The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 297 Su Ya’s response

"Although many bishops have criticized you, including me, they all feel that you are risking the lives of the knights.

But to be honest, the Crimson Bishop and the knights of the Third and Fifth Regiments were also very dissatisfied with those two.

One always hides behind, and the three regiments cannot enjoy the bonus for most of the time, and they have to give half of the honor and credit to that guy.

The other one went even further, risking the lives of his brothers countless times for the sake of his own experience and level.

He does know that we will not let him die on the battlefield, but he doesn't know how many high-level paladins have sacrificed to protect him?

Obviously we can save more people, but now we have to give up some of the knights of the 6th regiment.

I heard that you have pulled out all the trainee knights from your regiment who have not finished their training? "

Lina nodded bitterly and said: “Yes, some are not even adults yet.

Just because I saw their immature faces, I was unwilling to entrust them to an unreliable hero. "

Daniel also said: "Yes, who told us that our temple will never have its own heroes? If there were, those nobles would not allow us to grow.

Okay, let me answer your previous question now.

I think that since you have chosen your goal, you should not give up easily.

Now, I think it's a good thing that you haven't found a suitable hero until now, so that when the right candidate comes along, no one can compete with you. "

Lina narrowed her eyes and said, “Do you still think this is a good candidate?

Even if he keeps saying that he wants to escape, completely ignoring the teachings of bravery and sacrifice under the God of War? "

Daniel laughed and said: "At least he did not violate the teachings of honesty, otherwise why would he tell you this?

He wouldn't know what it means to have a Temple Knights.

It means that the temple will stand behind him, it means that the nobles of the Northern Empire cannot target him, and it means that he can gain more experience on the battlefield and grow up faster.

If I were him, I would probably run away on my own when I had to run for my life. Anyway, the temple would probably allow him to have autonomy.

In his words, that's called a strategic shift.

In fact, although His Majesty the God of War encourages his knights to be brave, he does not encourage his knights to die. Sometimes, strategic transfer is also necessary.

If His Majesty the God of War really does not approve of him, as long as the medal on his chest stops shining, all His Highness's subjects will understand what he means. "

Lina's eyes lit up again, and she smiled and said:

"Yes, although that guy Pierce is always unreliable, he will not risk all his honor easily."

Lena Caril stood up and came to the window, pulled the curtains on the side to the maximum, looked at the retreating figures of the knights and murmured:

"A man who dares to venture into the wilderness alone.

How could a person who could have more than 20 Holy Light Knights and nearly a hundred Holy Knights in a few months and was favored by the God of War escape on the battlefield?

His so-called escape is probably just a modest way of saying strategic shift, and the purpose of strategic shift must be for the final victory. "

Daniel smiled bitterly and shook his head, neither agreeing nor objecting.

At the same time, Xu Lai left without a smile on his face.

It was a good thing to get the door to another dimension from the temple, but they did not allow Xu Lai to leave.

Moreover, Xu Zi admitted that the conditions he proposed were harsh, but there was a high probability that they would agree if the conditions were not guaranteed.

There is no other way. If Xu Lai really opens his mouth and calls out a condition that the Northern Empire and the temple will never agree to, it will probably mean a break.

Even if he can run back to the grassland now, will it be difficult for him in the future?

Earl Ani wavered in neutrality, but no matter what, he would eventually submit to one side.

The Western Empire has now lost most of its territory. Even if Bishop Duer and Pierce came to support them, they still could not stop the expansion of the demons.

In the end, Count Aini will probably fall to the Northern Empire, and then he, the vassal of Count Aini, will be embarrassed.

Unless Count Aini has the courage to proclaim himself emperor and build a grassland empire, then Xu Lai will give Count Aini a thumbs up.

But if this is the case, when the orcs launch a massive attack, no one will come to help them. I am afraid that even the temple will not bother to take care of them.

Even the mainland of Middle-earth is about to fall completely. Who has time to care about it? Foreigners invade their own land.

Therefore, Xu Lai estimated that he could no longer escape and would probably have to run again.

Sitting on the horse, Xu Lai looked at the Green Forest Town behind him.

He is not afraid of letting him participate in the battle. He is no longer the fledgling hero back then. He is a dignified level 25 hero. Not to mention the Adventer, there are not even many local nobles.

Besides, the more intense the battle, the more experience and rewards you get from the war.

Even if the people in the temple and the Northern Empire didn't invite Xu Lai, Xu Lai himself would probably want to get involved.

He didn't want to be caught up again by others after finally maintaining his level advantage. He already enjoyed the feeling of bullying others and didn't want to be bullied again.

The reason why he is unwilling now is because he is worried about his family.

The orcs' revenge is impossible. The only thing that makes Xu Lai feel at ease now is that he has done his best to fight the orcs back to the wilderness.

He had killed all the orcs' logistics commanders. Even if the orcs wanted to take revenge, it would take a long time to adjust.

