The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 513 Flag Granting and Treasure Giving

"Please ask the commander of the Qingfeng Legion, Commander Reina, to come out and answer?"

While the flag was waving, Roland suddenly shouted loudly.

Reina narrowed her eyes, clamped the unicorn beast under her crotch with her two slender and powerful thighs, jumped out of the crowd, and replied in the same loud voice:

"Rena Memphis, leading the Qingfeng Legion of more than 24,000 troops, welcomes the Lord."

Xu Lai and his guards stopped firmly in front of the Qingfeng Legion, but none of them made any move. Only Roland held the flag high and rode his horse to Reina.

"By the order of your lord, Your Excellency Xu Lai, I am giving you a military flag."

Reina took the military flag with both hands respectfully, and the power of the Sea King Flag was instantly given to Reina and the entire Qingfeng Army.

Lena, who is well-informed, understood the power contained in this flag the moment she held it.

She held the flag tightly, saluted Xu Lai and said:

"Thank you, Lord, for conferring the flag. Please give orders to the Qingfeng Legion!"

Xu Lai nodded and said: "Commander Reina Legion, now I need you to lead the Qingfeng Legion, and you must arrive at Martell's territory within two days.

And, assist Lord Jimmy Martell, Lord of Martell Territory, in guarding Martell City. "

Reina held the flag high and said: "Your will will be realized."

After the order was issued, Xu Lai introduced the situation and said: "

Your troops will encounter enemies many times your number, and the commander of these enemies is Aini, the ruler of the grassland who assassinated me several times and colluded with the orcs.

You have two main tasks. One is to prevent Aini from capturing Martell, and the other is not to let Aini escape.

If Aini has more troops, don't fight him head-on, just hold him back and wear him down. "

Although Reina is a high-level hero, her equipment has been gradually replenished. Xu Lai even handed her the battle flag he just obtained. Anyway, she has advanced water spells and also bought a new magic book from the magic guild.

But even so, Xu Lai still felt uneasy.

In his mind, elves may be better at long-range combat, and they may not be Aini's opponent in this kind of head-on combat.

In any case, Aini is also a human commander who has experienced battles with orcs. In addition, his own troops are indeed inferior to the opponent's, and the troops are not commanded by Xu Lai himself, so he can't help feeling uneasy.

He was originally worried that he would infect this bad mood to Reina and the others, so he asked Roland to issue the order on his behalf.

But when it came time, he still couldn't hold it back and gave a few more instructions.

After all, it was his fortune that he had accumulated little by little, and it was normal for Xu Lai to be worried if it was handed over to someone else.

How could an elf who had lived for who knows how many years not know what Xu Lai was worried about.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured, I dare not say that I can bring the troops back intact.

But in my hands, they will suffer the fewest casualties in history. "

Xu Lai coughed and said with a smile: "It's not necessary to be too demanding. You can sacrifice more when recruiting soldiers, but it's better to protect the real ones.

I hope that as many people as there are going out on the expedition, there will be as many when they come back. Each of them is an indispensable part of Qingfeng City.

Of course, you are more important to me, so you need to protect yourself even more. "

"Okay, okay, my verbose lord, do you have anything else to tell me about the information?"

It is no exaggeration to say that Reina has lost count of the number of times she has led her troops on expeditions. There is no need for such a serious explanation from Xu Lai.

Of course, this explanation, which was obviously out of concern, only attracted ridicule from Reina, but it did not mean that she would lose her loyalty because of it.

"Ahem, in terms of intelligence, there should be nothing to pay attention to.

The opponent has not released any high-level spells, and the number of long-range troops is quite large, but they have suffered a lot in siege battles in the past few days.

Besides this they had many mounted cavalry, but very few cavalry. "

"Wait a minute, my respected lord, what do you mean there are a lot of cavalry on horseback? Are there also cavalry who don't ride on horseback?"

Xu Lai explained awkwardly: "Maybe I expressed it incorrectly. On the grassland, basically everyone can ride a horse and has the skills to do so.

So I say they have a lot of "cavalry" on horseback, but these cavalry have not received formal knight training and are not good at fighting on horseback, so I say there are very few cavalry.

