The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 292 Someone comes from the temple

Xu Lai was restless, so before the scouts came back to report, he took the cavalry regiment out for a walk.

Anyway, on the earliest map, there was still little exploration of the east side, and Xu Lai felt that there should still be gains there.

After all, the strength of the wild monsters this month has increased threefold. Without the noble lords, ordinary heroes would not have the strength to clear them all.

The truth was just as he had guessed, there were indeed a few wild monsters here, but they were all reserved.

The meaning of private space is that a few heroes who think they are powerful have circled these wild monsters and prevent outsiders from touching them.

They don't have the strength to clean them all in one go. They mainly rely on long-range grinding to death.

In this case, the physical strength and arrow requirements of the long-range troops will be very high, but the casualties on our own side will be very small, so it will take a long time.

In order to monopolize the resources of these wild monsters, they joined forces and circled the rest of the wild monsters, preventing the weak heroes from approaching.

Nowadays, most of the lords are away from their lands, and the empire is falling apart.

Although King Aled had brought out the Northern Empire, even the capital was now occupied.

In such a situation, they no longer care about the laws of the empire. If someone really doesn't listen to their warning, they will definitely dare to take action.

It should be said that most people who have traveled to this world don't even know what the Imperial Code says, let alone follow it.

Coincidentally, this also includes Xu Lai.

If there was a lord here, he might be a little scrupulous like these people.

If the lord is not here, you will be the first grader and I will be the fifteenth grader. If you dare to blame me, I will challenge you.

The charge of nearly 500 high-level knights moved even Xu Lai himself. Those who were charged had the courage to stay where they were.

Moreover, once the knight charges, even if Xu Lai orders to stop, it will not be able to stop in an instant. There is still a braking distance for the brakes.

Even the Gale Riders, who Xu Lai was not optimistic about, rushed forward and threw hundreds of javelins in rows. The wild monsters that they originally needed to grind to death easily fell to the ground.

Not to mention the wild monsters' counterattack, the first time Xu Lai's charge came across them, they all fled in panic.

This group of wild monsters had been surrounded for a long time, and their morale was not high. They collapsed under a wave of blows.

Also collapsed at the same time were the heroes standing in front of Xu Lai.

Although they were running fast just now, they forgot to control their subordinates, so many of the soldiers they had worked hard to recruit were trampled into a pulp.

Before Xu Lai, he had snatched other people's griffins, and he felt some moral condemnation in his heart, so he kept giving in.

But today, people are the first to blame others. Xu Lai doesn't have any moral barriers, so he won't be polite to these people.

Xu Lai took the initiative to attack friendly forces and was punished as expected. His reputation dropped by 30 points, which was quite severe.

Moreover, he only killed the friendly army's recruiting troops, not the friendly army. If he killed several heroes on the opposite side, it would definitely not be as simple as lowering his reputation.

He is not afraid of reputation. After killing the demon hero Fiona, Xu Laicai just gained another 300 reputation points.

But killing a hero will most likely lower the favor of the human race, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

It is worth mentioning that when Xu Lai killed the demon hero Fiona, he did not have a good impression of the hell camp.

First of all, the hell camp and humans are already mortal enemies, and their favorability is 0. Of course, there is no way they can be reduced.

Secondly, the empire and hell camps have declared war, just like the two empires in the northwest. Their lords don't know how many people they have killed each other.

But because it is a country declaring war, there will be no penalty for taking the initiative to attack.

Xu Lai and Earl Aini are both neutral countries and cannot be offended by either side.

But because of this, anyone who attacks will be punished.

Another point is that Xu Lai is a vassal of Earl Aini. Once Earl Aini switches to an empire, Xu Lai will also transfer to that empire.

If Xu Lai, who was active in the Northern Empire, suddenly switched to the West Empire camp, then everyone around him would be his enemy, and he would be mute and unable to speak out about his sufferings.

However, these two empires, both of which were harmed by demons, still refused to sign the armistice agreement.

As for the orcs, although they took the initiative to attack the empire, they actually never declared war. They always fought unjust and unjust wars.

The reason for this is quite complicated, because this time the Beast King is more probing in this attack.

If you don't declare war, even if you are beaten back by the empire, it will be easy to explain later. You can just find any reason for the border tribes to act privately.

If we really want to launch a full-scale war, the mobilization of supplies alone will not be completed easily. It will take at least one or two years to prepare.

The current situation can only be regarded as "friction" at best.

If Xu Lai wants to avoid punishment, he can either declare war on the opponent or seduce the opponent to take the initiative. If he is forced to fight back, there will be no such punishment.

Of course, Xu Lai knew that killing friendly heroes would probably cause him to lose a lot of the camp's basic favorability, and that was because he had actually done it.

These people didn't know that Xu Lai would have such scruples. When the cavalry charged, several people yelled and rolled away.

