The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 37 Pincer attack and night attack

The ogre magician put away his coaxing expression and said coldly:

"Didn't he say that there are human heroes coming with him? If he can't defeat a human hero, what's the point of his life?

Aini is too busy taking care of himself right now, so he must have no intention of dealing with us.

But those damn humans can't be driven away no matter what. If we want to occupy this grassland, we must fight against the temple.

With the strength of our tribe, how can we be the opponent of the temple, so we must bring the royal court in. "

The strong beast man said in shock: "Our entire tribe cannot afford to plot against the Beast King."

The ogre magician smiled slightly and said: "How dare I scheme against the Beast King? What have we done? We have a fair and just transaction with the Beast Hero.

If he dies in human territory, it is purely because of his own bad luck. The Beast King is just launching a counterattack, and our tribe is the vanguard for the king! "

The strong orc man was not very smart, and he was bypassed by the ogre magician in a few moments. He immediately ignored it and focused on staring at the orc hero coming down the mountain.

It was dark at this time, and these orcs did not notice an eagle circling on the top of the mountain. The eagle did not see the orcs hiding in the cave.

But the short orc came down the mountain at night and lit a few torches. He stood out in the dark and was immediately found by the witch.

With the faint light of the fire, the witch saw clearly the appearance of the orc hero, and immediately flew towards the camp.

It was Xu Lai's first time sleeping in a tent, and he slept particularly soundly that night.

There were no entertainment activities at night, and his vision was unclear. It was impossible to practice archery and horseback riding, so he lay down early.

When the witch turned into a human and woke Xu Lai up, it was almost 1 o'clock in the middle of the night. Xu Lai had slept for nearly 5 hours, and Su Ya had slept for more than 5 hours earlier than him.

But even so, Xu Lai's head was still groggy. There was no way, no matter who was woken up in the middle of the night, he would not be very awake.

"What, are those orcs really on the mountain?"

Xu Lai knew very well that as a member of the monsters, under Xu Lai's order, as long as the orc was not found hovering on the top of the mountain all night, the witch would never take the initiative to turn into a human form and wake him up.

The witch spoke calmly, without any waves: "Yes, we found an orc leading more than 20 big-eared monsters coming down from the mountain."

Xu Lai was startled and said: "Coming down the mountain, will they pass by our camp, or have they already discovered us?"

The witch still said calmly: "Can't be sure."

Xu Lai was speechless for a moment, and then asked quickly: "Then which direction did they come down from."

This was a question that the witch could answer. With one finger of her finger, Xu Lai knew that this conflict was inevitable, and the other party might even be coming after him.

"Can you determine how many opponents there are and what level they are?"

This was still a question that the witch couldn't answer. What she could tell Xu Lai was only what she saw. It was actually amazing that she could identify more than 20 enemies in the night.

Xu Lai thought for a while. If possible, he didn't want to confront the orcs directly. After all, he had just begun to develop.

If you want to avoid fighting, you should immediately mobilize everyone to leave the camp while there is still time.

But this means that Xu Lai wants to give this camp to others, or dig out the heart of the castle immediately, but he doesn't know if this will be enough time to escape.

Farmers move very slowly and have to recover materials such as tents. When moving at night, they may fall behind or be attacked by wild animals. They may not even have to fight the enemy, but their own side will suffer unbearable losses.

Taking a long breath, Xu Lai whispered to the witch: "Go and wake everyone up. Make sure to keep the number of torches in the camp unchanged and let the shooters hide in the dark to assemble."

The witch nodded and left, while Xu Lai gently pushed Su Ya awake.

In the past, Xu Lai often chose to run away from problems, but that was because he hated trouble rather than being willing to bear losses.

He couldn't bear the loss of abandoning the camp, and there were only more than 20 enemies. Even the physically strong orcs might not have no chance of winning.

After Su Ya woke up, Xu Lai quickly explained the situation to her and told Su Ya his thoughts.

Su Ya didn't raise any objections, but quickly packed up her equipment, looking like she was ready to fight at any time.

Seeing this, Xu Lai also laughed and took out a few intact arrows from his backpack.

These were all intact arrows collected directly from shooters and trainee shooters, and they were not even willing to use them during the afternoon training.

After deciding to fight, Xu Lai would not have other ideas half-heartedly, and all preparations would focus on this night attack.

The farmers held torches and still stayed in their original positions.

But the militiamen were already holding long guns and standing behind the fence near the mountain.

The fence is only as high as one person. The big-eared monster is a monster in the stronghold. Xu Lai is not familiar with it. What if this thing is very good at climbing over the wall.

Behind the gate, Xu Lai arranged the rogue and the horse archers.

As a level 2 melee unit, the rogue is already Xu Lai's best warrior, while the cavalry serves as a mobile force to support the entire frontal battlefield.

The rest of the people, including the witch and the long archer, were taken outside the camp by Xu Lai and found a place in the grass on higher ground to ambush.

Their biggest advantage now is that the orcs' actions have been known to Xu Lai, while the orcs know nothing about their actions.

Therefore, Xu Lai did not choose to stay in the camp and passively engage the enemy. Instead, he took his people outside the camp to conduct a flanking attack.

Unless the orcs don't come to attack his camp, they will definitely be flanked if they come.

This group of orcs couldn't swim across the river in the middle of the night. The river was neither wide nor narrow.

The key is that the river is extremely deep. Even if the orcs can swim, as long as the militiamen are poking on the shore to prevent them from getting ashore, they will all drown in this small river.

Xu Lai would not bet that such a large camp would allow him to lead people across the river smoothly.

He was not wrong in his bet. The orc troops came straight to the camp in great excitement, without even lighting their torches. Xu Lai's move of asking the farmers to pretend not to see it had no effect at all.

Maybe Mayor Lacy was right. These orcs were just a bunch of fools, without any brains.

They were able to see the road clearly with the torches, but they also became a beacon in the darkness. Originally, Xu Lai and the others had to wait for these people to get close to the torches on the fence before they could shoot, but now they opened their bows as soon as they turned around.

Including Xu Lai himself, there were a total of 11 shooters, all of whom had the same goal, which was the orc who was surrounded in the middle and showed off his power the most.

In an instant, 11 arrows flew out. Except for Xu Lai's arrow which missed the target and landed in the group of big-eared monsters, the rest of the arrows all hit the orc.

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