The former refers to mounted infantry, while the latter is true cavalry. "

Reina nodded and said: "I understand, Lord, is there anything else you want to explain?

If not, I will leave as soon as possible. Looking at the distance on the map, this journey is not close. "

Xu Lai also knew the importance of military strength and speed. Moreover, if Martell's castle was breached, Xu Lai's rescue would lose most of its meaning.

"There is nothing more to explain. You should set off quickly and pay more attention to the logistics troops on the way. It should be the first time for Wang Chao to lead so many people.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to give this to you. "

As Xu Lai spoke, he took out a spherical treasure from his space backpack.

Not the ball of destruction, but the ball of forbidden magic.

"This is?"

Xu Lai sighed and said: "It is a forbidden magic ball. With it, any spells that are actively released cannot be released unless a magic scroll is used."

Reina nodded and said: "I know this treasure. It matches my defensive skills very well."

At the same time, this treasure is also a key treasure that limits the Doomsday Blade.

Fortunately, with Rena's loyalty, she shouldn't betray him.

With Reina's ultimate defense skills and her defensive skills, the entire army is really covered with an invisible iron plate.

No, iron plate is not enough to describe it, it should be called steel plate.

The only thing Reina and her troops lack is the ability to defend against magic.

Even Xu Lai, who has ultimate resistance, has many spells that he cannot withstand, let alone Reina, who only has advanced resistance.

But with the Forbidden Magic Ball, it's different. Even the enemy can still cast spells through the scroll.

However, the scroll spells are fixed and do not enjoy any bonuses, so the threat is greatly reduced.

Besides, you can’t just buy as many magic scrolls as you want.

Generally speaking, you don't need to prepare spells that you know and are good at. You only need to prepare some other spells that are not commonly used but may be useful.

It can be said that Xu Lai's Forbidden Magic Ball has made up for Reina's last shortcoming.

Although this shortcoming has not been directly stretched to the same level as physical defense, it has at least increased the water storage capacity of Reina's bucket.

After solemnly putting away the treasure, Lei An immediately turned around and waved the flag in his hand.

The moment the flag waved, Tahan waved his hand, and Yan Feng led the archers like raindrops towards the grassland.

Like Xu Lai, Leina also chose this type of cavalry as the path-opening cavalry, which had strong reconnaissance capabilities, fast movement speed, and long-range attacks.

The remaining cavalry were divided into two parts. One part protected the wings of the large army, and the other part stayed in place, waiting for the logistics troops to set off before following the end of the team.

The logistics troops led by Wang Chao are still in Reina's army for the time being.

With master-level logistics skills and the agility of the Qingfeng City War God's Golden Statue, even if they are mainly infantry, their movement speed is not low.

However, although Wang Chao had the rapid cloak given by Xu Lai, he was only carrying slow-moving supply trucks and other baggage.

If there is not enough time, Reina may just leave the logistics behind and rush off in the second half.

This time it was not to attack the city, so Xu Lai only asked Wang Chao to bring hundreds of crossbows, and none of the slower catapults moved.

The flag was flying. Although the troops had only been training for two days, under the leadership of Rena, everything was in order.

The logistics troops in the rear seemed a bit chaotic. The flags of each team were in chaos, and there were shouts from veterans and officers everywhere.

But this is normal. After all, the logistics force recruits living people, unlike those recruited soldiers who are naturally orderly and understand military orders.

In two or three days, a group of new recruits can barely get to know their commanders, recognize flags, and understand simple military orders. That's pretty good.

If we could complete a simple formation and march well without falling behind, many people would be able to basically call it a miracle.

Fortunately, the logistics troops do not need to participate in the battle for the time being. Officers at all levels only need to take care of their own team members and minimize losses outside of combat.

In fact, with hundreds of crossbows and a large number of veterans, even the logistics force is still capable of combat.

But at this stage, they just need to take care of themselves.

Xu Lai now has the feeling that her mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles away.

But no matter what, the Qingfeng Legion had to give up and go out for training, otherwise Xu Lai would not have the need to establish this legion.

After the large army left, Xu Lai also took people back to the city and ordered a temporary closure of the city. All caravans and citizens were not allowed to go out today.

