The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 299 Gate of Different Dimensions

Unfortunately, this great mage has never been to Pingfeng Grassland, so he cannot find a spatial landmark that is enough to support the door to another dimension.

However, there is no solution.

The end of the door to another dimension is like an unknown place. Either you know enough about this unknown place so that you can quickly find the target.

Or, have the coordinates of the target point and know the exact location.

Magical society does not have latitude and longitude, but the mages have enough knowledge of magic, including detailed methods of marking locations.

After Xu Lai used Kaunaston Castle as an anchor point and roughly pointed out the direction of Qingfeng Castle, the Great Mage said that he could open the door to another dimension to that vicinity.

However, the distance in between is too long, and it will inevitably be affected during the process of opening the door.

For example, the intensity of the magic power, such as whether this door to another dimension will cross a certain magic barrier, etc., such as whether there will be a building at the end, etc.

The longer the road, the more interference there is and the less accurate the positioning becomes.

The great mage can only guarantee that the door will definitely open to the prairie and must be near the location designated by Xu Lai, but the deviation may be more than 50 kilometers.

Xu Lai himself only pointed roughly based on the map. After all, the map of this world is not accurate enough, and there is still a deviation of more than 50 kilometers.

This was quite a head-scratcher. Besides, Xu Lai couldn't just let these people go to Qingfeng Castle to report without saying hello.

Therefore, after much thought, Xu Lai purchased dozens of pack horses and dozens of transport trucks, and asked Yu Lan to lead the team and bring these people back to Qingfeng Castle.

Xu Lai must send the old people around him back. If he doesn't send the old people back, these people will wander around and don't know where they will end up.

Therefore, he must let an old man go back to lead the team.

The reason why Yan Feng, Tahan and the others were not chosen was because Xu Lai did not intend to bring the mage troops with him.

Xu Lai was holding the Forbidden Magic Ball, and these mages were following him, so there was basically no room for them to perform.

Secondly, they are really slow, and Xu Lai also dislikes them, so it is the best choice to let Yu Lan, who is responsible for leading these mages, go back.

In addition, Xu Lai did not keep any of the newly purchased recruits, whether they were level 3 infantry, spearmen, level 7 sword masters, golden armored warriors, or archers and crossbowmen.

Not only them, but even the royal griffon, Xu Lai, wanted to send it back.

As the acting commander of the Royal Griffins, Xu Lai originally wanted to send Elvi back, but Yu Lan said that since Elvi as an old man had been sent back, there was no need for her to go back.

Elvi said that she is an archangel, not a griffon captain.

If Xu Lai wanted to send her back, she would fly over by herself.

Xu Lai had no choice but to choose one of the two, and he chose Yu Lan. Although Yu Lan could fly, he couldn't transform when the demon was forbidden.

Relatively speaking, following Xu Lai would put Yu Lan in more danger, so he chose to let Yu Lan go back.

Yu Lan had already acted a little disobediently before and secretly followed Xu Lai to the wilderness without his permission.

This time, Yu Lan couldn't continue to disobey in front of Xu Lai, so she had no choice but to take the mage and griffon to escort Xu Lai's subjects through the gate of another dimension.

Mages are not melee troops, so Xu Lai also sent out Ed and his infantry regiment, including of course the infantrymen who had just been stuffed into the infantry regiment.

Then came the mercenaries, except for Nofa who was left by Xu Lai.

The remaining 30 or so mercenaries, ranging from the lowest level 4 to the highest level 6, and their families, totaling more than a hundred people, also followed these citizens to Qingfeng Castle.

This time the migration of people was extremely large. In addition to those people brought back by Xu Lai from the wilderness, there were also people who Xu Lai rescued from the devils who came over one after another.

Even excluding the infantrymen under Ed and the mercenaries and their families, the total population of this migration exceeded 3,000.

In addition to people, all the goods that could be loaded were also brought back this time, including not only food but also ballistas.

This thing is definitely not suitable for Xu Lai to take with him during riding operations. Even if it is packed into a supply truck, it cannot be used during combat.

Firstly, there is no one to control them, and secondly, Xu Lai will not stay behind to command, so what use can these ballistae have if they are left here? It is better to take them back to serve as a city defense force.

When sending Yu Lan off, Xu Lai also left behind a primary supply truck filled with food and water as a final guarantee in case Yu Lan got lost.

These food and water must not be shared with others and should be reserved for Yu Lan alone.

Even if everyone else starved to death, Xu Lai would feel heartbroken. If Yu Lan had an accident, Xu Lai would not be able to accept it.

In addition to food and water, Xu Lai also left her three hundred thousand gold coins, packed one by one in mercury boxes. Twenty large boxes were used to load five carts.

These five transport vehicles will also be escorted by Ed himself.

Harris and the more than 30 mercenaries, plus Fang Yang who wanted to develop in Xu Lai's territory, were responsible for leading the team.

Including infantry, griffins and mages, there were more than 4,000 people in total, and they walked for most of the day.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Lai also quickly fired the communication arrow in his hand.

