The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 295 Does this head count?

“There are many nobles in the Northern Empire, but not many qualified knight leaders.

I found one before, but Karl of the Third Knights got there first. Grand Duke Aled wanted to assign one to me, but I didn't like it. "

"To be honest, the Sixth Knights have lost hundreds of brave knights because of Ms. Khalil's willfulness.

If Ms. Khalil continues to persist in her obsession, she will soon be deprived of her status as the leader of the Sixth Knights, even though this knighthood was established by Ms. Khalil. "

Daniel said while finishing the attack.

Xu Lai took a long breath, leaned back and said, "What does this have to do with me?"

Kalil said: "The Sixth Knights do not need a leader who dare not even charge, and such a person is not qualified to lead the knights of the God of War.

Even if the temple deprives me of my position as leader, I will not give in. "

Daniel said angrily: "Nobles, you think they are not brave, heroes, you think they are too weak, you are gambling on the lives of all the knights of the Sixth Knights."

Kalil said calmly: "I am not angry, this is the right given to me by the God of War.

The Third Knights and the Fifth Knights have sacrificed no fewer companions during this period than our Sixth Knights. It's just that you were biased and gave them all the resurrection slots. "

Daniel said: "There is no way, the number of places for resurrection is limited.

After being boosted by the nobles, the personal strength of the third and fifth knights will exceed yours. At this time, they can only maximize their combat effectiveness. "

"Uh, no, if you want to have a fight, can you move to another place?

I haven't had lunch yet, how about we end this conversation today? "

Daniel smiled and looked at the sky outside, and said: "Your Excellency, Honorary Knight, it should be time for dinner at this time.

Why don't you trouble the mayor and prepare some dinner for us? "

The mayor and the sheriff, who were sweating profusely and wanted to leave but didn't dare to leave, quickly stood up and said in unison:

"No problem. Please wait for the distinguished guests. We will prepare now."

Seeing the mayor leaving in a hurry, Daniel gradually stopped smiling and said to Xu Lai:

“I know that you heroes who have arrived all value immediate interests more.

Your Excellency, Knight of Honor, you might as well tell me directly, what conditions do you want before you are willing to send troops to deal with the devil? "

Xu Lai also said seriously: "It seems that the person who has been reluctant to talk to me is not me.

Well, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense. It's not impossible for me to send troops.

First, I need a few scrolls of the Gate of Time and Space, and I want to bring back all my troops and people.

Secondly, forget it, if you can meet my conditions above, I will tell you other things.

If this prerequisite cannot be met, I won't bother to talk nonsense to you. "

After saying that, Xu Lai stood up directly and planned to leave.

He has dealt with many people in the temple, regardless of their rank or status.

He has a good impression of many people in the temple, such as Ryan, Duer, Elena, and the knights of the Eighth Knights.

Even the person in front of me, Pierce's sister, Xu Lai, actually has pretty good senses.

Only this Daniel was really annoying to Xu Lai.

However, Daniel didn't seem to have this understanding of himself. He also stood up and stopped in front of Xu Lai and said:

"Your Excellency, Knight of Honor, you used the Gate of Time and Space to leave with your troops and people. How can we guarantee that you will come back again?

To take a step back, what will the townspeople of Greenwood Town do if you leave?

The next time the devil's revenge comes and you can't be found, won't they vent their anger on these innocent townspeople? "

Xu Lai walked straight to Daniel without giving in.

Xu Lai's burly figure, with a constitution of 40 points, looked particularly strong against the backdrop of high-end equipment.

In addition, he is not short to begin with, and is at least half a head taller than Archbishop Daniel.

At this time, he was close to Daniel, looking down at him and saying:

"First of all, you came to me. If you don't believe in my character, why come to me?

Secondly, what do the residents of Greenwood Town have to do with me?

If there is anything to do with it, it's just that I helped them repel two waves of demon attacks and allowed them to be human beings for a few more days, so as not to be kidnapped by the demons early and used as sacrifices.

If you want to ask, you should ask the lord of Greenwood Town, not me, an unrelated outsider!

Please ask them why demons can come and go freely in their land.

There are so many nobles in the Northern Empire, why don't even a single lord come forward? Is it because there are more demons fighting on the third front than there are people in the Northern Empire? "

After saying that, Xu Lai exerted a slight force on his shoulder. He swore that it was really just a slight force.