Moreover, Count Aini is not a vegetarian. If you give him such a long time, he will not let the orcs easily cross Pingfeng Mountain again.

With the natural danger of Pingfeng Mountain, it is very difficult for the orcs to move troops or supplies.

What's more, his Qingfeng Castle is far away from Pingfeng Mountain. Unless the orcs have occupied most of the grasslands, it is unlikely that the war will reach his Qingfeng Castle.

It was also because of this consideration that he leisurely looked for a way to leave quickly as a group when he first teleported over.

Otherwise, he would have abandoned Harris and others long ago and led his troops back as quickly as possible.

Compared to Harris and the others, there were only people in Qingfeng Castle that Xu Lai could not rest assured.

At the same time, the scout captain Jian Yuan, who had advanced to the sixth level of Night Ranger, was reporting to the person in charge designated by Xu Lai, Su Ya, with a sad look on his face.

"General Su, more than three hundred kilometers to the west of Qingfeng Castle, we discovered the roving wolf cavalry.

They seemed to be looking for something. We found a total of more than 30 wolf cavalry, but these wolf cavalry were very scattered.

In the past, orc scouts liked to move in one direction according to the team's organization.

Now that they are spread out so widely, it is impossible for them to run away if they encounter a small group of patrolling knights. This is too risky and not their previous style. "

Su Ya frowned and said: "More than three hundred kilometers to the west, isn't that not far behind the Stone Castle?"

Jian Yuan frowned and said, "This is exactly what I'm confused about. Our scouts also have stealth skills and can hide themselves from them at critical moments.

There are more than 30 wolf riders we have discovered, and there must be more that we have not discovered.

Even if there are only a hundred wolf knights, that is not a small number. What does the defender of Stone Castle do for a living? Can he allow more than a hundred wolf knights to bypass the defense line of Stone Castle? "

"Mr. Wei and the others should be back soon. You will lead a team to pick them up later to prevent Mr. Wei and the others from being in danger."

Jian Yuan nodded and said: "Don't worry, General Su. They are going to Fort Kaunaston. They don't have to pass by Stone Fort when they come back. They shouldn't encounter them."

Su Ya nodded and said: "As an insurance policy, I entrust him to inquire about the lord, so that nothing happens to the caravan."

Jian Yuan said: "Then I will bring all the people from the security team."

Su Ya nodded and said, "Take them all."

After Jian Yuan left, Giselle stepped forward and hugged Su Ya's arm and said:

"Sister Su, do you want to send a message to the lord brother? The last time the caravan went out, we didn't get any news from the lord brother."

Su Ya took out the communication arrow that she had always kept on her body and said rather reluctantly:

"No, the lord is at least safe now. Once this communication arrow is used, if something happens, we will have no way to contact him."

Giselle frowned and said, "Didn't you say that the Wolf Cavalry has been discovered?

If they cross the defense line of Stone Castle, who else can they come to? They must come to us.

The lord's brother went to the wilderness and must have caused huge trouble to them.

When Wei Yihong and the others came back last time, they said that the orcs had shrunk on a large scale, and Count Aini had started building outposts in the Pingfeng Mountains again.

I estimate that these wolf cavalry came to us. Maybe they suffered a big loss from the lord brother and want to take revenge. "

Su Ya's expression changed and she said: "What you said makes sense, Giselle. Go tell Dill immediately and tell him to raise the training of all shooters by one or two levels.

I will get the missing gold coins to him as soon as possible.

In addition, inform the blacksmith shop that all civilian orders have been stopped during this period, and all production capacity has been used to produce arrows.

Help me call Mayor Aiboka and Mayor Lacy. During this period, I will organize militia training and ask them to temporarily move all the villagers into Qingfeng Castle. "

Giselle opened her mouth, nodded in astonishment, and suddenly said: "But there is no room in the training ground."

Su Ya nodded and said: "I know this, so what I want to organize is actual combat training.

I've been annoying those manticores outside for a long time. Didn't they just have a fight with a group of bulls at the beginning of the month? I just took this opportunity to kill them. "

After saying that, Su Ya smiled and said to Giselle: "Don't worry, the city defense work we have done during this period is not in vain.

On your side, come back to me after the notification is over. I still have something to do for you. "

Giselle pouted and said, "Sister Su, you'd better tell me now, otherwise I'll keep thinking about it."

Su Ya smiled and said: "It's okay. Haven't you always wanted the unicorn beast in the refugee camp? You can finish the legwork for me and then go to the warehouse to get the money to recruit it."

After saying that, Su Ya paused and said: "After recruiting me, I won't give it to you for free.

About sixty kilometers west of Qingfeng Castle, you take Little Baiyang and her tree demons together and plant them all in a dense forest for me.

After planting, you just stay there and kill all the wolf riders approaching Qingfeng Castle. Can you do that? "(End of chapter)

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