The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 43 Knights and Priests

Judging from the map, Pingfeng Mountain has poor resources and the mountain road is extremely difficult to walk. It is very physically demanding and dangerous.

The scouts did not reach the top of the mountain during this reconnaissance, but only reached halfway up the mountain.

Climbing from the Xu Lai camp to the top of the mountain, the straight-line distance should be less than 10 kilometers. Logically speaking, it is still within the scouting range.

However, this scout said that he was unable to cross the mountainside. It was not that the mountain road was difficult enough to block a professional scout like him, but that a group of orcs had occupied the only access to the mountain.

The mountain road is extremely narrow, and the scout's invisibility only makes people invisible. It does not mean that his physical body disappears, and there is no way to climb through the bodies of those orcs.

The number of orcs was not large. In the words of the scouts, they were just a few, ranging from 5 to 9 people.

However, they also dug a cave themselves. The cave was so big that the scouts couldn't go in to investigate, and it was unclear how many people were hidden inside.

At the foot of Pingfeng Mountain is the grassland, and a little further east from the grassland is Xu Lai's camp, which is also the only area marked with color on the entire map.

Well, the green one was used, and I don’t know if I squeezed some grass juice on the spot and applied it on.

The camp was completely empty further east. The scouts had exhausted their energy and could only return to camp to rest.

Without a tent, they can recover naturally, but the speed will be slower.

Things like physical strength are okay, and the recovery speed is very fast. The health value is affected by the physical constitution. Consumables and the like can only be restored through buildings or props such as tents.

After studying the map for a while, a man from Gram Village whom Xu Lai had met came over and said that he was invited by the village chief Lazi.

Xu Lai guessed that someone from the temple had arrived. It was only 4 or 5 hours since Pastor Rasha sent the message in the morning.

He hurriedly led people to Gram Village. This time Xu Lai brought an extra witch. He didn't know where the people in the temple were, just in case he couldn't get along with him.

Strictly speaking, Xu Lai himself is considered a black man. He is neither a native of this world nor has any blood connection with the native humans of this world.

Xu Lai has been to Gram Village so many times, and it feels like he is familiar with the roads.

However, as soon as Xu Lai entered the village this time, he felt very different from usual.

In the past, grazing was needed, and there were not many young people, especially male young people, in the village.

But this time when he entered the village, all the young people who were usually invisible, including the son of the village chief who Xu Lai had missed several times, actually appeared in the village.

Outside the village, you can still vaguely hear the neighing of horses.

Apparently the people in Gram Village would rather bring the animals back and take care of them than miss the visitors from the temple, which made Xu Lai more and more curious.

The horses were stored outside the village. When the villagers went to let the horses go, Xu Lai even caught a glimpse of them.

The two white horses with snow-white hair and no stray hairs were extremely eye-catching, but Xu Lai's focus was entirely on the majestic black horse that stood out from the crowd.

Gram Village raises horses, so naturally there are good horses in the village, and that black horse is much taller than the strongest horse in Gram Village.

In addition to the majestic body, the most eye-catching thing is the heavy armor on the black horse. The silver light of the metal is particularly dazzling under the reflection of the sun.

From Xu Lai's limited military knowledge, he remembered that heavy cavalry generally don't wear armor until before a battle, and this is true for both men and horses.

If the rider and vest weighing hundreds of kilograms are carried throughout the entire journey, no matter how majestic the horse is, it will not be able to sustain it for long.

But the war horse was always wearing its armor even when resting in the stable. How could it not surprise Xu Lai.

This time, Xu Lai did not go directly to the village chief's house. Although his house was the most luxurious place in Gram Village, the brother who invited Xu Lai led him directly to the altar in the center of the village.

The altar was the only relatively large open space in the village. When Xu arrived, the open space was already filled with people.

A heavily armored knight turned his back to Xu Lai and others. He knelt on one knee and led the villagers to pray to a small statue of the God of War at the altar.

Xu Lai remembered clearly that the altar had always been empty, and sacrifices would only be placed on Sundays.

The younger brother brought Xu Lai over. When he saw this scene, he no longer cared about Xu Lai. He hurriedly found a place at the back and knelt down on one knee.

For a moment, Xu Lai felt quite embarrassed. Everyone was pointing their butts at him, whether he was kneeling or not.

Without Xu Lai's order, neither Su Ya nor the long archers paid any attention to the God of War standing on the altar.

It's true that Xu Lai is an unbeliever, but due to the Chinese tradition, he can still bow to others when passing by a temple or something. It doesn't matter if it's useful or not, he won't suffer any loss.

It doesn't matter if he bows down, but it is difficult for Xu Lai to learn how to kneel down like these believers. He is good at everything, but he is a bit embarrassed.

Not to mention the flattery, even the daily human sophistication is not impressive.

However, this God of War is a true god after all. It is said that he cannot directly descend to the lower world, but there is no need to offend him.

Hiding at the end and praying twice, Xu Lai waited quietly until everyone finished praying.

Seeing everyone getting up one after another, Xu Lai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you the hero born in this world?"

Xu Laihao couldn't take a breath, and it's not his fault. Who would have thought that when he was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, several people would suddenly appear behind him where there was no one there, and they would talk to him seriously.

Seeing Xu Lai turn around, a priest dressed in pure white and wearing a pure white hood bowed slightly and said:

"Sorry, I didn't expect to scare you. I thought you would hear my footsteps."

After the physical enhancement, Xu Lai's five senses were actually strengthened quite a lot. Although his hearing was not as good as the vision blessed by the Eagle Eye Technique, at least he would not be unable to hear the footsteps behind him.

It's just that his mind was completely attracted to the front and ignored his behind.

Of course, this is also related to his lack of combat experience. After all, the country he has lived in for decades is very safe. Even if he becomes vigilant after coming to a strange world, he will habitually relax.

The priest was not tall, and Xu Lai could easily look down on him.

But after the priest lowered his head, the white hood completely covered her face. Xu Lai couldn't see her face. He could only tell from her voice that she was probably an extremely young female priest.

After the service, all the villagers dispersed under the driving of the village chief Lazi.

In the empty small square, after a while, only Xu Lai and his party, as well as Mayor Lazi and Pastor Rasha of Gram Village, were left.

Of course, there were also people coming from the temple. When the crowd dispersed, Xu Lai could see clearly. There were three of them, and the one at the forefront was the knight who led everyone to worship.

He is a middle-aged man, not tall, with a very generous build.

I don't know why, Xu Lai just glanced at him and felt a deep sense of trust in him.

Behind him was a middle-aged priest who was dressed similarly to the female priest next to Xu Lai, except that she had many more golden threads on her body.

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