The messenger arrow couldn't carry much content, so Xu Lai could only inform Su Ya concisely and concisely.

Yu Lan has already left with the communication stone. Xu Lai has already tested this thing. He only needs to consume the magic message stone to communicate with the received magic message stone.

The mana consumed is related to the transmission distance. The straight-line distance between Green Forest Town and Qingfeng Castle is more than a thousand kilometers, so the consumption is estimated to be very large.

But high consumption is not a problem. The worst is to drink mana potion and communicate at the same time. As long as the problem is solved from scratch, other problems can be solved slowly.

Therefore, Xu Lai no longer needs to keep this messenger arrow.

The camps and villages that were originally full of people suddenly became empty after more than 4,000 people left.

Xu Lai kept his promise and gave all the wooden houses and farms built these days to Luo Mingru.

Luo Mingru was quite impressed, and even asked Xu Lai in a joking tone, saying that he wanted to dig out the heart of the castle and go to Xu Lai with Fang Yang.

Just kidding, the reason why Xu Lai left the giant werewolf and lizardman to him was because it was inconvenient to carry them around when building a town by himself.

Xu Lai only said one sentence and immediately dismissed Luo Mingru's thoughts.

"Of course you can go to my place. The taxes I have to collect will definitely be much less than those in Greenwood Town and Viscount Notting.

But my affiliated towns probably don’t need so many troops to protect them. "

After finishing speaking, Luo Mingru smiled and never mentioned the matter again.

There are 52 newly recruited knights in total, most of whom are trainee knights, a total of 34.

There were also 15 knights and 3 knights, all of whom were assigned to Tahan by Xu Lai.

By the way, Xu Lai also transferred all the gale knights from Tahan back to Yan Feng.

In this way, the number of Yan Feng's team increased to more than 130, including 18 heroes and more than 110 gale knights.

Tahan led 7 Holy Light Knights, 50 Paladins and 52 new knights, a total of 109 people, including him, 110.

The reason for this distribution is that the holy armor of a Holy Light Knight can only cover a maximum of 18 people.

Therefore, if Tahan and the others were to be completely enveloped, they would need 7 Holy Light Knights.

The remaining 14 Holy Light Knights were mobilized by Xu Lai and became his personal guards.

During the battle, Xu Lai may have taken these 14 Holy Light Knights and merged them into Joseph's team.

Joseph's 120 people, plus Xu Lai's 15 people, that's 135 people. The sacred armor can be used for almost two rounds, making it invincible for two minutes.

The same goes for Tahan and the others. The Holy Armor is invincible for one minute, and the Holy Shield is invincible for another minute.

The key two times of invincibility can be used twice. Using them separately has more redundancy and can be used to resist two more important injuries.

On the other hand, although Joseph's side has a large number of people, it is relatively weak.

Xu Lai brings a group of 8th-level Holy Light Knights to join in, which will make it more balanced.

After sending these civilians away, Daniel found Xu Lai and said to him:

"Your Excellency Knight, the Northern Empire's noble council basically agrees to your request.

In addition to giving you the first choice of loot, they are also willing to pay a monthly salary of 10,000 gold coins. "

Xu Lai shrugged and asked Daniel: "Archbishop, do you think I have lost money at this price?"

Xu Lai didn't know what the price of mercenaries was, but it was only ten thousand gold coins a month. Xu Lai thought that he was at a loss.

We can't expect that every month will be a three-star moon, but even if there are no 3x wild monsters and 3x the harvest, if we clear the wilds normally for a month, the income should be more than 10,000 gold.

The most important thing is that with Xu Lai's current strength, there is no pressure on Qingye, let alone danger.

“Ten thousand gold coins is certainly more than enough to hire ordinary knights.

However, your knights are mainly composed of level 7 paladins, supplemented by level 7 wind knights, level 8 holy light knights, and a cavalry team with an average level of level 6.

The price of 10,000 gold coins is of course far from enough, but I am not too clear about the market price of mercenaries, and my estimate is not very accurate.

I think the hiring price of your knights should be around 50,000 gold coins, let alone the current situation. "

Xu Lai smiled and said, "You are quite honest."

Daniel smiled slightly and said, "A servant of the God of War will never deceive his own people."

Xu Lai also smiled and said: "So you will deceive outsiders?"

Daniel said: "In order to win, you should do whatever it takes."

Xu Lai shrugged and said, "Well, after all, I still have the right to choose the spoils first, so what about my right to make my own decision?"

Daniel said: "I agree in principle, but I must give a reasonable explanation afterwards, otherwise you will be attacked by the nobles of the Northern Empire and the temple."

"so serious?"

Daniel said: "You have to know that if a soldier disobeys an order on the battlefield, the commander can kill him without any request, no matter who is disobeying the order."

Xu Lai smiled. Of course he understood what Daniel meant, which meant that this condition was already an exception among exceptions for Xu Lai.

"So, what kind of explanation can be called reasonable?" (End of Chapter)

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