It's not that they are not allowed to go out, but they are not allowed to go out of the city, mainly to prevent military information from being leaked.

Xu Lai actually knew that there must be Aini's spies in Qingfeng City.

But this time, the manpower of the security team has been greatly increased, and Xu Lai specially invited a mage to cooperate.

As long as the possibility of physical communication can be blocked, the only way to send a message to Aini is through magical communication.

The mages Xu Lai invited may not be able to identify magic communications, but magic induction is a basic required course for every mage.

The mage senses magic fluctuations, and the security team comes to inquire. There may be some mistakes, but as long as the compensation is in place, many people will understand.

If you can't understand it, it's probably not all mistakes.

Moreover, the Qingfeng Legion has been out cleaning up the bison during this period, and Xu Lai only formally assembled.

Even if there is a traitor, it may not be possible to clearly judge Xu Lai's purpose.

Those who know Xu Lai's purpose are insiders worthy of Xu Lai's trust.

Xu Lai was not at the scene to direct the arrest, he had more important things to do.

After the Qingfeng Legion left, Qingfeng City's defense seemed a bit empty.

Although the security team, his Knight Guards, and the Angel Legion are still there, the number of the army has dropped significantly after all.

So Xu Lai gave all the soldiers recruited this month to Giselle and asked her to pull all the shooters who were being trained to the city wall.

The guards on the castle can only be replaced by those mages. The original castle guards are all stationed on the streets, city gates and gaps in the city walls.

"It will be hard for you in the next few days. I have already given an order to Dill. He will bring a group of infantry to stay here for a period of time.

I'll leave Xiaolan here too, please help me take care of her. "

Su Ya frowned and said, "What about underground?"

Xu Lai thought for a while and said: "There are no external forces in Mingyue City for the time being, and there are still a large number of shooters there, so we are not afraid even if there are wild monsters attacking the city.

If I'm really unlucky and Moriel comes to visit me at this time, I can make arrangements in advance, so I don't have to worry too much. "

This is the advantage of Xu Lai deploying his investigative eyes all the way outside the maze.

Even if Moriel discovers Mingyue City and goes straight to Mingyue City, Xu Lai still has enough time to return to Qingfeng City and settle in Mingyue City for defense.

"I still think it's better to let Dill guard underground. Otherwise, wouldn't it be unsafe to let sister Yu Lan guard those horse thieves alone?"

Xu Lai thought for a while and said: "Then when Dill comes back, let Giselle take her shooters down to keep company.

I have to leave after nightfall. Those people won't be able to see my knights tomorrow. I don't know what kind of trouble they will cause. More troops will be needed to suppress them. "

In Qingfeng City now, there are not only caravans coming and going, but also large and small mercenary groups, and even the so-called guards brought by the descending heroes.

As soon as Xu Lai left, Qingfeng City's apparent defense force consisted of the hundreds of guards originally guarding the castle and some shooters around Giselle.

Wei Yihong's caravan guards should number around 3,400 now. Together with the security team and less than 200 mages, they can barely make up more than 1,000 people.

Elena and her pastor will definitely be on Xu Lai's side. The problem is that even if she is included, there are not many people in total.

Of course Xu Lai would not be afraid of these people if they committed crimes alone.

Just be afraid, these people will unite.

After all, Su Ya is just a general. Even those descending heroes may have lower levels than the soldiers of Qingfeng City in terms of attributes.

If this was because Xu Lai was away and his hometown was robbed, wouldn't it be funny?

But Dill and his army of swordsmen must be mobilized. There are 3000+ swordsmen standing guard. If anyone dares to make any move, Xu Lai can directly destroy them.

"Okay then, please protect yourself when you go out this time, and don't force yourself."

Xu Lai nodded and said: "Don't worry, I won't be impulsive. If something cannot be done, I will just give up. Nothing is more important than human life.

Compared to me, I'm still more worried about you and Qingfeng City.

This time, Aaron should be able to find out something more.

If I'm not here, you must not be merciful and investigate severely for me.

In troubled times, if you use heavy codes, I will kill the chicken and show it to the monkey, so that the guys in the city can give me a little peace. "(End of chapter)

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