They also knew how to run away separately and spread out in all directions, making it impossible for Xu Lai to pursue them.

In fact, if Xu Lai really wanted to deal with them, it would be easy for him to send out some cavalry at will.

After "robbing" two waves of wild monsters, Xu Lai did not dare to go too deep.

A hero of the Demon Legion had just been killed. Even though Fiona was only responsible for beating the henchmen and doing auxiliary work, she was still a senior general of the Demon Legion.

Even without thinking, Xu Lai could guess that the demons' revenge would be endless.

Moreover, since Xu Lai has the strength to kill Fiona, the one who comes to avenge Fiona must be stronger.

Therefore, continuing to stay here in Greenwood Town is not a wise choice.

To be honest, Xu Lai didn't actually put much thought into clearing away wild monsters.

Although the number of wild monsters has tripled and the experience value has naturally increased by three times, for him now, it is just a drop in the bucket.

When he came out this time, he just couldn't sit still. At the same time, he also wanted to relax and relax his mind so that he could make a decision as soon as possible.

During these days of stay, Xu Lai had already harvested a lot of food by relying on the rented land.

Although only half of the last transaction was completed, Xu Lai also received a lot of vehicles to supplement it.

Everyone should carry enough food and walk along the big city. If they replenish the food in time, they should be able to return to Qingfeng Castle.

They were afraid that in this situation, they would encounter an army of demons on the way, or that the towns on the way would be unwilling to accept them or trade with Xu Lai.

Xu Lai doesn't have many gold coins left, so he is determined to wait until the next transaction with the merchants is completed.

It's just that this kind of waiting, I don't know how long it will last. The equipment accumulated in him will have little value if he can't sell it.

"Hey, when you guys go back and help me promote it, you said there is a fool in Green Forest Town who is holding a price sale.

Regardless of whether you are a hero or a caravan, as long as you come to Green Forest Town, I will give you a piece of equipment above level 3 for free.

If you can bring people, no matter how many people you bring, I will give you one more piece of equipment of level 4 or above. The one who brings the most people, I will give you a magic equipment.

In addition, as long as the merchants or others you bring trade with me, I can give you corresponding commissions. "

These people have been bullied by those high-level heroes for a long time. Now that they see them being bullied, none of them want to leave, and they gather together to watch the fun.

But I didn't expect that after seeing all this excitement, I would get the benefit of picking it up for free.

To be honest, there are not as many low-level equipment as Xu Lai's high-level equipment. There are also a lot of magic equipment, but most of them are relatively low-level.

Naturally, Fiona is reluctant to use high-level weapons for her subordinates. Most of them have life +5 and attributes +1.

When Xu Lai was pioneering wasteland in the past, he was already very happy when he encountered this kind of equipment. Of course, he couldn't still care about it now.

But these little heroes, who were usually bullied, were particularly happy about these equipment that Xu Lai didn't care about.

Even to show his sincerity, Xu Lai gave each person an armor-piercing flying ax on the spot.

This thing can be hit and thrown, and the damage is high. Although it does not have a bag, it is still a very good throwing weapon as long as it can be picked up.

Xu Lai has a big bag of armor-piercing throwing axes, and there is almost no chance to appear. He is really going to throw them. Isn't the Storm Ax more terrifying?

The only advantage of the armor-breaking throwing ax is that if you throw it out, you won't feel bad even if you can't pick it back up. The storm ax is different.

With the armor-piercing flying ax as a deposit, the group of people were all beaming with joy, wishing they could go and recruit Xu Lai now.

Moreover, they saw that Xu Lai was generous, and they, ordinary heroes, had more or less saved some money, so they said on the spot that they were going to Green Forest Town for shopping.

Xu Lai didn't dare to underestimate the hero's purchasing power, so he immediately generously expressed his willingness to take them back together and let them know the way.

What Xu Lai didn't expect was that there was a guest waiting for him here in Green Forest Town.

"Hello, distinguished knight of honor."

Xu Lai didn't even need to take a closer look at the other person's clothes. Just by hearing the other person's name, he knew that the person coming must be from the temple.

"Hello, what is your name?"

There were two people coming, both wearing low-key black cloaks.

However, judging from the bulging muscles of one person's body, it can be determined that these two people must be a priest and a knight.

Sure enough, the thin man lifted his cloak, revealing a head of silver hair and a skinny face.

"Archbishop of the Temple of War, Daniel Jones, greets the Honorable Knight."

The other man also opened his cloak, revealing his blond hair. Under his blond hair was a determined face.

"Lina Kalil, the leader of the Sixth Knights of the Temple of War, greets you."

Xu Lai secretly glanced at the other person's chest in surprise. Well, the pattern of the pale gold breastplate was similar to Pierce's, and the bulge was also similar to Pierce's. (End of chapter)

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