Unknowingly, his strength has exceeded 32 points, which is far beyond what he, a spell caster, can contend with.

His little strength was already a terrifying power to Daniel.

Being hit by this collision, Daniel immediately took several steps back, and finally fell to the ground.

Xu Lai shrugged. He actually didn't want to break up with the temple. He really just wanted to clear a way.

But what is surprising is that after falling to the ground, Daniel did not break up with Xu Lai hysterically as Xu Lai imagined.

He didn't even threaten to retaliate against Xu Lai. He just got up silently, patted the dirt on his butt, and said to Xu Lai:

“Sorry, I can’t answer your question just now.

If you want answers, go see it for yourself.

As a clergyman, I would be remiss in my duty to doubt a warrior blessed by the God of War.

However, even if everyone in the temple and I believe in you, the nobles will not believe it.

There is no scroll of the Gate of Time and Space in our reserve supplies. If you cannot convince these nobles, it is impossible for them to agree to such conditions. "

Xu Lai is like this, he is not afraid of others trying to be tough with him even if they ignore them.

But once the other party relents, even if he is justified, he will feel weak in his heart.

"Then what do you think I should do? Like those irresponsible lords and abandon the people?"

Daniel shook his head and said: "The lords have not abandoned their subjects, they have been fighting, and this kind of battle continues every day.

Otherwise, the Northern Empire at this time should have been occupied by demons. "

"I wonder if you have ever heard of the Gate of Different Dimensions!"

Before Xu Lai could continue speaking, Daniel spoke again.

"Gate to another dimension? What is that?"

Daniel smiled slightly and explained: "That's nothing, the door to another dimension is a spell.

Like the Gate of Time and Space, it is a very powerful space spell, and it is stronger than the Gate of Time and Space. "

"It's stronger, so what does it do?"

Daniel said: "The purpose of the door of different dimensions is very simple, it is to open a door in any two places in this world.

Then these two places were connected by these two doors of different dimensions.

Before the door to another dimension is closed, the party that opened the door can pass through these two doors and instantly transfer to the other side of the door. "

Xu Lai opened his mouth and said, "I don't think I've heard of this spell."

Daniel explained: "It's not surprising that you haven't heard of it. This is a level 5 spell that only exists in a few places with level 5 magic guilds.

Even in the Imperial Capital, there are only level 4 magic guilds.

Therefore, theoretically, this spell can only be learned by mages in towers, necromancers in the cemetery, pagans in hell, sorcerers in dungeons, druids in barriers, and elementalists in the elemental camp. "

‘Good guy, five of the nine major camps can learn it, but the empire, which claims to have the most resources and territory, can’t learn it. ’

Xu Lai complained silently in his heart, and then said: "Since you have said so, there must be a solution."

Daniel nodded and said: "Of course, there is a great mage from the tower camp in the northern branch of the temple at the foot of Novak Mountain.

If you have no other conditions, we can ask this great mage to help you and send your subjects back to the grassland. "

"What do you mean, it means I can't go back yet, right?"

Daniel nodded silently.

Xu Lai thought for a moment and said, "It's okay if I don't go back, but you must give me another scroll of the Gate of Time and Space."

This request is not too much, Daniel said: "Yes, but when to give it to you, the temple must decide.

Only after you accumulate enough merit can we give you the scroll of the Gate of Time and Space. "

"Credit? I remember that the former Crimson Bishop Duer of your temple and the Archangel Lane invited me to the wild place.

Can't what I did in the wilderness be considered a credit? Don't forget that my territory may also be threatened by orcs, and I need to be ready to go back for support at any time. "

Daniel said: "About this matter, Bishop Duer also explained it to the temple, otherwise we would not have launched the spell to detect the wilderness.

His Majesty the Pope and all the crimson bishops also recognize your achievements.

We all agree that admission to a military academy and knight's gloves are not enough to reward your merits.

Therefore, the temple is willing to help you fully bear the cost of asking the great mage in the tower to take action.

But then all the conditions you need can only be exchanged for military merit.

If you want to go back for support at any time, then I can only suggest that you do it as soon as possible. "

What Daniel said made Xu Lai hesitate, wondering whether he should continue to persist.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Lai suddenly threw out a devil's head from his space backpack. It was Fiona, one of the generals of Hell.

"If you want credit, I don't know if the head of this hell devil counts!" (End of Chapter)

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