level 25. After Xu Lai upgraded it two levels in a row, the level reached 7% of level 24.

His level is the one that can maximize the use of the Book of Energy.

Of course, if he is willing to wait, he can wait until he has accumulated 93% more experience before using it, but he doesn't know which year he will have to wait.

Based on the above considerations, Xu Lai did not choose a treasure for the first time, but a one-time prop.

After getting it, he didn't even hesitate and used this golden book directly on the spot.

The book of energy was flipped quickly in Xu Lai's hand, turning from the first page to the last page almost in the blink of an eye.

Finally, in Xu Lai's eyes, the book of energy turned into a golden light and merged into Xu Lai's body.

Xu Lai's level has also been raised to level 25 as expected. If the next two treasure chests can also open books of energy, he can directly break through to level 26.

So Xu Lai opened the second and third treasure chests with full expectations.

The result was that he was greatly disappointed. In addition to the fixed gold coins and experience, the two silver treasure chests also gave him two treasures and two props.

The high-level treasure vampire cloak, as you can tell from the name, is not for normal people to use.

Xu Lai was not a vampire, not even an undead, so he took the items found in the treasure chest instead.

[Healing Guard]: The treatment range is friendly/friendly life units within 500 meters (undead and mechanical units cannot be treated), +1% life per second, lasting 60 seconds.

Note 1: A healing guard can be used three times.

Note 2: Any attack on the healing guard will dissipate directly.

The healing ability of the Healing Guard is quite good. Although it is not an instant treatment, its total recovery ability is as high as 60% of the total health. It is a unit with high health in rare cases.

However, the healing guard can be interrupted and will dissipate if it suffers any damage. This needs to be noted.

For the last silver treasure chest, Xu Lai chooses from the high-end treasure golden armor and the one-time prop red dragon egg.

[Red Dragon Egg]: The carrier can use this item to summon a level 7 red dragon. The red dragon will temporarily join your team for 180 minutes.

If the red dragon summoned by the red dragon egg is permanent, then Xu Lai may consider this red dragon egg.

Or if the red dragon egg can be used forever, Xu Lai will also consider it.

However, the red dragon (also known as the red dragon) was not only a hostile dungeon creature, but also only existed for 3 hours. Xu Lai felt that it was not worth it.

However, the golden armor Xu Lai chose actually didn't feel like it was worth much.

[Golden Armor]: A high-end treasure that increases the hero's spirit by 5 points.

Increases the user's physical defense by 80 points and carries a weight of 25 points.

The golden armor is the same as the magical armor, both are golden. The key magical armor adds 1 to all attributes, and also increases the attributes by 5 points, and it also adds 1 point of attack and defense to the troops.

All in all, the only advantage of the golden armor is that it has 20 more points of defense than the magical armor, but its load capacity has increased by 10 points.

Xu Lai weighed it and found that it weighed at least dozens of kilograms more than the magical armor. It was indeed gold, and the weight was as solid as porcelain.

The magical armor is no longer light. The key is that the magical armor also increases physical fitness and strength. Compared with the spirit, Xu Lai feels that the magical armor is better.

In contrast, Xu Lai had to admit that although treasures were divided into levels, not every level of treasures had the same value.

Among the high-end treasures, there will still be parallel imports such as golden armor.

But I have to say that the golden armor does look better than the magical armor when worn.

The magical armor is golden, and the golden armor is golden. If it is sold to those nobles, it will definitely fetch a good price.

After the three silver treasure chests are opened, it's the turn of the last feast, which is the gold treasure chest.

[Golden Treasure Chest]: 1. You can get 10,000 gold coins from it.

2. You can get 33% of the experience value of the current level from it.

3. Obtain the super treasure Qi Spirit Ball, which increases the effect of Qi damage magic, and the damage is +50%.

Note: The two ineffective effects do not overlap. After equipping the Qi Spirit Ball, all your troops will have their own air-bending thaumaturgy magic during battle, and it will take effect when placed in the miscellaneous column.

4. Obtain the one-time prop "War Horn". After it is blown, the attack power of all your troops will be increased by 100% for 100 minutes.

5. Obtain the magic equipment "Death Mask": the wearer converts 50% of the damage caused to the opponent into his own life, which is only effective for living units (elemental, undead, and mechanical units cannot absorb health).

Money and experience are still the two options that Xu Lai first eliminates.

Xu Lai really had a headache with the last three. After struggling for a long time, he gave up on the blood-sucking mask.

Xu Lai's attack power is high enough. Generally speaking, he can cause at least 7 or 80 points of damage to his opponent.

Even with the ultimate defense to protect his body, Xu Lai could still draw 2 or 30 points of blood, which was equivalent to a small healing effect for each attack.

However, Xu Lai didn't actually have many opportunities to fight in person, so he still gave up this equipment.

But between the air ball and the war horn, Xu Lai was somewhat hesitant.

The former is of course very powerful, but the key is that Xu Lai doesn't have many Qi spells, and the scrolls don't receive bonuses.

Moreover, Xu Lai does not have air magic, so the effect of the air spirit ball is relatively poor for Xu Lai.

As for the air-control magic that comes with the air spirit ball, Xu Lai has the forbidden magic ball in his hand. As long as he doesn't want the enemy to cast spells, let alone air spells, he can't cast any active spells.

But the effect of the war horn is very powerful. In terms of the effect of use alone, not even artifacts can match it.

The higher the level of the troops, the more exaggerated the enhancement of the war horn. The key point is that this thing is a prop, not a spell, and is unrestricted.

In other words, this thing can only be used once. If it can be used all the time, it really will not be replaced even if it is an artifact. (End of chapter)

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